What religion did your parents grow up with, Jow Forums? Is this normal in your country?

What religion did your parents grow up with, Jow Forums? Is this normal in your country?

Mom: Methodist
Dad: Russian Orthodox
Is it normal: yes, in Muttlandia

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What the hell is Methodism? Is it related to mormonism?

I went to the church until I was 14, then I realized religion is a meme to brainwash poor and dumb people into giving pedo priests money

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Mom is catholic
Dad is protestant


It's some kind of offshoot of the Anglican Church started by a preacher called Wesley

imagine having parents with different religions.


parents are muslim but they don't really care about religion

It's just one of many protestant denominations in the US: Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Baptist. I'm not even sure if some of these denominations really even have any differences worth mentioning.

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