Why can't you fags just make 1.6% profit each day and be millionaires in one year?

why can't you fags just make 1.6% profit each day and be millionaires in one year?

Attached: k.jpg (640x640, 45K)

That's kinda hard

c-can somebody do the calculations

also nice boobs

Attached: amwt.jpg (274x184, 7K)

I just wanna jizz all over them tities and then fuck her in the asshole.. yeah.. she will like it too.. and then i will make babies in her stomach so she cant ever leave me

If you made 1.6% a day you could turn ~3k into a million in 365, excluding holidays and weekends

why do you exclude holidays and weekends are you a dumb motherfucker? fcking pajet

Who waste their precious time on holidays and weekends alone investing?

What do you need to start with for this to be true?


Because the market isn't open those days?

You must be a millionaire now then right?
Or does this advice only apply to other people because you're 12 or a femanon who's busy on her knees or both
Give trading tip now pls not a shitcoin

I dun believe u, show the calculations

Attached: 1521388263051.jpg (619x453, 28K)

$3k x 1.06 ^ 365 = More than 5 trillion dollars

Wops, wrong calculation
$3k x 1.016 ^ 365 = $984746
That was close

>oversized boobs
>fuckton of makeup
please don't tell me you actually, unironically find that attractive

>no boobs
>no makeup

Here you go

Attached: aesthetics crew est. 1968.jpg (600x860, 78K)

saved thank you

Because one day of loss wipes out several days of gains. Also, the market is highly correlated to the price of Bitcoin.

This. It all seems too easy until you make one fuckup and lose months of gains in an instant. Then you panic, short the bottom, post your liquidation point on Jow Forums, and lose everything.

Get gud

Show $1m wallet.


Show me how I can make 1.6% a day and I'll show you my dik. No larp.

i don't like her face in particular, but that body type gets me diamonds.

i wonder the same thing
it's so easy

>what is liquidity