Putting in too much fiat is a disadvantage

people who put in a small amount like 1k and build up from that are more sucessful than people who put in their life savings because starting from such a low number teaches them the skills needed to enlarge their stack where as big fiat cucks just hodl binance coins and watch their fiat count rather than their eth or btc stack

you cant prove me wrong on this

Attached: 6xspf01075n01.jpg (1080x1350, 241K)

Crypto is 99% luck and 1% common sense until you have enough money in to manipulate whatever coin you're holding. People are overestimating a lot how much personal skill comes in to play.

PRobably true - I put in like 60k and lost most of it right away by gambling it into shit coins. I had no idea how to actually grow shit (i.e. buy something decent and walk away)

OP you know that the girl in the pic is Jewish yes?

only if your wreckless. i rarely make trades that i consider gambling. most of my trades are verging on a sure thing

>he doesnt cuck jewish boys

hahahahahaha beta af

I could (but I won't) prove that I put in a small amount and I have shit to show for it because I was holding binance coins.

only a pussy puts less than entire life savings into crypto

if you dont have like 500 eth theres no logical reason to even use binance. even if you did hodl the coin of the month that managed to gain 30% its still only 30%

binance is for boomers and whales. idex is where the money is

Shes hot asf. Who gives a fuck about your shitty meme conspiracies.

>inb4 pic of retarded deformed nose pic

I thought buying at $7600 would be a sure thing, it seemed like we bottomed out and recovering

and then it fucking went down to $7400 for no reason, now I have re-evaluate my assumptions

t. boomer cuck that doesn't TA

I had $17k overall half an year ago, went all in.

Now I have $250k. Did some trades.

I tried a couple of plays there and it worked like shit for me, maybe it wasn't the right moment and probably not the right bags either. The most success I've had is on margin, I did get rekt once but I sent there very little. Now every time it goes anywhere respectable I send it back to Binance.

Crypto is speculation, basically gambling

There is no product and no adoption of anything yet, you are betting that X shitcoin will make it or Y shit coin will pump then you can move to Z before the dump

This is gambling and fine as long as you dont delude yourself. 90% of these piles of shit wont exist in 10 years.

>you cant prove me wrong on this
You do realize that doesn't mean you're right, do you?

This is true in my case. I started with 1.5k in Jan. That's when everything started to go downhill.
Went to $700, put everything on an ICO ,sold at 2x which actually 10xd.

you're stupid as fuck bro. you think you're a fucking genius after participating in the heavily manipulated 17-18' bullrun. no new money is going to come in to gamble on chink scamcoins and pajeet'd bullshit. the least speculative coins with actual real utility are going to succeed and all you pajeets are going to poo in the loo and use your speculative shit coins to wipe your ass

What's her name?

H-how much for her?

Are you me? Started with 1.5k right after Christmas and still managed to work it up to 16.5k in this shit storm. I keep about 15 eth to swing trade with during the day and I throw my profits into things I think will do well long term, but I really need to consolidate those.

Yep idex easier to make money if your average joe.