R.I.P. The biggest scam out there

It was too fucking obious

Attached: download (2).png (290x174, 2K)

nice FUD, patent soon

KEK You don't really believe that?

you got zolted

Attached: 3AD49205-B780-4BB2-9A30-2209314E1E04.jpg (200x300, 14K)

You can't stop XBY no matter what you fags keep on posting :)

its been like 5 months and u post RIP now ?

Whoever is still invested in this scam deserves to lose everything - you can only warn someone so many time

Even CCR exit scammed months ago and these idiots sit in their Discord rationalizing it and saying its ok LMAO

of course I do believe that, why else would I put 80% of my lifesavings into xtrabytes?

Nobody exit scammed you liar

Where's CCR been the last 2 months?
Why was CCR shilling XBY hard in January then suddenly stops
Where's the patent that CCR said was to be ready by April?
Where's ANY proof that this tech exists?