It was too fucking obious
R.I.P. The biggest scam out there
nice FUD, patent soon
KEK You don't really believe that?
you got zolted
You can't stop XBY no matter what you fags keep on posting :)
its been like 5 months and u post RIP now ?
Whoever is still invested in this scam deserves to lose everything - you can only warn someone so many time
Even CCR exit scammed months ago and these idiots sit in their Discord rationalizing it and saying its ok LMAO
of course I do believe that, why else would I put 80% of my lifesavings into xtrabytes?
Nobody exit scammed you liar
Where's CCR been the last 2 months?
Why was CCR shilling XBY hard in January then suddenly stops
Where's the patent that CCR said was to be ready by April?
Where's ANY proof that this tech exists?
My god, imagine still having money in this
Literal gullible retards who believe anything that comes out the mouth from an anonymous guy on the internet. Don't even feel bad for them, they were warned for months
Don't forget this is the scam project where the lead Dev Borzalom (possibly CCR's alter ego) chose to respond to a troll on bitcointalk when his actual community has been waiting for an update from him for MONTHS
tells you all you need to know
He is working with Borz on the patents
He was not shilling and he stepped back because community kept shitting on him
There will be a few patents last words from the team are four / 4 patents and it takes longer than expected because this is new tech and they haven't made patents in their lives before
Proof is in Xfuel which is running PoSign on 10 hardcoded nodes - the rest of the technology will be seen after patent pending status is granted
I want you to read every update since December 2017, it's just CCR saying "patent is just around the corner guys!" And we are still seeing that shit today, half a year later
He wasn't shilling? Go check his Reddit history before you spout off some bullshit
"Yes, this is a fantastic time to buy... We have always been under the radar because we cannot show what we are all about yet, we only have words.
This is actually a great strength for our community and here is why:
Anyone who takes the time to review the information we have made available comes to the conclusion that XBY and XTRABYTES is a unique project that has intentions to revolutionize the crypto space. This is how we end up with such passionate community members because they realize this is their chance to hit the big time on the crypto scale of success.
Once the patents and tech come out, I think it is safe to say we will see major increases in price and popularity. Anyone getting involved at this stage stands to gain the most when this happens. "
>posts Xtrabytes FUD for the x1000 time
Nice life you have there user.
It's hilarious how the ex community manager who would ban anyone who even gave off the slightest hint that they think xby is a scam has left the project and is starting to think it actually is a scam lol
Yet to refute any FUD for the 1000th time
Nice logical reasoning skills and common sense you have there, user
Yeah some guys here have literally no real lives.
These idiots can only FUD on Jow Forums now because it's not really moderated. Only place left for them to talk trash. XBY has a 50 men team already and will continue to grow in the future!
It's nice of you that you admit your spreading FUD here, user
Truth =/ FUD in rational peoples' eyes
Whay flavor Kool aid they serving the XBY cultists this week?
Truth is there are no XBY cultists and you keep on talking BS on here because it's easy on /biz to spread false info
It'll click eventually. Once 2019 comes around and there's still no patents pending and CCR still a ghost
I tried, have a good day
Thank you and a good day to you, too
Holochain without a working product.
Buy wall it's increasing on tradesatoshi, better to buy 100k
You have to be a genuine retard to still have money in this obvious fucking scam. The slack is filled with the most deluded bunch of pajeets you will come across, thinking this is the next eth. It's not even even funny, go check out their slack to experience what a deluded hellhole might feel like
dem bags be so heavy, they restrict any kind of bloodflow from those carrying them on their back to reach their heads, causing a massive oxygen lack resulting in a delusion syndrome
wasn't this a pajeet scam 2-3 years ago? lmao
xby hahah I remember that piece of still alive?
shit i have wallet somewhere, totally forgot it excisted
Lmao you were probably in 6 figures USD during the bubble if you bought before December. Now it is probably worth a few hundred