Brazil is the new defender of the Christian Faith

Daily Reminder that Brazil is going to be the biggest defender of catholicism of the world :)

Foreign Affairs Minister appointed by Bolsonaro:
>I want to help Brazil and the world to free itself from the globalist ideology. Globalism is the economic globalization that started being piloted by cultural Marxism. It's an anti-human and anti-christian system. The faith in Christ means, today, to fight against globalism, which objective is to interrupt the connection between mankind and God, thus making man a slave and God irrelevant. The metapolitical project means, essentially, that we should open ourselves to the presence of God in politics and history."

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It's all just another variety of Judaism to me.

t. muslim caliphate

Islam is also Judaism under another name.


t. atheist/pagan soon to be a citizen of the euro muslim caliphate

pedophiles, all of you

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A religiosidade das pessoas só tende a diminuir, com o tempo vamos evoluir a ponto de não precisar de religião para controle das pessoas.

Can't mods just ban this conspiratard already? It might actually help him get a life.

não quando você para a evolução

t. lives in a country where the president's slogan is "Brazil above everyone, God above all"

>why yes, we're Christians, how did you?

Based atheist high IQ nordic man.

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Não é atoa que é um pais de macacos de terceiro mundo, cheio de evanjegues burros que acreditam no valdomiro.

You spelled Evangelical wrong.

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Where can I get kuruminha gf pls???

t. pic related
funny as he deem himself catholic up till this day and is surrounded by catholic ministers

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most part of this people not even go to churches, they are sinners who thinks they deserve some tipe of heaven.

Mexico literally has armed cathcom militas

most part of the people actually has some degree of spiritual faith but has lost interest of the catholic church due its planned degeneration and destruction, a thing that is changing right now

Yeah but his main support base are evangelicals and many of his talking points are taken directly from the US culture war.

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That's why Mexico is destined for greatness and Brazil for vasseldom.

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Yes, but evangelicals are still like 20% of the country. Whereas the rest is mostly catholic. If anything most evangelicals are poor people or people pissed with the catholic church which has basically become commie central. Also most catholics are realizing it only now what truly means to be christian and support the catholic faith. Especially after neglecting progressivism and embracing the conservative morality. Also Bolsonaro clearly understands that you can't govern this country neglecting our catholic history. Which still has a lot of support within the Middle/High Class and he needs to clean up the catholic church, especially in the NorthEast, to gather support from them

>Bolsonaro supporters are literally selling their country to USA psyops disguised as religions
You can't make this up!


Also I honestly respect protestants, because they were basically Bolsonaro's frontline and managed force catholics and the Catholic Church into becoming conservative once again and stand for what they also believe it's right. Bolsonaro himself said that both Catholics and Evangelicals share the same political ideas therefore he is basically defending them both

That would explain why is so shit. Religion is a third world thing nowadays

>Also I honestly respect protestants
HAHAHAHAHAHA the mental gymnastics begin

*stops your reasoning*

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wut? Respecting them doesn't mean that I believe they are entitled for salvation or that the catholic church is wrong my friend

>Brazil is the new defender of the Christian Faith
Yeah... nah.

The country is infested with Afro-Cangaço religions, plus protestants, plus kardecists. The half dozen leftover Christards don't take their religion seriously, otherwise they'd be butchering people in the name of Yahweh/Jesus/the Hole Ghost. If you look hard you can still find injuns in Amazon doing their ooga booga.

>world leader talking about fucking cultural marxism
jesus christ get a grip hues

that’s what he said

I don't think so, you don't have to deal with the hordes of "missionaries" or American propaganda like we do and you're already failing

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>that’s what he said
Move to Venezuela then

>*stops your reasoning*
>posts another Afro-Mexican banana republic

>Respecting protestants

You do know the modern conception of protestantism isn't even an actual branch of Christianity. They function more like a corporation that makes money off their followers so pastors can buy large multi-million dollar mansions, private jets, and other luxuries.

>A systemic integration of the world through free markets is marxist

Stupid huemonkey.

I greatly admire Mexico's conviction in that regard. It really shows how you are a nation of principles instead of crass opportunist.

I know m8 read here

Are you saying cultural marxism is not real?

>you don't have to deal with the hordes of "missionaries" or American propaganda like we do
Funny as you are really REALLY ignorant about how big is the evangelist influence here. Also the catholic church here is deeply infiltrated by communism and the Worker's Party, hence why recently people are pissed off with the catholic church.

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real among dumb collage kids sure
it's not even close to being an actual thing that warrents attentions and is just used as a vague scary sounding thing to label all the ideas you don't like as

are all the central Americans atheist or some shit? What happened there?

Evangelicalism happened in Central America.

Only Nicaragua the only country without major immigrant caravans to the USA.

Brazil could have adopted Lutherism or the original sister protestant religions. Instead we get some made up 20th century cult from America. AKA Pentecostalism.

based Nicaragua

>22.2% Protestant
Bolsoshills are disgusting

>only 64% Christian

I rest my case.


That's because they go to Costa Rica.

I think one of the reasons may Latin Americans dislike us is deep down they know if we weren't standing in the way they'd have long ago fulfilled their dream of becoming American colonies a la Puerto Rico

Evangelicals and the "prosperity gospel" happened

No, I'm well aware of their influence in your country, the difference is you don't have religious nuts across the border looking at you as the budget choice for international travel during their "ministry"

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We are still the biggest catholic country of the world you fucking retarded. Also if you actually evangelicals, you would know they change denominations all the fucking time. If anything, it's really fucking easy getting them back once the catholic church is conservative once again, which is obviously the tendency right now, as pope Francis is on the defensive after Viganò letters

Oh look another country getting infiltrated by the Amerimutt missionaries

That Christ-chan clothing is nice, but keep the facepaint and feathers

These bolsoshills would sell their immortal souls for Protestant votes and money. They are turning Brazil into the whore of Babylon in Latin America.

Based Mexicans. Always stand up to the devil wearing red,white, and blue.

>they change denominations all the fucking time
That's not people you want back in the church, if their allegiance depends on their being acomodated they're not Catholics

>Afro-Cangaço religions
Please elaborate

the only way to fix this is by converting Brazil in the name of Allah.

It would unironically improve your country

>They are turning Brazil into the whore of Babylon in Latin America.
Funny as the trad catholics are honestly getting a surge right now
Well I honestly think the difference there is that the catholic church still manages to gather people despite being fully infiltrated by communism while here it is mostly dead
The point is, evangelicals are hardcore conservatives and want to commit themselves to something and they searching for something like the catholic church which was pretty hardcore back in the day, if the catholic church remains true to themselves, which they are honestly returning themselves to their actual self right now they will return to catholicism

>state police dog
>politician leech
>"liberty or death"

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I would not doubt that.

>they will return to catholicism
You're missing the point people who betray their faith are not Catholics, if they want religion to acomodate their politics they are no different than Bannon style US Catholics

The church doesn't need conservatives but people who actually believe in Christ

>The point is,
The point is you are whoring out the catholic church to fair weather partisans. The whore of Babylon assessment stands.

Someone please save all these threads so we can repost this in 8 months when the country will be in shambles

Mexicans equate faith and nation

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You're unironically right. Christcuckoldry was created by Jews as a goy religion to destroy the Roman empire

>Bolsonaro will make us first world
>Bolsonaro will make us defenders of catholicism
You can't pick one without entering in conflict with the other. Choose one and only one

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>Macacos defend a shitskin religion

It would unironically improve all of the Americas

t bin laden

Maybe with another thousands of years it'll disappear

Leave us out of it

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Islam is the biggest growing religion among latinos in USA so you'll be the first one to submit or die

None of us is safe