And why do they tend to be low IQ people like the Brexiters?
Why do people oppose federalization of the EU?
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Because the has never done anything for us.
Why was this posted...
your country would be a shithole without EU funds and access to the single market
Because Europe is trashy
>Making big nation out of small nation bad
>Making nation out of several dozen city states good
because we have no way of knowing if it would actually work. it's an idealistic vision.
with the UK leaving it's only a matter of time now
Many people said that about the USA before it was formed. Sometimes you have to take a risk to achieve greatness.
we're only leaving europe in order to enter your mothers frozen icelandic arsehole
we already cucked your fishing industry and banks why do you want another round
the US was founded by British settlers exclusively.
>the /tv/ pedo poster is a g*rm
People are stupid and think they're going to get drafted to fill a national quota or some shit. Like it's not big enough with what we've got.
If you think about it, it's inevitable. Like taxes. Like yo can have an army that only protects the taxpaying population, they've got to protect everything. Best not to get another shitshow like the yugoslav wars.
not true
really. every single notable revolutionary was a British descendant.
poland? really? aren't they the ones that bitch the most about the EU, multiculturalism and refugees?
>every single notable revolutionary
what do you mean by this? are you talking about the founding fathers?
>Ástandið (Icelandic: "the condition" or "the situation") is a term used about the influence British and American soldiers had on Icelandic women during World War II.
>When the British Army invaded Iceland in 1940 people gathered on the streets to see the troops and the fact that many young Icelandic girls were captivated by them did not go unnoticed.
this is the biggest cucking ever i wouldn't joke
Probably a t*rk.
smelly anglo rapefugees
t*rkroaches are angry all their good-looking women marry German men and so their frustrations turn them into pedophiles.
i like iceland anyway lets not fight you can have all the cod just send us some icelandic girls
based britposter
you already have björk isn't that enough
Icelandic women are reserved for big black cock.
what have i told you about forming your opinions on women exclusively from your mother? it's not a broad enough perspective
yes, of course. it doesn't matter if New York had Dutch landowners or if Delaware had Swedish settlers. the Thirteen Colonies was mostly populated by people of English culture and language. what's more mostly people from Bristol and East Anglia.
If the European Union federalizes, the official language should be German.
>saving pieces of paper when the end of civilization is near