Tfw no redhead gf

>tfw no redhead gf

why even live?

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>no redhead gf
good feel

I deserve a goverment funded redhead gf

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tfw no redhead prostitutes. Why are redhead prostitutes so rare?

it's true redheads have more body odor?

Because redheads are rare.

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>cute redhead Irish neighbor from my childhood
>tfw acted really autistic during teenage years so now I have no chance

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>tfw no redhead gf with red pubic hair to brush my teeth with

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>tfw ginger gf

Although that's not a big deal here

we shouldn't have to burn so many in the middle ages ;_;

I lived with a redhead girl before and there was only a thin wall separating our toilets

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Some Fuggin old civilizations used to burn or sacrifice them :(

>wants to praise redheads
>posts dogshit ugly as sin """women"""

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U R u GuAY

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Literal dogshit taste you gillipollas

This desu

r u trollin

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now thats more like it!

do you like smol redheads?

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redheads girls have a 100% insanity rate


>big tits = hot

Nice plebster npc mindset

Found the Virgin

>be redhead
>almost no other redheads exist near you
>they all hate male redheads anyways

asianmasculinity has nothing on me

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Bro I have never seen a redhead couple maybe your males are Uber cucks

why is the female redhead idealized and the male whiplashed?

it's the same with russians

t. russian

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