What's this phenotype called?

What's this phenotype called?

Attached: image-w240.jpg (240x285, 9K)


Non-depigmented Nordic.



The Russian Jew.

He was married to a polish woman. Maybe he has polish roots too?

Bozhe moy...

His name is Kozlovsky. -sky is Polish no?

looks like the guy who makes the china videos

Can still be a merchant. I think in Slav countries they don't have distinctive endings like they do here like -berg and -stein

In slav countries they just have straight up jew names like Perelman.

Russian Jews have all types of Russian surnames.

Much like Russian Muslims, the first part of their surname is usually dubious sounding, Berezovsky or Prokhorov for example.

Attached: Category Russian Jews Wikipedia.jpg (1569x906, 203K)

See Trotsky for example: real name Bronstein lol

His name is Daniil, and no, surname -sky does not means it's Polish, it's a myth akchuly

But there's also ones like Khodorkovsky

If you look at the Brazillian's reply you'll see most of them are distinctively non-slavic. However I'm pretty sure Kozlovsky is not a jewish surname.

Words ending with sky/skaya are adjectives. For example: pushkinskaya ulitsa(Pushkin's street)

Also it's weird they don't have Trotsky as a notable jew on that wikipedia page. Definitely more notable than the majority of those people I would say.

He doesn't look very Polish.

Kozlovsky sounds supremely Jewish bro.

Attached: Kozlovsky Name Meaning Kozlovsky Family History at Ancestry com.jpg (890x285, 56K)

Actually you're right, I made a stupid mistake. I saw some russian dude's DNA test and he was using the name Kozlovsky. I assumed it was his real name but now I realize that he was probably just using that name because Kozlovsky is a popular actor.

Boris Berezovsky
Lydia Chukovskaya
Valeriya Novodvorskaya
David Petrovsky
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
Natan Yavlinsky
Eduard Volodarsky
Vladimir Vysotsky
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

All Jews...

Are any of those prefixes even slavic? I know Petrovsky is just the most popular russian surname with -sky appended to it. Dunno about the rest though.

You have the link for the video? Never saw Russians doing DNA tests, i suppose they're embarrassed of that "15% Tatar" part.

No it was all on GEDmatch.

Not really, but before i started studying about Russia i used to think all those were normal Russian surnames. I used to fall even for obvious Muslim surnames such as Akhmadov.
Now i can easily identify Tatar surnames.

So is this guy jewish or what? No explicit mention of jewish ancestry on wikipedia:

>Danila Kozlovsky was born in Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union. His mother, Nadezhda Zvenigorodskaya, is a stage actress, and his father, Valery Kozlovsky, was a professor at Moscow State University specializing in marketing and mass communications.

Marking and mass communications professor at Moscow State University seems kind of jewy to me. Also his mother's name seems suspect to me as well. If we go by appearance I can't really tell either. Unless all the stereotypical traits are there (curly hair, hook nose, etc.) I have no idea. Only thing unusual is how dark he is.

I am smirnitsky but im not a jew

Attached: 9v7V8xffWTw.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Distant jew ancestry perhaps.

Goy, зa тoбoй выeхaли. Зpя пaлишьcя.

Seems to be naming after a city, which is a very common Jew surname thing to do here (Kissinger, Oppenheimer...)

His mother's surname is hard to find because it's also the name of a famous street in Moscow, but i found this.

Attached: Zvenigorodsky Jew Google Search.jpg (782x160, 31K)

Oh and Russians told me that Boris is a very Jewish first name in Russia, so that painter is definitely a super jew.

Good luck

So both of his parents have jewy surnames, both have jewy occupations, and the man is of a questionable phenotype. Yet no explicit mention of jewish ancestry anywhere. Either he's a cryptojew along with his parents, or both his parents have some forgotten jewish ancestry.

also lol at Boris being jewish. Always thought it was a stereotypical slav name.

Why do you deny it Boris? It's like a man with the surname Bronstein denying it.

Could also be Armenian blood (they look even more stereotypically Jewish than most Jews themselves), seems to be quite common in Russia

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why do all germans have eyes like this?

Are you talking about the color or shape?

he's russian but he kinda looks asian. still really attractive

The shape. You can easily identify a germanoid by that part over the eyes.

Attached: 1523759521431.jpg (1000x664, 83K)

Looks like a dark/curly haired version of Pirate Bay founder Fredrik Neij

Attached: fredrik-neij.jpg (250x236, 15K)

Attached: 220px-Danila_Kozlovsky_Odessa.jpg (220x320, 12K)


Attached: kozlovsky.jpg (726x470, 35K)