How many posters do you think there are under this flag that are actually Japanese?

How many posters do you think there are under this flag that are actually Japanese?

My guess would be ~4 actual Japanese and ~20 English teachers and proxies.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Japan.svg.png (1200x800, 6K)


20 too big a number, IMO. But I can't be sure.

Attached: Sizes.png (726x635, 225K)

I use jap/korean proxies myself when I get banned just because they're free

Attached: 424045855059381.jpg (189x293, 15K)


The actual Jap posters are those who speak broken english and get butthurt about Korea

I guess about 70% are real on Jow Forums

about 70% are fake on Jow Forums

Maybe the Japanese who speak English are 10~15 (people)
Zainichi Koreans are about 3~5
I think other Japanese who don't speak English are about 40~50
Those Japanese stay in a Japanese general thread and they don't go out from there because they don't write English texts
I think the true Japanese post rate is 30~40%


I would say that 1 in every 50 posts with a Japanese flag is from an actual Japanese person in Japan.
And I think 0 out of infinite posts are from Japanese women

there are definitely trolls came from 5ch(2ch) and they are still Japanese

so it's actually hard to guess

You saw Japanese (me) today
At least, this post is the one which was posted by a Japanese

Well, where did you come from?

actual japanese are even worse than proxies and english teachers


I was never a heavy user of 2ch

I don't believe you are probably davido-kun

I asked """where""" did you come from
2ch doesn't exist now

Why are you so distrustful?
Why can't you believe what I say?

jeez you shouldn't ignore the context. I guess you're Japanese as well

I found out about Jow Forums because hiroyuki talked about it on tv over 5 years ago and often come here since around US election 2016

> I guess you're Japanese as well
Yeah, I'm a Japanese
I was looking for a place where I was be able to write English like 5ch for progressing my English
This board don't need an account, so I decided to write English here

Time stamp of your chinc eyes.
I only believe it when i see it

you don't need to believe it here

Attached: 8faf36f91352e033d8d234250e092856.jpg (750x450, 141K)


Wrong country proxy weebfaggot


Why are these Japanese dogs so cute?


Insect! I didn't give you permission to post in this thread. Now bow down to your white masters!

The master of 4ch is a yellow Japanese ( ´,_ゝ`)プッ

There is a japanese woman in the general threads. This was about a couple of months ago. I don't really read those so I wouldn't know if she's still here.

Learn your place Japoid and submit yourself

Attached: dogeza-excuses-insolites-japon[1].jpg (620x400, 58K)

You are in the future.
Also do you have any sister?


Attached: p.png (409x618, 733K)

Why do you ask me such thing?

Attached: 1404512849242.png (203x231, 4K)

It is in their blood to conquer Jap females

Say something ^^;

no kidding
Whites should breed with whites


Because i want to COLONIZE your sister.
Japan needs to be like Brasil but with a White-Asian mestiços instead

Don't come to Japan, perverted gaijin

Attached: p.png (864x586, 1.39M)

Your sister needs to have her sexual desires fulfilled.
You will end up one night trying to sleep in your room, to her loud orgasms while she is getting COLONIZED next door

Attached: 1526182136323.jpg (1440x2560, 251K)

Unfortunately the women who want such thing are a few in Japan
She doesn't think like that (⌒,_ゝ⌒)プッ

Asian women love Superior Aryan men and you know that very well.
I bet your sister have wet dreams with them all the time

;_; by moot - 11/01/03 @ 10:30PM EST

>For those wondering why the site is running like ASS, it's because the server is getting overloaded by mysqld and all of the concurrent connections. It cannot be fixed without a new server or banning Japan. Right now I'm trying to figure out which is best.

>It cannot be fixed without a new server or banning Japan.

>Superior Aryan
You superior Aryans should breed with only Superior Aryan women
Don't mixed insect blood ( ´ 艸`) クスクス

Rate my Tinder date.

Attached: 1.jpg (1152x2048, 746K)

... by moot - 10/16/03 @ 4:08PM EST#


>I must say I'm impressed. Word has gotten out on 2chan and we have alot of new Japanese posters to the community. Every board seems to have had it's traffic at least doubled, and /c/ has had traffic go up tenfold! Obviously with so many new posts an influx of bandwidth usage has occured, however this is not a problem so far.

GREETINGS by moot - 12/16/03 @ 11:58PM EST

>Japanese (.jp) domains may be blocked in the future. This is because 50% of Jow Forums's traffic comes from Japan, and with the extreme lack of contribution for that number, I consider providing almost half of the available bandwidth to people who do not contribute a waste. This change should speed up the site and give me more bandwidth to play with (read: more boards or features).

JAPAN by moot - 12/17/03 @ 12:49PM EST#

>Japanese domains have now been blocked from accessing any content located at boards.Jow After reviewing the newest logs, almost half of the bandwidth transfer was to .jp domains, which accounts for about 650GB in a little over two weeks.

That's a nice comeback but I still want to fuck a Japanese girl at least once

COLONIZING non-white women is in my genes and i can not do anything about it

Japan will be range banned soon!


You cant stop us Iberians in our insatiable thirst of foreign native women

Attached: muh samurai.png (323x355, 13K)

Attached: p.png (919x513, 1.07M)

Leave Padre Ferreira alone

Attached: silence_liam_neeson.jpg (825x464, 199K)

daily reminder that this the face behind the japanese flag you're talking to

Attached: internet cafe refugees.jpg (1280x720, 204K)

No ( `-_ゝ-)
If we leave you alone, you'll breed soon

Chinese posters don't really exist either, they are mostly likely expat losers or students under a proxy. I dont think you can access Jow Forums through chinas firewall.
Chinese and Japanese are just westerners pretending to be retarded thinking they are trolling each other

thats just LARPers

I'd hang out with him.

isn't that cp?

>Dat raid leader tank warrior who knows all rotations on how to beat C'Thun

If the guy clean up himself, he could probably be decent looking.


If they make decent post you know that they're tourist.

There is this pole obsessed with southern Europe using a japanese proxy

Real Japaneses can't survive here, they can't carry that amount of banter, they're leaving at first day, they finds this site.
All Japan's flags here are English teachers.

>I dont think you can access Jow Forums through chinas firewall
you could perfectly post on Jow Forums from China if it wasn't for Google (because of CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA)

0 real japs