At what age does the average person start having kids in your country?

At what age does the average person start having kids in your country?

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and we wonder why we are so autistic

I'd say it's usually 25-30. I know a girl that got married at 16

Between 25 and 35

I think its 30

It seems like in the 3rd world, people have children earlier and more often whic doesnt really make a lotta sense, you ask me.

And rich 1st world countries barely have any kids at all, even when they are more than financially prepared to deal with parenthood. A bit strange that

30 years


Thats imminently reasonable, though. At 35 you have the life xp and gold to properly raise a child correcvly, not like these fucking early 20 somethings who are still kids themselves raising a generation of sub-verbal australopithecines.

I have two kids. Had them when I was 21 and 23.

>Rare flag

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It depends.
My family is lower class. My mum had me when she was 16 and my sister when she was 18 and my brother when she was 21. My sister has two kids one from when she was 15 and one from when she was 18, she is 20 now.

I don't think that was a good idea though. I am an autist and my mum is always shagging men who are my age. Also my sister is a terrible mother.she already taught her kids about pregnancy tests and sometimes leaves them out on purpose, if her kids notice and run to congratulate her for not being pregnant she buys them sweets for being smart and understanding pregnancy. she also leaves them home alone often with an iphone each.

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>My family is lower class.
90% of Jow Forums is lower class.

It depends on the region. In some areas people get married when they are in the low teens and have children then but in others they wait until they are in the 20s.

30-34 here in northern Sweden.

People sho have children over age 30 should be classified as criminals. Their kids will forever be damaged, there’s a reason why this generation is so retarded

Well people actually want their life to be in order before having kids. You know a proper job and all that. It takes time.

Have children first and you will get your life in order for them. That is what my father told me.

70% of spanish women over 35 don't have children so figure out

Sorry how is that supposed to work? Living here in Sweden is expensive, so unless you wanna be living on NEETbux then you need to fix your life before having kids.

Kids born to parents over 30 are more likely to have autism and Down syndrome though. These old fucks having kids create mentally retarded people

Because you make sure to get things done if you have a child to feed.

Well the amount of unemployed young parents with several children here shows me that it doesn't work that way.

Your government gives handouts though right? Then why would you work?

>Then why would you work?
Because it's shameful to live on handouts and the kid will never have anything nice. You can not own car for example if you get welfare.

>Because it's shameful to live on handouts
Not really. If government is dumb enough to give out free money then people will live on that. It is human nature.

It's human nature to judge. I grew up in a welfare family my self. It sucked.
Swedish people avoid living on welfare as much as possible. We want to work for our money.

>Not really
Sorry but he's right. Anyone living on handouts here is considered trash. Literally a waste of air.
And I feel sorry for kids growing up in such families, the bullying must be terrible.

More or less between late 20's and early 30's

It won't last. A system like that is built on people not taking advantage and it is human nature to take advantage.

It has worked for over 75 years. People are working more now than ever.
Even the immigrants are working more and more.

You have to understand that living on welfare means you are poor. Compared to having a job you have nothing. No savings, nothing.
People don't want that, they want to travel and buy nice things. So they get a job.
