Personal cringe

A guy dabbed in class today and everyone was laughing so I shouted BASED and everyone just stared at me

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you forgot the "and redpilled" user, everyone was staring at you in anticipation and you let them down.

Remember, Jow Forums words stay on Jow Forums and are not to be used in real life.


lmfao. wish I was there to see it.

also based.

>doesn't follow up with the fornite dance


Don't worry, your whole class is cringe

Why are Americans literally unable to stop ruining Jow Forums with their brainless sheep mindset

stormweenies and redditors invaded during and after the 2016 election

that totally happened

That’s a fucking hilarious story though

I said "based" to a co-worker once, and she just looked at me confused.
I reeeee at work because there people think it is funny, and will join in screeching with me.

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That is only one such occasion, newfag mutt.
Your selfish Jew kind killed the web.

I said 'based' to my crush once

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Our mexican version of black friday was yesterday*, 4 kids came to the electronics section at walmart...1 asked for a Minecraft special edition XBOX ONE console, the rest were asking their millenial fathers for Fortnite.

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A girl held the door open for me and I opened the door next to her and walked out instead, keeping eye contact the whole time. She gave me a weird look and laughed, I don't know why I did it

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How did she react?

>we killed the web
>meanwhile europeans are sucking corporate cock and banning memes

I thought fortnite was free


More *nglo subhumans.

>tfw can say based irl without looking like a sperg because based in romanian is an actual slang word that means based

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you could always go back to ylilauta, where you belong

> based in romanian means based


>moving the goalpost from americans to anglos
dumb finn

I was shitting out orange diarrhea in the bathroom at work and it was loud, I think customers heard. It was orange because I had hot Cheeto fries and some chicken nuggets with buffalo sauce from McNaldos

a couple days ago I was backing out of my parking spot but some sporty group of girls were gonna walk past my car so I stopped
well one of them made eye contact with me, smiled and waved so I waved back and she just laughed and they all walked onward
don't know if it was based or cringe

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There is nothing to move because there is no argument. Amerimongrels killing the web because they don't know any better is a fact and the recent bickerings of your inbred islander cousins has nothing to do with that fact.

If it was an otherwise unimportant encounter based
If you started imagining your life together cringe



Wow, what are you, a Nazi?