So lets say this shit is going to be successful and diesel engines will be thing of a past in the next 5-10 years. What's it going to do to the oil price and especially countries depended on it like UAE ?
So lets say this shit is going to be successful and diesel engines will be thing of a past in the next 5-10 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
>5-10 years
More like 20-30 years for electric to be dominant
It will, are you retarded?
Countries are sick and tired of the BS coming from those sandniggers.
first, electric vehicles wont change the jet plane economy still need fuel for that.
secondly this split into multiple parts
a') as electric vehicle production and demand grows - prices for rare earth metals like cobalt and platinum uses for battery tech will go up
b) china is trying to escape the morass of this nightmare and trying to go full electric as quickly as possible. It knows america is almost energy independent and one of their weaknesses is energy dependence.
c) The countries to most be affected by this change will be the Arab oil producing states and Russia.
d) Russia needs to seriously diversify their economy to like 30% to 20% oil to with stand an oil shock
e) Arab oil states will either follow two paths. Become more radical starving muzzies are angry muzzies or modernize i doubt this. This will make them descend into irrevalance for another 1000 years. Turkey could
in effect restablish the ottoman empire from ashes of the weak arab states
the big kicker for oil is fusion energy if that becomes viable within 30 years everything changes and its all bets off.
Electric cars won't do shit to oil prices. Until plastics, oils, machine lubricants, fertilizers are replace by non petroleum then oil prices will be defined by international politics. Nat gas has a higher likelihood of diminishing oil prices and has more of an effect on energy prices.
Electric cars need energy from somewhere.
They will, however, kill off internal combustion engines as soon as more cars put their focus on immediate torque motors like Tesla's got. The more people experience this the less people will be interested in anything under 500hp cars (not that go means anything in terms of torque). BMW, Merc, Volvo, Audi will all move to full electric in the next 5-10 years. Kia and Hyundai will meet this timeline. US cars will be left in the dust marketing to free, granola librels instead of pandering to the people that sway the avg buyer like tesla has by investing in technocrats.
Wanna drop oil prices? Let the middle East go unmeddled. They will tank prices to stave off internation competition and end up burning up their oil supplies on the cheap. 25 yrs and they're done.
what percentage of plastics is oil production thoguh. As i understand it the vast majority of oil is used to power things. namely cars and planes.
if majority of is diverted to EVs and powering a grid like ahouses oil producers will be in a very bad situation as their cash flow will disppear.
Some producers may be able to "thug" it out for while but inevitably they will just be making pennies
I doubt it. As gas gets more expensive, car makers just make more efficient vehicles. Gas was so cheap big SUVs and trunks went back to being popular. If oil went up way over $100 you'd also have supply from oil sands becoming viable. Actually that is why OPEC countries actually keep the price from going too high, they keep it in the range where only they are profitable to maintain their monopoly. It shuts out other sources of oil.
Electric battery technology really needs to progress as well. I doubt electric will become popular instead of alternative energy sources like hydrogen or fuel cell unless there is a breakthrough in battery technology.
They just need to quit little bitches and quit hiding the good batteries that have been around for decades. Voyager I has been in space for 40 years and 9 months and still receives and sends regular signals to Earth. Yet, my phone battery can't make it past lunchtime without a charge.
A tiny amount. But ~50% of crude oil goes into gasoline for our cars. The rest is diesel for tractor-trailers, jet fuel for planes, still gas, industrial residue, etc. We'll be dependent on fossil fuels for a very long time even when electric cars become the norm.
North America has much more oil than we ever thought it did. So much so that the middle east is even buying from us. Don't discount it so soon.
in 20-30 years ya
mirin that tesla I do want one
but tesla owners are such smug delusional fuckwads. I see vanity plates like "NOMOOIL" and "86DOPEC" You personally 86'ed OPEC? really faggot? die in a battery fire
I just want to see muzzie countries eat shit, and if tesla is going to do it, so be it
Its not absolute reserve that counts. Its recoverable reserves that determine if its profitable to drill. The world runs not on oil but CHEAP easy to refine oil. America being a net exporter is a canary in the coal mine. That means Saudi is way past peak and the fun will begin soon.
There isnt enough cheap oil in the world to replicate all oil based inputs used to manufacture cars. Also, how do you think electricity is produced? Do you also think rare earths are in infinite supply?
Holy shit people are actually this stupid
Fuck you Eco commie the (((left))) wants red blooded American men to get pussified by giving up our diesel trucks cause of (((global warming))). I put up an extra stack just to trigger liberal faggot niggers like you. Scum of the fuckin Earth. I bet you drive some rius looking fag car you kike.
Well to be fair, they did scuttle thorium reactors to feed the nuclear fuel supply chain.
If you haven't seen it do
Oil ain't ending with me and my F350 around. Thats DIESEL for you euro pussies who don't know a real truck from the cock in your ass.
Voyager I uses radioisotope thermoelectric generators, you don't know shit.
woah how do u fire bend
there are more oil reserves known now than at any time in human history
Lol forget the oil industry, think about this will do to auto cucks who bought cars thinking they’d be able to sell them once they were done or trade them in. Used car market will disappear practically overnight once ev and automated cars become mainstream affordable. Automated cars = prohibitively expensive insurance rates for meat bag operated vehicles = no demand for used cuckmobiles.
At this point OPEC and the other top oil economies have shot themselves in the foot and about four times in their leg as well. There was a great piece in the journal earlier this week about this exact issue of lowering prices. When they did it back in 2015-16 they definitely hurt the US producers but, the ones who made it through came out more efficient. There are now estimates that US production could survive @$40/bbl while most ME countries can’t go below $50
Came off too strong, if you're trying to larp you need more realistic bait dumbass
Yea the numbers I've seen are $37-50 for US production. However I've read SA can produce at $7/BBL.
SA tanked the price to hurt the US but we just developed fracking and horizontal drilling techs.
SA was funding ISIS, J kush went to SA expressing a desire to remove the radical islamic faction from power and in turn we would raise oil prices domestically. That was the arrests you saw by the young Prince a few months ago.
SA, with the help of US, also is diversifying their market away from oil so that they are better positioned in there future when they have diminishing reserves and will have backing of US Israel and EU. This is officially securing the middle East for Western interests and SA is brought into the fold.
Oil is gonna find it's equilibrium band soon probably between $70-95 with peaks in the low 100-110 coming around the next major war in the Syria/Turkey region (got to obstruct the supply to Europe)
where are you currently?
They wont warn us either, one day it will just be sorry no gas LOL, like what happened in the early 70s
>especially countries depended on it like UAE ?
We shoulda never gave those niggers money! Without oil the middle East would just be another hot, uninteresting shithole, with it's population kept in check and contained to the region. Oil is literally the influence of Satan, attempting to spread his religion (Islam).
>Also, how do you think electricity is produced
Nuclear power and hydro dams
> being proud of driving a diesel truck lmao
U realise that’s what farmers nd poor people drive everywhere else in the world?
hydro is local. nuclear takes time to scale. sure if we'd never stopped building plants in 70s. but now its too late.
Do you realize hydro is the baseline production, the only not-shit way of storing power (80+% yield) and the fastest response to consumption peaks ?
that's not going to happen. Diesel isn't going anywhere for at least 20 more years
Diesel != Gasoline
I know their post is stupid, but there is something neat about space radio communication I learned a few months ago that is pretty neat.
In space, far from Earth you need very little wattage to send a signal back to Earth. Reason being is because unlike Earth there is no other radios or interference in general.
That said to detect a voyager signal on Earth requires those massive microwave dishes and a power plant worth of power.
Well fucking put those things in cars so we can drive them for 40 years. Problem solved.
That's what's cars in Fallout are supposed to run off.
Except that's all bullshit, we've never left low-earth orbit and can't get anything through the Van Allen Belt.
Once electric cars become mainstream, a ton of jobs will be lost since mechanics would no longer be needed as the cars only run on battery and there are no mechanical parts, also car breakdown services. Petrol filling stations will have to close down and the suppliers like Shell will have to adapt or fall off like Blockbuster.
And I haven't even talked about self driving cars.
>, a ton of jobs will be lost since mechanics would no longer be needed as the cars only run on battery and there are no mechanical parts
>there is no mechanical parts on electric engines
are you a retard ?
Okay fool, if you want to be pedantic there are 20 moving parts in electrical cars compared to 2000 parts on a normal car. Less parts, less likely to breakdown, less jobs.
This fucking thread reminds me that i really should get a big loud v8.
Electric cars are at least 20 years away. I like them. But theyre soulless.
Im yuropoor. Are 2015+ mustangs good? Any other v8 to consider shitting on environment?
>20 moving parts in electrical cars compared to 2000 parts on a normal car
yeah sure lel, cars are made of 30k parts, even electric ones.
this is the truth, the only wear items on an electric powertrain are the bearings and gears, which have very long service lives.
on something like a Tesla you have multiple cooling systems, but they’re not exposed to combustion products or high temperatures, so the service lives are similarly extended.
the semiconductors on the inverter willl last forever unless they get hit with a high energy cosmic ray, depending on the technology they could suffer mechanical degredation of the bond wires from thermal cycling.
the brakes and suspension still have to be serviced, as does the A/C, but those pads might just last the lifetime of the vehicle because most of the braking is regenerative.
LOL poor fags are dreaming that uae will go to shit. Do u think uae didn’t think of solutions for the future ? Here is what will happen .
Uae already built nuclear reactor which will supply 30% of uae energy , gas will continue to be used for Water plants , oil waste will be continued to be used for plastic productions , not every country in the world will stop importing oil. Tourism is going crazy there because well it’s one of the most advanced countries in the world and the safest.
Of corse uae will continue to import europian slaves to work so the locals live the lavish life , because oh well we already know it that europian economy is shit ... replacing Asians with Europeans .
Green energy is becoming the norm here , uae is building the biggest solar farm , and that’s all the begging kek.
God damn it’s like uae is in different league in comparison to the other countries haha.
This guy still believes in space... you believe in Santa and the easter bunny too?
why not try this..
Do you realize hydro is the baseline production, the only not-shit way of storing power LOCALLY (80+% yield) and the fastest response to LOCAL consumption peaks ? It will remain local until we have a supercondcuting transmission network.
The whole european electrical network is buffered by the dams in the alps, yeah it's local, at a continental scale.
So smaller than NE US?
You are mentally retarded do you think that the 400 million Africans who don't have light are going to buy an electric car... just find out how many used cars are exported to Africa a day... that can accommodate all US and Europe 5+ year old cars/trucks
With Keystone and N Dakota access that figure is down to $20.
Peak oil is in 2045 faggit
Boomers said it would be 25-50 years before internet will go mainstream in 1999. The case for electric powered cars is even stronger. The main issue (was) battery life and power storage and there's already tons of really good solutions. Elon Musk and his global tribe of cuckolds won.
I can tell from real life experience that on my 100Kw solar system the maintenance is cleaning the panels and putting a little water in the lead/acid batteries, the inverter's (Victron Quattro 8KW) have been running 24/7 with no maintenance for 6 years.
You forgot the battery.
Tell me user, how long did the battery in your last cell phone last for?
Save lives (ie slaves)
Dominant, yes. Prominent? 5-10 years electric vehicles will start to become cheap for the average joe to buy it as a new car.
Got to test drive a Zero SR the other day. Most fun I've ever had on a motorcycle, but the fact that with the extended battery it STILL struggles to get 120 miles to a charge at highway speeds is what's keeping me from justifying a $20k price tag.