Poker pro of 10 years here. Just picked up some cash and headed to vegas. AMA

Poker pro of 10 years here. Just picked up some cash and headed to vegas. AMA

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What poker books are people do you recommend to read or follow to start improving your play well enough to make some decent money at your local card house?

How much fun would I have if I came with 20k USD to Vegas without knowing Poker and only want to drink and gamble like a degenerate?

How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?

Spend it all on burgers and alcohol at the Heart Attack Grill then pay hookers to rim your asshole at night time. Thats what i did in Vegas

How do you deal with those idiots in person all the time? Online poker was so much better.

Most poker books worth reading are fairly high level. As a beginner, I'd start with some of the bigger twitch channels, just to get a feel for how the game is played. If you willing to risk a little bit of cash, deposit $50 on bovada or americas cardroom and play around with the .01/.02 penny games. Once you are ready to take things seriously, you'll have to invest in an online video training site. You have to pay a monthly subscription, but if you pick the right training site, they are well worth it. I'm not here to shill for any site in particular.

Where is the rest

sounds like depression user. maybe you should see someone.

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depending on how degenerate you wanted to go, it could last a few days of rock star lifestyle or you could milk it out for a few months of low level degeneracy

not really on the agenda senpai

agree online poker is better. 90% of my yearly volume is online. I just get FOMO during world series of poker seeing some retards scoring hundreds of thousands of dollars

Can one cheat ?
Did you cheat ?

crypto, online poker balances, bank acct, in that order

When I first started playing online poker I tried to collude with a friend in $10 sit and gos. that was in 2007. I haven't attempted to cheat since because it can get you banned and money confiscated. I also learned enough so I could win a lot without having to resort to that

Any poker stars you admire ?

truly degenerate

Good luck. If you make it on TV wear a ChainLink shirt for us. Also if you get a chance to play Helmuth please try to set him off. I miss his rants.

Threads like this always make me miss poker.

None that are particularly well known. I'm a fan of the autismo-nerds who grinded their way up in online poker with scientific/analytical approach (jungleman/dan cates, ike haxton, ben sulsky)

TV pros are to this day almost uniformly awful and don't approach the game the same way as me.

Why don't you just pay a pajeet to make a crypto poker app, invest in some advertising and shill your app in Vegas and you'll easily make 400x on your investment

not that easy famalam. The owner of the original btc poker site (sealswithclubs) is facing serious legal trouble and fled his home of las vegas for the caribbean a few years back. Uncle sam doesn't approve of even crypto gambling

Taking a quick shower. Will be back to answer questions in 15

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people like you lose it all in Vegas everyday

guess what they never come back around to break about it

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Absolutely. I've been a pro poker player for 10 years now. I know how it goes. Its not like this is the last 20k to my name. Losing this money would mean very little to me. I'm speculating that its a positive expectation gamble to play in these poker games. Its impossible to know for sure if I'm winning longrun or not, but I can say that I have won at online poker over the past 10 years, so that is some sort of sample size.

I'm stuck about 100k in vegas lifetime. However, I am up playing live poker because of a few live tournament scores in different locales. If I had to guess I'd say I am up about 200k playing live poker lifetime and this figure is including the 100k I've lost in vegas.

sure, will shill for the stinky linkies/biz famalam. I actually don't even hold any link.

If you could give your single most effective piece of advice, what would it be?

What did you wish you knew when you started playing online poker?

What are you holding in terms of crypto and why?

Live poker is so slow that it is impossible to make living out of it unless your buy in is your whole net worth =D

10bb / 100 is not going to cut it, even 30bb / 100 is not going to cut it because the game is so slow you only play 30hands per hour lol and onlinme you wreck ...500-1000 per hour ?

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Do you work for RefToken?

Your absolute skill level is not nearly important as your skill relative to the competition in the game you are playing. For example, if you are the 9th best player in the world, that is an amazing accomplishment. However, if the only poker game you get in is with the 8 guys who are better than you, you will be a loser. However, if you can find a game where you are the best at the table, you will be crushing.

So to simplify a bit:
1) Be honest and know your own skill level
2) Find games where you are winning comfortably against the given competition

What stakes do you play and what bb/100 do you have?

Most of my portfolio is BTC. I believe its the only crypto that is angling to be the world's store of value. Capped supply, best security, smallest attack surface and first mover advantage.

Holding BCH because there is a chance ver/jihan and co can shill BCH to the top by brainwashing plebians. I didn't market buy BCH but rather just have them from the coin split and haven't sold much of it

Hold a good position in monero because they have a working use case in darknet markets. They have dedicated devs and a dedicated community of users. Under some circumstances I could see monero being the worlds store of value.

I haven't touched ETH or any smart contract coins because there are too many unknown unknowns for me to make a reasoned investment. Nobody seems to have a clearcut plan of what they want to do or how they intend on doing it. 90% of the shit out there seems to be just hype and buzzwords and I don't invest/speculate on that kind of stuff. People with a better grip on the tech and people with insider knowledge would be crushing me too hard

30bb/100 at 5/10 live is a decent living. at 30hands/hr thats $90/hr. That being said, I've been winning online my whole career and I haven't had a real reason to give full-time live a try. Its just my fallback

I'd say I average about 600hand/hr online

Most of my volume is at 2/4 and 2.5/5. I play 5/10 almost daily, but not nearly as much volume as the lower stakes. I jump into 10/20 when I find a good spot. I've been winning at ~9bb/100 over the past 3 years


Online seems kind of absurd. Best 500z regs hav max 8bb/100 and that might be even fantasy land.

nl500/1k/2k at 9bb/100 online is impossible, even if you are Sauce, OtB, Pastarcitox and all other pros combined.

I play american sites breh. Its a lot easier.

I've played 500z when I was living internationally. Logged about 300k hands 2013-2014. I won at 2bb/100 lawl.

Refer to my post above about finding easier games. Poker is all about the bumhunt

Well I played up to NL400, but only short term. I think I can win at NL50 and NL100 bumhunting and exploiting regs, but I can't bother with having 6 different poker clients set up and search for fishes all the time.

I haven't played in a long time, but I might. Probably should learn more theory also, since I never really studied other than the funadamentals and then caught other concepts by playing/watching RIO videos and reviewing hands.

My redline sucks though, can't seem to grasp how some people have WWS so high and print money at same time. I get it it's the GTO, but what the fuck, you have to be focused on every hand, every opponent have a bunch of notes and almost know how they behave in every single spot, which is ridicliously exhausting. I've done it in past, but there are jobs that are paying more for a lot less energy and mental abuse.

Are u Doug Polk

> poker pro
> $20,000
pick one

>but I can't bother with having 6 different poker clients set up and search for fishes all the time.

this is the only way to get a really high WR imo, unless you are some >130iq piosolver master.

Thing I've learned in recent years that following every showdown and taking precise notes is super important, no matter how exhausting it is. If you get back into poker, focus on this. I'd say its even more important than simming once you've got a few hundred hours of simming under your belt. You will have developed a decent baseline strat and then from there just exploit using the notes and ongoing showdowns

nah hes like 10x richer than me at least

>thinking this is my net worth
dont know what to tell you son

I just finished the grinders manual and applications of nlhe, is this enough to make it? What training sites do you recommend?
I only fuck around with 5nl or 10nl because I also work and go to school

How’d you get into it? What was the impetus that turned poker into a career for you? Epiphanic moment? I’m rambling, answers don’t need to be too precise

>9bb/100 at those stakes
Brokenstars is that you?

nah, I'm way better than that kid. I've watched his stream. He's not the worst tho

What about Updog? Shit or just misunderstood?

How do you recommend i play the local town poker room, full of rich old men in houston, iv been up thousands a few times but always just end up going all in when i have 500 left

applications is great, but its going to be hard to totally contextualize what you've learned in the book. I think training sites make it easier, especially with live play vids, because you can see similar concepts being applied in real time. That being said, if you are taking any time to learn about anything poker, you should be beating 5nl and 10nl.

I used to play competitive chess when I was a kid. I studied hard and beat most players I encountered. I played in regional tournaments and won trophies in kids tournaments, won money in adult tournaments. Poker blew up in 2003 and I could see it was a game of skill as well. I was underage at the time, but I knew that this was the best way for me to make money. I turned 18 in 2006 and took my poker study seriously. By 2008 I was playing 1/2 and making $100/hr

Serious question.
If Doug Polk teaches and sells the courses that all the 200z grinders use, why is he barely beating microstakes when he plays?

Blackjack is superior to poker

Brainlet here ...

Wait, so you make a living playing poker? How much have you made over the years? Would it be possible for an average guy to get into poker and turn a decent profit, and if so, how am I supposed to compete with the big fish and people with PhDs in probability/statistics?

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Doug Polk? Is that you?

Suck my dick.

>online poker was so much better
lol, he doesn't know he's playing against multi-tablers

he has played 400/800nl, he has played 1mil dollar tournament poker buy ins, he literally doesnt give a fuck when hes grinding away for 10 dollars playing .05/.1 online. It was all a marketing gimmick gone awry. He could crush those stakes if he actually tried, but its for incredibly little benefit

I have buddies who win at blackjack. They have studied all that shit you saw on the movie 21 or whatever and they've won over a sizable sample. When you win like that, you get banned. And its pretty easy to identify who is playing for an advantage from the pit boss' standpoint. Blackjack for advantage is basically a dead game

so what, in live poker you're dealing with groups of people who gang up on you as well.