Nerdy black girl

im a black girl and i wanna stream video games and do cosplay but im wondering if i should wear my natural hair or fake hair to be successful? heavy makeup or natural? cute acting or sexy? thicc or skinny or fit? what should i doooo? there's not many popular nerdy black girls

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Nobody likes sheboons

All natural for hair, go afro or loose curls
Use makeup but not enough for it to look like you're using it
Go fit as well

Whatever you do be sure to include some titties

buy link

t. fat white incel man

Depends on what your natural hair is like, I would say have curls if not straight, either way hair length is key. Don't over do make up but wear enough to cover any blemishes, act cute and occasionally do sexy first time you do sexy do it when your viewer count is longer than average also clip your streams and post the interesting parts of you playing to youtube, make your youtube account/personality more geared to gamers and not sexualizing. Between fit and thicc. work on your legs/butt and very rarely during a stream organically get up to get something but let people get a short view of the thinckness

These points are from what I've seen non-white female streamers do, you'd also need a gimmick or something to stand out

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speak for yourself

i dislike the cultural appropriation of straight hair from Europeans.
Go straight up giant fro and minimal makeup. Def skinny/fit. Thicc is a meme. Nobody likes fatass bitches.

Your primary demographics are nerdy white boys
> various fake hair, for variety and this is befitting for the cosplay
> Don't do heavy makeup or go all natural, do a little make up.
> Sexy is trashy, just like heavy makeup, do cute
> Nerdy white boys don't like thicc, so skinny or fit, just not too skinny where you appear anorexic and unhealthy.
> Just play a variety of games, and let your personality come through as you play them. Make funny comments or observations as you play them. Make it fun. Imagine if a friend was playing a game with you, don't you want them to be fun and excited about the game?

You're a whore and I will personally find and report you.

Do you think that colorful hair is over the top/unattractive?
I have an afro, but I wear wigs so switching it up is no problem.
Anyway that's the body type i'm going for so that's good :)
Example of a successful gimmick you've seen? I don't want to copy, I just want to understand.
I like my natural hair but the thing is that idk if it's marketable lol

Straight hair is also subcontinent india, Asia, and Americas you fucking retard.

lurk moar summerfag. Was a joke.

Anyway OP, if not 60 yr white bald dude larp, rock the fro. I was serious about that part. Leave the fake hair for cosplay.

>there's not many popular nerdy black girls
always good to know your market. good luck gurl, if you're hot you'll make it


A/B Testing

Do one video with one look, do the other with the opposite - look at which one gets more views and go with that.

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Well with the hair thing they you're fine
As for gimmicks you tie them to your donations people who donate a certain amount get a call out stuff like that. As far as an over all gimmick I've seen people doing sexual cosplay stuff, cosplaying and acting in character the whole time, people acting "little" (see DDLG relationships for what I mean) the thing is as a streamer you cannot just go in and expect an audience you need to appeal to a small demographic and slowly introduce some more stuff to your streams do widen your audience. But like I said without a doubt make highlight reals of your streams especially if you plan on playing with other people and build that youtube channel you can use to shill your streams along with potential sponsors

tbqh if u wanna be rich just pretend to be right wing, e.g bring the hammer down on twitch thots, be a little racist and sexist
the market for this shit is insane, if you're good looking your made using this strat

>im a girl
Post tits
>im black
Don't bother eewwww

You're not wrong to think that just because you're a girl you can make a lot of money. It's really fucking easy. What I would do:

-dress up cutely, but sexually. A schoolgirl skirt like works great. Now you can show off your body like a soft core cam whore while also not looking like a slut. Keep it easy to defend yourself while doing everything you can to make neckbeards drool.

-Talk to all your first fans as you play. Literally just talk to them. Mention one incel by username and he'll be your slave for life. Remember his username and he'll keep donating.

-act all cutesy and happy when someone donates, assure that it will go into new cute cosplays

Sit back like tony montana with a pile of twitch money after 5 months. This is a guaranteed, tried and true method to substitute being a girl for personality/talent. If it's not working, come up with a gimmick. now tits or gtfo

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I have jungle fever. Y'all sisters have nice, juicy asses. Braaaaaaaaapppp!

Why would anybody want to watch some Harambeisha playing video games

Actually develop your gaming skills. You'll get viewers regardless, just for being a girl (if you're not ugly), but if you're actually good then you have a monopoly on hot black chicks, cosplaying and "pwning noobs".

niggers are disgusting, stay off twitch please sheboon.

show vegne and bobds xd

do you boo boo




fuck pavement ape names are hideous.

Seeing as you're posting this on Jow Forums im assuming you care more about turning a profit than dignity and content

Well all you really have to do to get a big viewer base is become a based #magapede streamer

Having a Trump sticker or a red hat is all you'd really need to get started
If you regurgitate stuff you read on Jow Forums you'll climb even faster

These losers are so desperate to hear their views validated, and hearing it from a black woman makes it better

If you're feeling bad about cooning, you don't even have to shit on blacks, you can just focus your shitposting on mexicans and chinese

the actual games you play, skill level, humor, etc. all become irrelevant

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He speaks for all of us

>These losers are so desperate to hear their views validated, and hearing it from a black woman makes it better
>hearing it from a black woman makes it better

oh sweet summer child, no true Jow Forumsite would ever watch a dirty sheboon nigger unless it was to make fun of her for being a monkey.

lol actual racism on Jow Forums is dead
all you have to do is be a BASED BLACK GUY and you're in

I mean just look at that hideous mutt Brittany Venti and her THOUSANDS of magatard followers

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those are redditor refugees, not polacks. Venti is a disgusting mutt

for me there's no racial categorization of what I find attractive, if a girl's hot, she's hot, end of story

if you have certain views towards a particular race, due to experiences with members of it or whatever, then sure, I could see how that might influence some people

but, yeah, I just don't really care about that sorta stuff

>t. never shared a room with a pavement ape

you'll learn.




You're acting like there's a difference between leddit and Jow Forums at this point, go ahead and make a Venti thread and see how they react

dont remind me, theres a reason im here and not there anymore.


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do you have a cute voice, i need one line in vocaroo

That ruins a person's reputation in the long run. I'm not going to pander to people like Jow Forums who think I'm subhuman.
I wanted to play more roleplay type games... like scary ones.

Use bleach, michael jackson style.

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