Go to Jow Forums.org

Go to Jow Forums.org

Looks like Hiro is in the process of booting us over to neo-neo-Jow Forums aka 4channel.org

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Japs only get a pass for using those emotes because of their autism, so stop it bruce.

It has begun.

I have it bookmarked (4channel.org) but when I enter a thread it switches to Jow Forums.org

Good job Hiro

I heard some anons are gonna post lolis when it drops so Hiro loses all his ad revenue.
Might go over just to watch that unfold haha. Might be good for a laugh and maybe something else haha.

I don't want to become a "4channer".
It is too close to becoming a parody of itself.

I hope /tv/ doubles down on their blacked and cunny posting to scare away as many advertisers as possible


Despite how much I hate /tv/ they might be our only hope.
Maybe /v/ will go back to anal vore posting

It's just gonna be a change in the name, that is all
Don't worry about it

Hiro is based :)

Honestly he should just delete Jow Forums and be done with it.

>inb4 b-but they'll spread to other boards!!

they're already doing that

>all these no longer maintained scripts going to shit because of this
thanks you gook

Shut up, let us do what whatever we want to do
(╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□ . \)

Is this shit going to affect the archives like 4plebs and the others in some way?

I don't want Jow Forums to officially become Jow Forums+porn boards. The blue legacy boards are what made Jow Forums what it is and Hiro is casting them aside to a new meme domain while leaving the cancerous boards on the actual domain purely to promote ad revenue.
That's fucked, senpai.

this is how Jow Forums/4chanel should be split uo:

Jow Forums:

all anime boards /nsfw/ +everything else.

Probably fuck all of them up.
Hiro has gone on the record to post that he wants a native Jow Forums archive site.
He also made changes in the past that screwed around with the external archives for a while.

This. Just whitelist 4channel and carry on.


so why is he spiting the site? ad revenue? to save the more pg boards from going down with the ship if the feds get involved from other board shenanigans?

Nothing serious or bad is gonna happen

If Hiro really wants change, he would have to start by the users and he can't do jackshit about us

>Jow Forums

You must be a newfag or something.
Removing the heart of Jow Forums to a completely different chan is a bad and serious thing.
This will have long term damage. This is part of how imageboards die. Branding matters.

forgot to mention that b and bant should just be deleted

>is a bad and serious thing.
No, not really

It's just a domain change

I've been browsing Jow Forums since 2008 btw

i've been browsing 4chen since 1992.

Thanks for the safe space hiro.
I hate poltatds i dont want to see any of them

this but unironically

There's nothing stopping poltards from posting here.

It's just a domain change for Christ sake

Everything's staying the same

I've noticed most pre-newfags (according to that timeline or what have you not) aren't at all bothered by this too much. Meanwhile the newer crowd are just upset they can't spam their porn dumps so I'm just indifferent to this all.

For the last months I have been browsing Jow Forums only on weekends. This shithole isn't what it used to be after hiro, phoneposters and poltards completely destroyed it.

I think I'll take this oportunity to leave this place for once. I am going to miss al of you wonderful faggots.

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>hiro was the problem
No he's the incompetent doctor who worsened the situation. The real problem was m00t selling us all out after GG and you know it.

Good post

>phoneposters destroyed Jow Forums

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I will miss you Jow Forums ...

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Can't you simply use a VPN?

try >>

No. I want to how exactly phoneposters ruined this place

wtf link didn't showed up

try: https boards 4channel org / int /

>auto refresh dead
I don't want to smash F5 like we used to have to.

also 4chanx will gone now. Jow Forums will be 10 times shittier without 4chanx

if I use a VPN, I won't be able to post.

doesn't work.

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>I've been browsing Jow Forums since 2008 btw
So you're part of the original first wave of cancer. Great.
I've been here since 2005 and have seen how shit like this kills imageboards. You're clueless, Paco.

aww shit nigga

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What about people who first browsed in 2013? Asking for a friend

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cancer bros ww@

I'm not clueless whatsoever, Bruce

A domain change will have no impact on Jow Forums


So are we gonna have to keep track of two different sites or what because that's gonna be annoying

Rozen Maiden hadn't even aired in 2003. The whole desu-thing was more of a 2005/2006 thing.

>tfw first post on 4channel domain

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A domain is everything online, you fucking idiot.
8ch is an objectively better imageboard, feature wise, but because of the name and the reputation Gamergate gave it, that site is now all but dead after their initial spike of attention.
There is fuck all and some change in terms of places online like Jow Forums that also have a large community and once the blue boards are no longer associated with Jow Forums at all, it basically creates a swamp out of what was a flowing river. You don't want that, trust me. If you think the hive of generals all over blue boards on Jow Forums now are bad, just wait till 4channel becomes Hiro's pet project for advertisers and image. Anons who stick around because they've stuck around for a years on end are going to take hold of whatever land they get a foothold on and foster autistic generals.
The rise of Jow Forums has already had some of this impact over the past few years, when it become the new gateway board. People stopped trickling into /b/ and getting filtered by the system so by the time anons fell out of Jow Forums, they were entirely unsuited to the rest of Jow Forums and their presence only made other anons more prone to hide away in subtopic ghettos to avoid the completely out of sync shitposting.
Hiro could have actually taken great steps to reverse this trend by making an official quarantine site for boards like Jow Forums but instead he decided to further pander to them. People like you said similar shit to how moot handled gamergate and later how the election was handled, yet look at the state of things now.

There is no such thing as "just" a domain change online.

8ch had already a very bad reputation with pedophiles and furries before that

fuck me how do I fucking export my settings to 4channel

Use @Include

It's over and it's time to grow up, anons.
Make some irl friends, get a hobby or join another community.

Turns out you weren't actually here forever.

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You click export settings, dumbass

I know I just got it I know I'm fucking dumb shut up

I hope this will be the literal end of Jow Forums. I need to go back to my normal life

Their broken English also makes it kind of cute

>For now
It's not just a change in the name, Hiro is gonna split the SFW and 18+ boards once he's done all the planning.

Its still going to be Jow Forums, just when if you try to visit a blue board you get redirected to 4channel. If you try to visit a red board you get redirected to Jow Forums. you can still reference the other boards using the >>>//

you can still switch back to channel in the thread.

don't do it though. you won't be able to post unless you turn off adblock.

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>8ch is an objectively better imageboard

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Looks like you'll have to change the marks on all your memes. Hiroshima really dabbed on you there.

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