ITT: thank America for something

ITT: thank America for something

Attached: Untitled.png (640x596, 403K)

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>Free care to foreigners while they pay $100000 for a simple surgery

thanks for free movies
where my pirate niggas at

Thanks for your culture that has been exported worldwide and merged with ours


Hospital ships are unironically one admirable trait of the USA

thank you for your service

They are unironically spy ships.

This, for doing movies i watch and never pay for

t Maduro

Attached: oh boy1.png (316x347, 94K)

you do though in the destruction of your countries moral fiber, culture, and importation of american degeneracy

I have relatives in the military

It's so the women caregivers can get a chance to breed with refugees and start a new master race :)

I know this goes against the ingrained American belief that anyone remotely involved with the armed forces is anything but the most admirable and noble being in creation but you do realize servicemen are even worse than middle aged when it comes to gossip and hearsay theories

Fuck moral and culture, i need my horror movies i recommend the apostle

*middle aged housewives

i dont consume trash. all modern movies are trash same with television

>Gives free care to foreigners while citizens in the country have to pay it

thank you for not giving money to Hollywood Democrats.

Thanks for X Files America

Thanks for inventing the television.
Thanks for inventing the telephone.
Thanks for inventing the world wide web.
Thanks for inventing the light bulb.
Thanks for inventing the first working electric motor.
Thanks for inventing the vaccine.
Thanks for inventing the tank.
Thanks for producing the greatest English writer of all time and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
Thanks for formalising the theory of gravity.
Thanks for formalising the theory of classical mechanics.
Thanks for formalising the theory of evolution.
Thanks for discovering penicillin.
Thanks for creating the first cloned animal.
Thanks for creating the largest empire in human history.
Thanks for inventing so many other things like the lawnmower, the thermos flask, the chocolate bar, the electric telegraph, the pneumatic tyre, the modern fire extinguisher, carbon fibre, the steam engine, the hypodermic syringe, the reflecting telescope, the steam turbine, the passenger railway, the toothbrush, the automatic kettle, the modern torpedo, the glider, the jet engine, the modern bicycle, cement, the tension-spoked wheel, stainless steel, commercially viable photography, the hydraulic press, the sewage system, the electronic programmable computer, the hovercraft, the tin can, waterproof material, the ATM, the electric vacuum cleaner, and disc brakes.
And thanks for creating America.

Oh wait. Those were all by Britain!

Attached: british pepe.jpg (2048x1972, 237K)

Yank tier.

Penicillin was Canadian

>Americans won't let their taxes pay for their own healthcare but will let it pay for some backwater socialist countries healthcare
they are a special people

Sir Alexander Fleming was Scottish.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-19 at 02.22.19.jpg (1608x1232, 187K)

>Thanks for inventing the telephone.
Bell was Scottish-Canadian

He was born British, and was never a Canadian citizen because Canadian citizenship wasn't a thing until 1910.

He later became an American citizen, after his invention of the telephone.

Why, our military been doing the same for over a year.

Most Americans have no idea about them desu - but for real they are spy ships.

>my dad works for nintendo

which is precisely why the US Navy had to step in

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44% of ukrainians are now living from social care.

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Cute :3

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Cheers for the vacation thots!

yeah they spy on venezuelans

Why is her head so big?

It's not. Her body is small.