Thanks to those who put me on, we're gonna make it next week

Attached: BST on IDEX.png (2000x805, 72K)

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Dude. I felt like a retard for buying a 500k MC coin but now I feel like a genius. I've held BTC for a long time. I think blocksquare is going to be YUGE!!

Will I make it with 100k? :/

Of course ransheesh

Fuck you, I have a little less than 30k and pissed I didn’t get 50k because it didn’t want to sell parts of my portfolio at a loss

Fuck you, I have 6K.

You still own .1% of the supply which most people can’t say for themselves about any coin. You will make a nice return regardless but I’m literally trying to make it and what i have won’t cut it

what happens next week

I entered their Telegram and a dude with two indian flags on his name said "Hi fella" to me. I instantaneously leaved the group again.

Not even larping, you can do the same. There are at least 5 India "nationalists" on the group.


You do know this is going to increase to a 100 million supply r r right?

Yeah, in like a year, this is going to 50 mil mcap in the meantime, probably by EOM

Mega brainlet here. Wtf is this coin? Can't even find it

Blocksquare, real estate tokenization


And thanks to the user who awared me too.

Fuck you I have 1k

Scamcoin being shilled by pajeets

This project is actually better than I thought after researching it

Serious question: Is it too late to buy?

It's at 900k mcap, are you serious?
It's another 10x easily from here

i thought it was bad so I did some research and realized its much worse than bad

Seems like a total piece of shit which means it will probably go stratospheric. Just look at SNTR, absolute garbage that mooned insanely.