The Ark departs in 8 days
You have been warned
The Ark departs in 8 days
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sauce on her?
this is so fucking sexy.
liz turner
why pee pee make sticky milk?
thx I guess arkies aren't so bad afterall
i cant count how many times the ark has been supposed to depart but hasnt
people have been saying this shit will moon for a year now. truth is you're desperate fucks who've been holding onto one of the worst performing alts of the past 6 months. your in denial if you think ark v2 will give you anything other than a 10% pump followed by a subsequent harder dump, just like everything else they've released. face it arktards, even though it appears like a solid project, this one just ain't a money maker.
>WordPress of blockchain
>no enterprise adoption whatsoever
>Ark token not used as any forks are completely independent
Wait, faggot.
this time we have a literal countdown.
you copy paste this in every thread... beat it. Ark is going to take off and you'll be left behind. Best tech out of top 100. It'll take over eth
22.000 ARK here. Ark will not depart in 8 days. Ark will depart one month after 8 days when V2 mainet is deployed. 8 days is publix testnet, which is still great.
(built in Smart bridge.)
Is that all the fud you got?!!!
Just in time for student loan season $$$ I am looking forward to all the college kids pumping their money into ARK.
truly a deluded arkie
Truly the biggest fuddster. let me guess, you own chainlink and eos, faggot
How's that working out for you?
I hold ark and omg. Should i add more ark or omg?
Which one?
you're sitting in an ARK thread, everyone will say ARK. Ark is obvi superior.
also in ARK world we are mooning right now because we are up 0.63% in the last 24 hours. so, ark, duh
See, now it's a full moon
I think i might need to join Arkaholics Anonymous at some point ... I need help... just not right now
Are we going to see sub $2? Because that's my desired accumulation price
OMG might get a coinbase listing so... I bought ARK.
I could repopulate an entire island with her.
So tired of reading this nonsense.