Ate a whole pizza to myself

Ate a whole pizza to myself
Not even fat

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I eat whole pizzas at least once a week.
I'm 170cm, ~53kg. I'm cute.


1 pizza? you are like a little baby

youre very veyr very very very very very short.
how many grams is your pizza? if its 200-400gram pizza i think this is ok to do now and again

>youre very veyr very very very very very short.
I'm so so so so so so so so cute.

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I can't do this anymore, I'm in my 30's now and if I eat a whole pizza I will spend the next day shitting fire.


I suggest you eat 2 whole pizzas a day till you're at least 65kg cause you sound way too thin.

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I was 65kg several years ago. I felt FAT.
Now I'm cute.

thats borderline unless you ate very lightly the day of

I hardy eat during breakfast and only eat around evening

you ate a bit over 1200 calories most likley so as long as you ate very little else its ok-ish


be careful, little man

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #155 - 'Height and Weight Chart for Men.png (251x704, 13K)

Now post the one for females.

Attached: 1539631349460.png (653x504, 182K)

Attached: FireShot Screen Capture #156 - 'Height and Weight Chart for Women.png (243x699, 13K)

>Ideal weight
>5'7, 55-67 kg
Unlikely. I am very cute at my current weight.

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65kg is bone thin.

I usually eat a pizza myself
190 cm 70kg

I heard a pizza is only like 500 calories? Always thought it was closer to 1000. So yeah not more than a normal meal


At least go for 58kg
btw I'm 5'11 - 79kg and I'm trying to get down to 75kg which means no pizzas for me.
You and this stick figure over here need to eat more to make up for it

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>tfw 6' 4'' and 63 kg
what the fuck

According to that I should weight close to a hundred kg.
Why are people so fat.

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i wouldnt call it ''stick figure''
i am not that thin

Eat!, you spooky skeleton!

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>should be 15kg heavier

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I ate a whole pizza just once
I threw up


That mutt is not cute al all

can't remember, maybe pizza hut
whatever it was, there were no vegetables
just cheese and meat