I'm a 25 yo Iranian who seven months ago immigrated to Montreal for my graduate studies and work in hope for a better...

I'm a 25 yo Iranian who seven months ago immigrated to Montreal for my graduate studies and work in hope for a better life than the hopeless one that I had back in Iran. Now I found myself hating graduate studies, struggling with depression, thinking that most white girls are basic and shallow and believing that Quebeckers are mostly racist pricks and insanely arrogant about their shitty language. What a life, eh?

Attached: quebec_flag.jpg (520x416, 18K)


time to move back to Persia and start something new in your life maybe

Attached: 1535296619440.jpg (362x362, 21K)

Fuck you too.

Fuck you

Studying engineering? Chemistry?

Yeah Québécois are notorious assholes, probably worse than the French.

Seems like you're integrating well, grumbling about is one of the popular of French identity.

Unironically this.
If your problems are in Iran, even going to the moon won't make you feel heathy.

>shitty language
Fuck off, sandnigger

>Yeah Québécois are notorious assholes, probably worse than the French.
Because you anglos are insufferable cunts that can't phatom us wanting to preserve our language and identity. There's 400 millions of you and 7 millions of us. Ciboire