It's about time we get something like this going

It's about time we get something like this going.

Where do I start Jow Forums?
>fap way to much, all day everyday
>smoke way to much weed, all day everyday
>barely excersise
>eat like shit
>not fat but skinny neet
>brain always foggy
>sleep sucks
>anxiety and depression is ruthless
>used to be able to pick up girls and fuck em all the time but recently my self esteem has just dropped to zero
>26 years old

Where do I start? how long till I notice improvements? Is no fap actually that beneficial and the difference is major? etc.

Give a bro a hand

Attached: ANTICUCK.png (1284x846, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

also I'm unemployed, my posture sucks and I'm unmotivated to do shit

Literally u don’t have to change anything really other than work out harder, eat at least something healthy every day and try to apply your mind once in a while. You are just extremely lazy and even the smallest amount of effort for self improvement will fix 99% of the illusion of pain that you are trapped under

i'm 27 and kick ass.

sorry for your fag bags OP you should really just cut some fat out of your life and live a little. stop trying to become a milionaire overnight and enjoy your life.

or you could just kys


>>Jow Forums

This. Incremental improvements. Make commitment to positive change and let it snowball

Thanks, most people tell me that I should quit cold turkey and go healthy all out

this seems more beneficial thanks.

my favourite chinese "herb" will work wonders for you

start by KYS

No prob OP. I'm with you, I'm 28 and never had more opportunities and freedom, but I've also never been in worse physical shape. Nothing crazy but definitely need to turn 10 pounds of fat into muscle. It's about balance, I think I smoke too much too.

fap less, read more (but still fap occasionally)
keep smoking weed
exercise a fuckton more, and regularly
MEN cook, boys eat. Learn to cook.
your figure will come into shape if you workout
your brain clears up if you eat right and workout
sleep is necessity- get 7-9 hours
reduction in anxiety and depression if you're in shape and eating right, less worry because you'll have extra "armor" and more brain activity with increased benefits as time goes on.
you'll fuck like a proper chad if you do anything remotely close to what's been outlined

Using starting strength or stronglifts 5x5, Lift and progress in weight three days a week minimum. Eat at a SLIGHT deficit until your bf% is more acceptable. Everything else will follow because you can't afford to be degenerate if you dedicate yourself to lifting.
t. Somebody who did this starting at your age and turned his life around from similar circumstances.

>Where do I start?
Pick what you think is your biggest problem, don't worry about the others, just one single issues which you're gonna fix (hint: it's probably sleep, not fapping)

>how long till I notice improvements?
Don't worry about that, in fact sometimes it's better to self-delude and think you're getting better because of the placebo effect - it will help with your motivation and stuff.
Also there's a bunch of research literature on the idea of "attribution" and "locus of control" that suggests that simply thinking you have control over your life leads to more positive outcomes.
Improvements will be different for everyone, even different for you in different points in your life depending on your metabolism, routine etc. Just fucking commit.

>Is no fap actually that beneficial and the difference is major? etc.
Fapping isn't the root of your problems, but it does compound them. No Fap isn't some magic spell that fixes everything (and it doesn't help you get girls either), but learning impulse control will improve many aspects of your life.

A few questions:
Do you consider yourself to have a routine or a structure?
Do you have any projects or things which you're actively making progress on - if you do have commitments but abandoned them or a few days/weeks have slipped since you last made progress, what went wrong?
WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? Short term and Long Term? Why?

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>Give a bro a hand
It sounds like you have given yourself a hand a few too many times!
Seriously though, porno fucks your brain up; it floods it with dopamine (same thing heroin does actually) and gives you weird fetishes and unrealistic standards.
Now jacking off isn't that bad if done in moderation (every 7 days is ideal), but doing it every single day, even multiple times a day will fuck up your testosterone levels for sure. Waiting longer than seven days will just cause your body to "reset" on it's own, most likely all over your bed sheets.
So, keep it to one time a week if you aren't getting any snatch, and transition to more vanilla porn, then just pictures of hot women, and finally your imagination if you can. You'll be back out slaying cunts and maybe even picking up some STDs in no time!

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thanks dewds

seriously get a few bottles of the deer antler tips if you aren't poor

You have a problem with your subconscious (most of us do). You've got to no shit start thinking differently, more positivity. You will have to re wire your brain a bit and a healthy life requires effort and maintenance. Read about brain plasticity and developing new habits.

In the meantime I highly recommend you try your hand at the following.

- cut yourself some fucking slack, yes it's good to recognize areas in your life you suck at but youkk get no where if you keep telling yourself you suck. Lighten up a bit.
-eat healthy, try meditation if that's your thing, and start exercising. If you don't like lifting weights or whatever then swim, play sports, go for hikes, fucking whatever.
- nofap helps. Don't sleep more than 8 hours a day. Lay off caffeine if you can. Try new shit, put yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit. You'll be fine bud but you've got some work to do. Weed can be bad for anxiety too, listen to Allen watts on YouTube talk about anxiety and general philosophy for governing your life

Answer my questions dammit - and don't take any of mine or anyone else's advice blindly. Understand firstly what it means, and secondly why and how it might be applicable to you.

Pic very related.

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Oh yeah, one more thing. Read "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass. A lot of anxiety stems from us constantly worrying about bullshit or the future when you should literally just be trying to go with the flow

Does this shit really work, or is this a Chinese pump and dump to get us to buy your deer antler bags :^)
I only ask because $75 is a bit steep for a 2oz bottle. How much do you take? Is it something you have to take for a while, or is it like an instant hate-boner of cervical destruction?

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>listen to Allen watts on YouTube
I've probably made this recommendation to everyone who has ever mentioned struggles to me. Alan Watts talks are some of the best things on YouTube. Anxiety melts away.

yes, it works. 2-3 dropperfuls 2-3x a day, so a bottle doesnt last that long. it's not cheap by any means. i leave it in my mouth for as long as i can so that some of it gets absorbed sublingually. it tastes pretty brutal, but I eventually started to crave it. you'll notice it.. it actually gave me mild roid rage-like symptoms at first

Get your testosterone levels checked and try to bring them up to 1000 ng by lifting weights, doing cardio, eating whole food, sleeping better, managing stress.
>unable to pick up girls
First things first, worry/take care of yourself by following advice above. Find what you love to do if you haven't already. You can't control if women like you but you can control yourself and how you look so stop putting yourself in a position to lose by chasing them. You lose money chasing women, you get women chasing money. That being said, having good hygiene/grooming/fashion/posture will help a lot facial aesthetics will help alot.
Just be aware that those things are just the icing on the cake and eventually mean little if you're not an interesting person to talk to because you're not working towards bettering yourself by doing things you love and being successful.

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you should try to take it for at least a month, preferably 3

>mild roid rage-like symptoms
Ok, you sold me.

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