Are you ready for the European century ?

Are you ready for the European century ?

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Franco-German couple


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Yeah, I want it. Lets make alliance and fuck up the anglos and burgers.

All they had to do was not fuck up on migration and they would have been set.

Basically, he's trying to call for an Franco-German hegemony, but we all know Germany's the one with full authority

How can one man be so based?

ready and fully erect

Europe 2050:

There will be a muslim revolution in 10 years, white euros will be purged

Macron only serves his Israeli masters. He sold his country, continent and race.

The European century has past unless we can discover a new meme that the chinks and poos can't copy.

>it's da joos

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lmao at the pathetic attempt by france to act relevant..

w-w-w-ere in this togther r-r-right germany-sama


But he unironically talks about replacing Europeans with Africans, and how the Afro-Caucasian mutt race is the future.
He worked in (((finance))) so probably got his Jewish contacts that way.

>Europe must show strength
I agree it SHOULD, but I don't think it CAN.

Yeah, just migration... and the economy... and the external border... and overregulation... and pretty much fucking everything. Almost as if the entire EU was a mistake.

mdr te rien. RIEN

this time we fight side by side
against the anglo meanace

pretty much. I wonder when these delusional retards will understand this

Does anyone else unironically get worried about all this recent rhetoric? History has usually gone in a bad direction for the world when there's such desire for power in Europe? The countries that are the continental powers don't seem to handle it well for some reason

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Macron says a lot when the day is long

>oh no, actual Whites are going to join together and be a power against our failing jew controlled mutt nation

>oh no, actual Whites are going to join together and be a power
More worried about the german part than the white part


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Not at all, since I doubt they'll be able to centralize the EU perfectly, but I'm not falling for that "peaceful empire" bullshit. It seems like the same European Imperialism again but with steroid. Still, that is a reasonable goal for Europeans, right now, they're nothing more but your puppet.


did Lenin reincarnate as a Puertorican?

a stupid bloody war that you'll lose. not worth, it Ivan.

This is fascinating?mi can't wait to see how his power play turns out. He's taking full advantage of this power vacuum in Western leadership. I think it's gonna fail miserably, but the fact that he's trying makes my dick hard.

No, I'm Castro's reincarnation.

Empanadas are good as fuck

>poo(r)tugal 2015

They should start publishing everything in french / german and stop using english

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I think it would be rather cool for Europe to get another century. All they have to do is not kill each other

So its impossible? They can't even make rules about fishing/farming without fighting for years. This continent is pure autism :(

>avoid global chaos
like the one they cause in the ME for almost two decades now?

for this Macron must have the head on his neck tomorrow


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>Luther hated Jews
>Hitler hated Jews but wasn't even German
>Merkel is indifferent towards Jews but is an Ossi who hate everyone who isn't Ossi
>post was either made by Jew or homonunculus muttus

nicht völkisch

>not teaming up with anglos and america to fuck up europe

would never happen because of geopolitics but would be a nice dream

I'm always amazed he kept that positive image abroad, even when the house is burning.

good post

>European Century
What, a century is the best you can do? Last time you guys were on a roll for like 800 years but now 100 is all you can do?

>the house is burning
>280k demonstrators the first day
>divide that amount by 3 the following day
Macron is unironically going to steamroll the European elections and there's nothing you can do about. Vive la république, vive le libéralisme.

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>800 years
Try 2500 years

>Vive la république, vive le libéralisme.
You mean vive Israel, vive slavery

>da jooooos

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New name, same old European ambition for world domination and telling other people what to do.

>media tell me joos good, me believe media

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>2500 years
lmao. Europe was a backwards shithole until the start of the high middle ages.

t.schlomo finkelkraut

Pur français de souche. Je supporte Israel à 100%

Well yes, it's the fucking Jews. Are you living under a rock? The absolute state of our countries.

And Canada is still one. Your point being?

If their plan wasn't to displace and replace the native european population this would be my jammy

Un abruti complet quoi.

Was meant for

Oh man that's really cute coming from spain. How's unemployment treating you?

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i fucking love this webm lmao

Do you always get your argumentative points from Jow Forums you syrup slurping maplenigger?

Do you guys seriously believe that there is some kind of Jewish conspiracy, where a few thousand (Jewish) people control and manipulate everything that is going on worldwide and even influence free, democratic elections?

Get real. Let's take the American election. What if the people simply voted for Hillary instead of Trump? It was a really close result anyway. There is no way the Jews could have known Trump would win.

Stormfags aren't very intelligent

It wouldn't even bother me if it weren't for the fact that the people running everything are completely untrustworthy. Why the fuck do our people elect childless weirdos everytime. How can you trust a leader that has no personal investment in the future wellbeing of a nation? Mummyfetish Macron and his pedowife can fuck off and same for Mutter Merkel.

And the entire EU Commission, the parliament and so on are all slimy as well. None of them trustworthy. Who is? Fuck if I know, but they aren't, and they're either sufficiently incompetent that this won't end well for us, or they're sufficiently malevolent/selfish that it won't go well for us. We should crash this union now while we still can and build something reliable and moral in its place. Without the Americans and bankers having their stubby fingers in everything this time.

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>Starts his banter off with "no u"
>f-fuckin Jow Forumstards!
Holy fuck dude you have no job and all day to think of this shit and you still can't do better.

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Even Jews think Jews did it.

Zuckerberg blames Soros, Bibi's kid blames the Lizard Jews and everyone is a soyboy. Idiocracy is here.

How did we end up here after Obama, who was a law philosopher and a scholar? At least there is Macron.

>How can you trust a leader that has no personal investment in the future wellbeing of a nation?
Macron is a French creation. I see no reason not to believe in his goodwill.
I personally think he is genuinely trying to fix the French economy, to keep France from becoming a country like Italy and Spain, to make France more like Germany and the Netherlands. His only problem is that he rules over communists.

>childless weirdos
Yeah, that's a great argument on Jow Forums.

OUI!!!!! OUI!!!!!!! OUI!!!!!!

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it's time for the ancient egyptians to populate earth yet again

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Why is Macron happily hugging this sweaty half naked guy?

I don't like touching other sweaty men, it feels a bit disgusting

Kek thats why during World Cup we reach max autism

His idiotic comments about patriotism vs nationalism make him seem ignorant. How can we have a president who's said things like "French culture doesn't exist", who has his picture taken with trannies at Elysee, who married a woman who betrayed her husband and children for a 15 year old? I can't help but dislike him, I will say that I think he really is trying to fix the economy, but because it serves the bankers and donors, not for any love of France or the French people. Raising taxes to fund a sluggish health system and welfare being drained by so many people who never pay back in. Many important issues are left unaddressed while he plays the little prince of Europe.

I don't change my words to suit the audience, I say what's true and nothing else.

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He likes to suck the vaginal juices of his old hag on the BBC after he fucks her

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Its an old french tradition

>who married a woman who betrayed her husband and children for a 15 year old?
pretty fucking based desu

The European century has come and gone. The US is the flag-bearer of Western values in this world now, like it or not, and all the likes of Macron and Merkel are going accomplish with this imbecilic "we must make EU stronk &+ relevant, fuck you USA!" rhetoric is weakening the US and handing over global hegemony to China and its despotic allies.

The EU was the worst thing to happen to the West since the Third Reich, and the German Empire before that, and Germania before that... I'm starting to notice a trend here.

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Based and redpilled

go back to america cletus

t. filthy traitor and american lapdog

the guy in this webm is literally a jew

The US would burn every muslim countries to the ground

I'm not American, nor am I a delusional and self-important narcissist like Macron.

Supporting America is the only way to ensure the continued dominance of the Free World over global affairs. The only traitors here are those Westerners who attack America and seek to undermine it at every turn (in other words, the EU and those European politicians who support it).

Far from "avoiding global chaos", Macron is likely to cause it. Right now we have Pax-Americana, but knock America off its throne and that goes away, and a power struggle over who gets to be the new hegemon begins. If you want what's best for Europe, then get behind the US.

I think the thing is they care more about having power than about maintaining peace

Exactly. It's all about their egos.


>If their plan wasn't to displace and replace the native european population this would be my jammy
This, pretty much. The EU is not our friend, but it could be if it was run by the right people. Which obviously is not Merkel or Macron or Juncker.