We welcome our new overlords edition.
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Based pagpag eating flip Jow Forumstard
Whats the point? They're already inside
>>wanting a magical dick on your forehead
>actually, that sounds great
dok pahe
My brothers :^)
enjoy the jew chinks slowly eating up your resources
>dok pahe
You never do sometimes
someone direct me to the /soc/ website of malaysia
Give me one reason to not hate PH anymore
its chinese based
keep hating them.. I want to vote BN, I only vote PH cause I want to drop Najib, not becuase of PH's retarded policies
Its not UMNO/PAS.
I'm not really sure if this was the exact reason but as far as I know,
Pooh was used as a code name for Xi to bypass censorship by Anti Xi people in china to critize him.
Now the chinese goverment bans everything related to pooh.
Why do you hate yourself so much pinoy?
>malay cam girl
look up "wendy_anchin"
friend of mine
MKL is confirmed PH shill
unironically this
i can't believe i post on the same board with people who are old enough to vote
gas these old uncle and aunties
anyone here plays SRW?
Like I said before, this is going one hell of a train ride
>why is KL's living cost so high?
>why it it so hard to land jobs nowadays?
>why is my degree certificates so useless
>why is our college tuition fees so expensive?
>{insert other rhetoric questions or complaints here}
Oh so you hate the state of your country now huh? Want solutions? Hell yeah there is! It is you! You are the solution! Join politics now and be a politician and fix your goddamn country so your children and grandchildren can live in peace! Provide them the choices you never had!
Civilizations before us has already experienced what we have such as war, economic crash, hyperinflation, sexual liberations, etc and they have all the solutions. The solutions are waiting for you to implement!
Good luck!
Doesn't help
Pretty shallow innit? Hate one man and willing to cuck your own people
You are a retard with shit genes that come from failed libtard parents... probably from single mothers
It seems you guys have failed. I will remain in my holy crusade to fuck PH.
Amen. Gott mit uns
>implying you won't join the endless cycle of Malaysian politics
Have fun kiddo
SEA bros teach you traditional thai policy use both great powers against eachother while you improve your economy sabai sabai.
In other words, suck both cocks so that they fight as to who gets to fuck your boi pussi first
>why is KL's living cost so high?
it's not wtf?
>why it it so hard to land jobs nowadays?
if illegal immigrant bangalas can land jobs, so can you!
>why is my degree certificates so useless
certificates aren't a ticket to your dream job, its only a supporting tool to increase your chances
>why is our college tuition fees so expensive?
just study form 6 or TAR college lol
Confucius say
You lot just gave your sons to be ladybois for the amusement of poor degenerate wh*ties and rich chinkman. Truly a diplomatic move. I applaud
No just give them parts of your country that you just recently conquered from others so you never lose any part thats your cultural territory. Like how we traded cambodians, Laos and Malays to suck white cock.
You lot give your little girls to suck arabic cock.
LMAO how will these melayu bumiputera mat rempit mcdonald workers ever recover????
Implying the north (Malay Peninsula) is yours, dirty tai-keldai shitheads
History says that didn't work with the japs
Also to the Indonesia user thailand beat indonesia football show your boipucci.
Me? Heh
We lot intermarried with the Turks. The Arabs are our slave. Now clean my bathroom like the lot you are
kek i member that
tunjuk bontot, bro
Dirty degenerate, cease your gayness
A Salami Malaycum islamic culture says the one that gets fucked is gay.
hey i member that too
i said that
Whatever you say, schlomo. Now go and fix some motorcycles or someshit that you people do
Go get enslaved and killed by your saudi employer like the rest of austronesians.
Tryhard much
Someone Buy this Kek statue from me.
Price starts at 20,000 pesos!
seething thainigger
He will bring you good luck!
Banyak orang suka padaku
Banyak pula yang benci diriku
Ku tak peduli inilah diriku yang cantik
Yang manja yang paling juara
Aku hanya seorang wanita
Ingin juga ingin dimanja
Ku tak peduli orang bercerita
Aku memang yang paling jelita
What are you looking for anyway?
You already took place as automotive hub of the region and might secure rail development from both China and Japan if the govt is successful.
Usually never suck only one cock but ALL the cock to ensure there is no one cock to rule them all.
Slightly mad
Extremely mad
Can't handle thai bants :3
But anyway Suzuki Championship
Thailand beats Phillipines, Vietnam beats Myanmar, Singapore beats Timor-Leste, Cambodia beats Laos.
I want a Vietnam Thailand final, we consider eachother rivals for centuries.
Tagalogs deserves this fate
Is it better for me to take medicine in public uni or private uni?
I feel like private uni suck; filled with libtards and the sorts
We are also the electronic, logistics and second largest exporter.
Choose the one that will get you the higher paying position.
Forgot hub
Public uni. You have more "uni life" than in private uni. In private uni you go to class and then that's it. If you want to organize anything you have to fork your own money.
Public always or better yet overseas scholarship.
Just manufacturing simple stuff doesn't really get far nowdays, this country also boasts large electronics manufacturing and largest LED plant in the world yet some middle class is still living paycheck to paycheck and its only a matter of time before we get dumped for automated machines.
Without technical expertise and experience to manufacture higher value product such as single crystal steel it doesn't really matter how much gorillions of steel your industry produced.
Our state policy of funding degrees everywhere by loans causing questionable institution to mushroom everywhere instead of sharpening vocational labour skills for those who are not cut for university was a horrible mistake. In my opinion following German methods with their apprentice program would have been the right choice.
Bisayan illocanos deserve this fate
they are born to be sex slaves
oh no what do we do kl bros
Who will you guys ally with in the inevitable Vietnamese-Chinese mega-war that's coming?
I look forward to a closer Filipino-Chinese ties since America already dropped their support on us.
He cucked the country so much with tiny chink dicks so its not even question
filipina women are cute
you must be one super ugly korean bastard or poor
pengen ngentot gan
He's imdonesian
im a middle class and an average guy in sk just i think girls in sea is cuter ill say this is girlish
You can marry my sister if upu buy my frog
Tagalog tears are falling tonight
End of pagpag festival is today
Get your pussy ready because mr. Lim is coming
I am happy that Filipino Chinese is going up into a new level. I hope China ease our loan interests and assist the Philippines on infrastructure development.
Kek I fucking love how the filipino evolved into malay people in the 3rd pic
how long can I keep nasi lemak for without them going stale?
there's a malay stall nearby that only operates at night that sells packets of nasi lemak for RM 3 each
I wanna buy it for breakfast and maybe lunch as well
Check your blood sugar.
You might be diabetic by now.
will chinese government involving in Philippines unironically make Philippines betteR?
lmao these people look like shit
you don't know it but deep inside they all wish they're dead
last time we worked togther it ended with this
and more bisayan illocano pagpag festivals lmfao
ye they're probobly gonna just turn you guys all in to a military base
Indians are literally niggers of Malaysia
>Go to indian neighbourhood
>Dirty af, feels like travelling in India
>Most brutal gangsters are indians
>Most robbery and repo-man are indian
>Most troublemakers are indian
>Lazy af
>always drunk
>Steals stuff, even fruits in some random orchards / fish in someone's pond
I used to live in Indian neighborhood for 4 years and even malayniggers are better than them.
That's nothing my boii
>more chink loans to add to our debts
>infrastructures that we have to turn over to china if we cant pay.
>more military demoralization
>loss of our Economic zones and resources.
>the small oil that we got already belongs to them.
all of this mess so he can get tiny chink cock on his bisayan illocano boi pussy and for his corrupt cronnies to profit and get out of jail.
China doesn’t have the full trust of Filipino citizens especially when they’re encroaching the seas within Philippine parameters. The agenda of Xi’s visit would mainly be about loan, infrastructure, and disaster assistance, it’s unclear whether Spratly will be discussed.
We are hoping for the best since America is already set on its protectionism attitute towards international trade, we are also affected by trade war.
China has a genuine interest with philippines.
Tagalogs are just salty of duterte achievements as usual
technically working with them is treason
but our president is tiny dick chink bitch sex slave
its like watching porn at this point a chink continually fucking his asshole
Install flags
i think your parents chose the wrong neighbourhood.. also get into university real quick you heard? lots of well-behaved indians here at least in MMU, cyber..
I have one indian friend that already furthur his studies in Russia Federation doing Masters in Information Security while me and other malays, still Bachelor in Computer Science.. haha final year project now.. doing a 2-dimensional game engine
This is what Bisayan Food looks like.
Tagalogs has Pagpag festival c/o wh*te and chink sex tourists.
>Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional
We have a Department of Diversity?
Honestly our incompetent corrupt administration themselves are not even sure about it.
its just your typical promising of this and that to keep the masses dumbed down.
Pagpags are tagalog’s daily staple food.
Bisayans has fresh foods everyday.
This is what Bisayan illocano pagpag Food looks like.
Bisayans illocanos has Pagpag festival c/o wh*te and chink sex tourists.
Tagalogs can only dream of what we Proud Bisayans eat every night.
Many of them copy our cuisine but failed and revert back to their daily pagpag recipe.
>malayzzzz are raycizzz
>gives miniorities 40% of the seat in parliament to miniorities
>still want more rights
>gave them total control of the economy
>did Singapore give its Malays control of the economy?
>average ph libtard supporter
>ohhhh look at chinkapooor
>they protect malay rights
Literally what nigga?
>they give miniorities representatives in parliament
>less than 10%
Yea right! If the chinkapooreans rights are protected then why is Malays there soo dirt poor that they have to buy a house in Johor? And proceed to act like total snobs acting like
>muh singapooor is the best
What next? Make a chink sultan?
I swear you chinks and malay libtards have the lowest IQ in the gene pool
Holy fuck that looks good