>He only speaks english
It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.
Yes, I speak the only language that matters,
hello pajeet
Nah, this is probably a European. Those fuckers speak like 3 languages.
just use google translate faggot, learning language in the 21st century is overrated and became a waste of time.
I admit i've been fudding Link in various threads. But guess what, im a Link holder and im starting to doubt it's potential. There’s no way this is goin to 1000. Aint nobody testing on Ropsten or anything. I FUD it because i dont want nonbelievers to buy in but now there’s no volume and I can’t sell my bags!
>I only drink budweiser
There is no reason to learn other languages.
English is all you need to enjoy teh internet, maybe some Japanese too, but most of the interesting stuff gets translated into english anyway.
Kek kek I see you befor sirs. I like this funny
Wonder if there are Jow Forums equivalents in other languages? Imagine the possibilities....
Du Ignorant hast ja keine Ahnung. Weisst du was es bedeutet "Ahnung zu haben". No you don't know.
Fucking burger..
Wat bedoelde hij hiermee?
Nice to know you only speak Spanish
Pero que maricón tan estúpido jaja.
Fucking burger...
I speak the languages I drink most of my beer from.
Australian,Mexican and German.
US beer is pisss
hahahaha. Language has become a must if you plan on doing anything internationally and significant. Keep on managing the local library user, you are doing great
Small-soul monolinguals.
its good for your mind to learn a second language, its also fun and a good experience
when I finally dropped wagecucking I picked up some of the asian languages to fill in the time
because we have to
uni language for the internet is english and we've got a language for every small country