Despacitos of Jow Forums

Do any of you have jobs? Every single one of you is a student or something. Who actually has a job?

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I worked like seven months last year but had to quit because of Uni. I've been thinking about getting a job in the US tho

I'm starting a new job soon. I work and study at the same time.

I'm a student, i don't have to work because my family is not full of brainlet browns that spend more than they earn and i get a grant from uni.

I'm a NEET, will probably get a job from the government next year because my family knows people.

I have an e-commerce, I sell videogames. I have to deal with all kind of weirdos.

Link? I’m in need of some vidya

No. Unemployed for 2 months now but honestly I haven't looked for a job during that time.

lol i imagine all the kids asking for Fortnite

I have a shit job but planning on quitting and studying instead

d-do you need a partner?