What would be the GDP of this country ?

What would be the GDP of this country ?

Attached: germanyhhh2.png (1300x989, 433K)

nr1 in the world but then it would collapse after a few years because of the high autism concentration

Well, 3re highest in the world I guess

Per capita it would be lower than Germany now, with all those Polish shithole regions lowering the average

Don't make such dumb jokes, Austria would wage war against the germs to their las man if the germs decided to annex us again

Oh look its the mountain german following his madeup identity and dialect from Post-WW2.

Fuck off Jörg-Kai, we'll never be "one" we're we and you're something different.
Also how dumb can you be? Standard german is the made up language, dialects existed ever since, your dumb language was made up and then you idiots wiped out your culture in order to conform.

It looks like this sign lol

Attached: good pizza.jpg (746x588, 86K)

Jokes on you. You are nothing more than another German people, like Saxons or the Badenser. High-German was actually more common pre-WW2 in Austria and Switzerland than your disgusting dialect. Even Hitler spoke High-German and he wasn't even from a cosmopolitan area like Wien. Now go choke on some Erdäpfel.

Austrians for the most part wanted to be annexed after your empire collapsed. Stop trying to act nationalistic when you're just a German state, it's cringe.