Invested USD10K in December. Right now worth around USD3K. Will I ever make it? Should I invest more at this moment?

Invested USD10K in December. Right now worth around USD3K. Will I ever make it? Should I invest more at this moment?
Feels like BTC going sideways this year.
All the news about "institutional money, etc" seem to be complete BS.

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Institutional money is here retard
Who t fuck u think is shorting btc

Yo mama

True speak

That's what i'm saying. It was here long time ago.
According to that what will happen. Will they kill off cryptocurrency or will it be our revolution? Looks like sheeple are not ready for it.

it will be (((their))) revolution

Future contracts kinda fucked us. Institutions can have access to the market while never actually touching the bitcoin asset. No institution will buy coins while they can just do that. Only hope is an ETF.

They will kill it off to make it dirt cheap then they will revive it to go in profit. Why the fuck someone would just crash something for shit n giggles? Everyone wants more money even if they already have more than enough

>Muh institutions
Pretty sure its the gox trustee who caused the dump retards not instutions meme. Gox trustee sold a lot of coins, if there were instutions "in crypto and selling" along with the gox trustee we would be at 3k right now.

arb traders touch the bitcoin asset otherwise there is no true price pressure

Why spend $100 000 on a missile to blow up $10 tent. Cause reasons. War never changes.

Banks and Govs would simply crash it to maintain power?

The fact that crypto's intrinsic value is a lot closer to $0 than it is to the prices we saw when we were at ATH is the reason for the dump, brainlet. The entire bubble was/is powered solely by hype, and that hype is now dead/dying. Expect us to go a lot lower regardless of what the trustee does.

the fact is, crypto intrinsic value is equal to its mining value

Compared to other bubbles, crypto bubble is mere nothing. MCAP would have to be in trillions for real bubble.


most coins aren't mined

>cryptos intrinsic value is zero
Yeah saged. How can we take someone like you seriously when you'll probably sell your mom along with all your assets to buy BTC at $100 to $1000

therefore most coins are a scam ... duuh

Didn't say that, did I? Try improving your reading comprehension.

Buy in to new altcoin projects.
It won't matter what the btc price is

what the fuck are you talking about they were all mined

staking =|= mining
master nodes =|= staking

You have mining when a block is produced by a miner.

You have proper mining when everyone can participate. BTC is not proper mining.

Mining is needed when you have a currency, when you have an ICO scam mining is not needed.

you're right user i had it in my head we were talking Bit Coins. All mining would naturally see the same fate as BTC mining though

no it won't all proper currencies fork

to what a new algo?

yes, all you need to do is change 1 parameter, take monero
BTC could have done the right thing long ago.

It cost about 50 million to produce a new asic, a fork cost you 2-3 months in testing the new code.

What coin did you buy?
I mean, if you bought BTC even at the very peak at $20k, you still shouldn't be that low.

manufacturer A bets on asics with parameter X
manufacturer B bets on asics with parameter Y
manufacturer C bets on asics with parameter Z

which parameter wins user

It was my first time dealing with crypto. Made few bad trades and failed hard with an ICO which i put USD3K in. Got many lessons learned.

Buy exrn . It's hard floor is 8 vitalik and hard ceiling is 80 vitalik. The real price therefore is 40 vitalik. Buy until it is below that.
Alternatively if you want a safe bet, go all in next tokens and forget about it till December. Next is the best token on idex