Only a matter of time now, 0xbtc is going to be the next big thing in crypto. It's literally like buying BTC at $2, hope you're in user.
Only a matter of time now, 0xbtc is going to be the next big thing in crypto. It's literally like buying BTC at $2...
because more threads are helping
have around 400 but want to buy more
Definitely helping. Everyone will buy it now.
Don't you know that shilling on biz works?
there are 7 threads on the board about this coin
i'm in it, i like it, i want to make money, but this endless shilling shit needs to calm down. you're turning this into link 2.0
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe we should remind everyday the naysayers who are fudding this token since day one how wrong they are. Maybe we just should forget about them. Dunno. Let the community decide
so what does this coin do?
It just feels so good to prove the FUDders wrong :)
Was really hoping for a dip under 2 bucks, not looking likely. Blew.....
considering the massive buys that just went through at $3... it's safe to say that very well could be the new floor
Someone market bought like 20 eth on idax, up to 25% above current price.
For this board this shit is just DBC 2.0. That being said, nice just bought 100k.
i saw this shilled in april and didnt buy any because of the scam threads
thanks biz
You didn’t. There isn’t 100k for sale between the 3 exchanges, baby
holy fuck these pajeets are straight up lying on this thread. its still lower than it was 4 days ago when i first checked it out on marcatoxic. it was over .004 on june 2, now .004. Fucking dot heads from mumbai
so go buy it on mercatox its still down there. I see no reason to buy this
I'm getting bcash vibes from this shitcoin.
>I see no reason to buy this
Me too, see you at 1k
so again a new btc why should this coin going up maby a pump and dump bcos some idiots will fomo and think the got rich quick whats the use from this shitcoin
is my difficulty really 16,000? how is that possible? Calculator says im making 500 tokens an hrs at 500m/h
Its a scam coin. No one will be touching anything in anyway related to BTC because of all its dumb forks and the fact that BTC will be soon recognized as the dinosaur tech that it is and will be out of #1 position on coinmarketcap.
Hope you guys had fun buying my bags at 14k.
PS: You'll never make it.
This is the /biz coin of 2018
Just bought 100k
At best it's gonna compete with bitcoin forks but not bitcoin itself lol.
bitcoin of retarded people
>at best it’s going to be $775M
It is like bitcoin but it can interact with smart contracts