What is objectively the best crypto?

What is objectively the best crypto?
(In terms of usability, fungibility, technology)
Pajeets, fuck off. Just fuck off with your coins.

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secret gem

XMR because its actually used
everything else is a pyramid scheme

sorry breh

Ether with link

The best crypto?
None of them

We think alike

BAT, unironically. It has a working product and a stellar dev team with a track record for success in emerging tech markets, and real partnerships with big players. Read into it, Brendan "4th reich" Eich won't let you down. Oh also don't listen to the $1 memes.

Oh baby baby, how am i supposed to know?

In all seriousness... why should i buy BAT, which is focussed on current internet technology, when i can huge SKY in the future to browse the new internet without all that advertising bullshit?

Please sir im from microsoft excel invest in chainlink. Curry curry.

The only reason this is even a question is because blockstream destroyed btc creating the alt market

Bch will get 90% market share



came here to post this


Attached: syscoin_amazon_2.png (1256x1120, 809K)

Time to cry some boomer tears for my lost youth

if you think that an altcoin is going to not only completely change the fundamentals of how the internet works but also make things like BAT not function entirely, then you might have brain damage.

1 Price
2 Utility
3 Governance
4 Distribution
5 Price

Either XMR + Decred are best in principle. But ETH + OMG for long term upside potential. If you want dirty magic p&d gainz XVG + EOS + XRP.

Maybe monero

REQ and LINK will be the only coins that matter in 6 months

EOS once the mainnet launches

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Thanks. No awnser. I stand by my statement. SKY is going to make 90% of shitcoins obsolute by offering true decentralization.

Monero and Zcash for privacy.
Stellar Lumens for speed.
Ethereum for smart contracts.
Peercoin for stability.

Everything else is just extra

you are a meme

Everything else has 0 adoption and is vapor

Prove me wrong

STEEM has more adoption than all other blockchains combined.

>peercoin and stellar
How delusional are you

BCH. It's just for transactions right now but nails it. For increased anonymity Cash Shuffle can be used and coin mixer services if even more is desired. Smart contracts, eh, not as versatile as ETH but at least BCH requires no gas and scales much better for its purpose (ETH couldn't even handle CryptoKittens). I also see the most promising future in Bitcoin Cash in term of innovation and heavy support from guys that made Bitcoin what it is today.

Attached: bch booklet.jpg (1814x1371, 1.27M)

Unironically? Skycoin and EOS. XRP too even though its a bankster coin that the banks will never use.

Lmao the fact that no one can agree proves that crypto is a lost cause. To answer your question without a hint of irony it's fiat: it's usable, fungible, and the technology exists. Also there's a paper version, it works online, and there are millions of working cards.

Gets new adopters and real world use constantly. Cheap right now. Q3 finna be good senpai

How much ether for that phone case?

Ardor is my long term bet. Literally works in a sea of piss...

not for sale I'm holding until goes up in value again like crypto..

I heard you can exchange it for gold or silver too then it's not tied to the government if you're a foilhatbro.

damn fiat currency does everything crypto promised to do 10 years ago

The government can legally seize your gold if it deems necessary (e.g. war time). Also, if you don't own the actual physical gold then you don't really own shit. Now once you own the physical gold, what do you do with it? Store it under your mattress? or put it in a bank safe and trust them to keep it safe for you?
