Do Fennoswedes consider themselves Finnish or rather Swedish?
Do Fennoswedes consider themselves Finnish or rather Swedish?
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They truly cant say neither since knowing in case of war their land would be firstly taken.
Genetically Finns, mentally swedes
I want to fuck a fennoswede :)
who doesnt
Finnish(nationality) yes
Finnish(ethnicity) no
Post pictures of fennoswedes
>we were vikings and shit...
You just know he has some weird sexual fetish
Hauska tavata! Suomen härkä tulee läpi..
>32% Sweden
Including cultists, fire and pypamid shaped objects?
What does this make me, norreswede?
Here we observe Finnish speaking Finn and Swedish speaking Finn. Quite obvious which is which.
Finland got Largerst area, then force Nordics are Finnic clay.
both look like depigmented nigs lmao
Osloese I reckon
>Åland is Finnish
Finns, but with a twist that makes them drink silver water and say no to vaccines
We're mostly Finnish so that's that
>dropped only 1% to 5% in 38 years
slow as fuck
lots more halflings now though
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis #2 Finn?
depigmented nigger
does that mean swede finn or finn finn
how are we supposed to know these things
haha imagine if there were "dano-norwegian" areas in the same way that there are fenno-swedish areas
oh wait, we call that Oslo
drop them an email and enquire about their background and if they are single
Neither. They have their own identity.