Post the average policeman from your cunt. No cherry picking

Post the average policeman from your cunt. No cherry picking.

Attached: policeman.jpg (750x931, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread: imagenes/milicos-argentinos-y-latinos-guapos_1e1vyv

a lot of them look like this where I live

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Civil cops can grow beards and military cucks can't kek.

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Hue cops and American cops>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other pussy cop

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hmmm, I wonder what traits Brazilian and American cops share......

average policewoman

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Dealing with the ultimate scum of this Earth

Attached: en-20141112_Brazil_Police_Killings.jpg (650x366, 60K)

hell yeah

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>no cherry picking
>posts the most cherry picked image of all time to try and make his country seem tough
You're a fucking faggot

Well... Niggers are really scum. No one wants you in every place in the world.

yea that's what I imagine an American cop to look like.

and that's what I imagine anti-favela cops to look like.

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Fuck that's like the standard american cop eating donuts all day
Nice one

They look like farmers and are all stupid.

Yet military police works better and receive more investments, meanwhile Civil cops are snorting coke and getting bribed by the local drug dealer.

Shouldn't be Mario in the board ?

We need a Virgin x CHAD of this.

Attached: 909536.jpg (768x593, 170K)


Not really. Instagram is full of hot Brazilian and American cops imagenes/milicos-argentinos-y-latinos-guapos_1e1vyv

>Post the average policeman from your cunt. No cherry picking.


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But these guys aren't cops.

There isn't a single cop in your link

>in the Navy
>i don't have the CHAD shape

Although they're the biggest prima-donnas.

I hate subhumans

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doling out swift justice to degenerates

How much do those monkeys make per month?

looks like corruption incarnate

it's better to have a whore for a daughter than a cop for a son

Attached: policija.jpg (790x426, 85K)

From my city

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Man, russians look like Arabs.

Depends on the rank. A private makes around RM 1,500 while sergeant can go up to RM 3,500.

he’s an edgy anti authority teenager probably

they're chechens, basically cavemen

a slavs expression. russians say the same

The cops that loves taking bribes are usually oldfags. Newbie cops are mostly honest people and did good job.

But they are technically Russians? The Russian military?

policemen here are the very lowest of scum that didn't choose openly criminal career. most incapable children go to police. they are bribed on the daily basis. the "police families" (meaning the families with multiple generation of policemen) are generally despised. during tito's time, policemen and military officers were drawn from the biggest shitholes in yugoslavia (herzegovina, lika, montenegro) and they were infamous for their aggressivenes and maltreatment of civilians. same goes for present day policemen in villages and smaller towns, where they openly imitate sheriffs. i remember an ex policeman in one smaller town in southern serbia, everybody talked that he used to get drunk frequently and forced people to walk around the streets naked.

many fathers would disown their daughters for marrying a cop.

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>But they are technically Russians?
Yes. But Chechens ethnically.

It's police forces.

If you're muslim you're arab by default

no they dont

Left is average cop.

Attached: rayyan.jpg (620x413, 55K)

is that the smoking manchild cop from that meme pic?

You mean this guy?
He is Indonesian.

Attached: smoking-baby-feature2.jpg (1200x800, 184K)

lmao, not that one but that's pretty funny. haven't seen it before. there was a meme pic of a smoking cop in a police (or military?) uniform who looked like a child

They look more like this around here desu

Attached: CwRfnKVVYAA_I13.jpg (450x338, 17K)

That's a very American haircut.

polizia the hedgehog

likes: pasta, pedophilia, hollywood movie ripoffs from 70s, berettas, women with moustache, hair gel

dislikes: crime and taking a shower


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I see more policewomen than policemen in my city for some reason.

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>heavily armed
many violent crimes?

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>*shoots you while you reach for your license*

lmao exactly this. they must be clones or something.

I remember seeing this on futaba a year or two ago.
Fat lizard is fat.

>No cherrypicking
picks a jacked guy police officer very niceu desu

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What is this? A fish?

a complilation of regular VN police officers

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traffic variant

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haha... I think that goofy mountie tv show. Most are like American uniformed officer police shows in B.C. Most aren't so buff at least when their arms are exposed. We have bicycle cops in the summer and something that looks like a Canadian episode of CHIPS. The private cops here are a mixed bag of buff and beer gut. Mounties I think must pass a regular physical fitness test.

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Non cherrypicked you say?

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Fuck I hate chechens so much

Hot as fuck.

Does he really need three guns?

Im just a nigga with a rocket launcher

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underrated post

>yo dawg, I heard you like guns

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are these refugees or identitarians

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A salamander

100% identitarians

You don't wanna make her angry

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>Doctor Pavel, I’m Polizia Penitenziaria

The boat people in Italy are typically the blackest niggers available.

she will bear my 8 brown sons

they all seem to have a very recognizable scull shape
they find it very hard to sneak in somewhere in civilian clothes because just by looking at their face and scull, you know that the man is a cop
this is a good example, look at the forehead, the eyes, the haircut
it radiates misery, anger and self hatred, a face like that knows that he will never be like by anyone, he cant smile without looking fake, he rarely finds time to be happy, or at least pretend he is
his scull is smaller and chin as well, than the rest of cops
then there is the look of a cop who is skinny, darker in features and looks 50 when he is 35, those arent as violent as others but pretend to be good cops when youre arrested, they are usually the ones writing and typing

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All I know is from personal experience is to absolutely never go anywhere near the police. If you dial 9-1-1, SOMEBODY is going to jail for a day or two. Then you get fines, usually not that bad, like $100. Gotta pay bail, around $100, go to court an easy 3 times. That's the most annoying part because it takes hours and it fucks with work.

Maybe, if you actually did something, like slap a bitch who was really, really, really asking for it, the penalty is way worse. You gotta go to Anger Management, that's the most common thing courts send people to, gotta go to Probation, which is $60 a week and lasts years, anger management itself costs a good $50 a week and is 3 hours at night on a fucking friday. If you were drunk of high you have to go to random drug screens, gotta call the number every day and maybe you gotta drive 15 miles to pee in a cup and pay them $20, and wait for half an hour.

Basically they just RAPE your life sideways and make everything horrible. Also many places wont hire you.

t. had an abusive alcoholic for a mom

sexy highway patrolmen coming thru

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wow we're pretty based then

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