How do you talk to roasties about crypto gains
be a chad and impregnate her
I make art and no one asks because I am always at my studio even though I don't sell shit lel
she only wants you for your money. i recommend ditching that app and becoming a comfy linux neet
kys normalshit
Is that OKC
You dont
100% Rebecca.
Stay vague and protect your money bro. You already gave away too much info
Tell her you're a crypto millionaire and fuck her.. she's hot so just do it
I’m just trying not to get robbed lol
Don't be a giant pussy. What are you one of those tinfoil fags?
Yea buddy, you're immediately gonna get hacked after telling anyone you got online cybercash
The very fact she knows you have a vault makes this thread larp. Like the one the other day. Sage.
Don't reveal your financial situation to normies. Honestly. Tell some bullshit how you have average income and make ends meet blah blah if necessary. Even more importantly never let women know how much money you have.
Unless you feel like banging a golddigger
you don't
So much this. You are inviting people to use you.
What’s the point of money if I can trick on these hoes
Pump and dump retard. You should have learned this by now
Don't listen to these virgin fags, pump n dump her like one of your shitcoins
Only one point to money, a quest for immortality. If you don't pursue it, you and everyone you have ever cared about will literally die.
Become free, study AI and be ready to act.
"some guy made a bunch of memes that piqued my interest in the project so after about a half hour of research I dumped several thousands of dollars into this project and it just worked."
Also, don't fucking talk to women about your gainz unless you want them to take that money.
I live with my girlfriend and she still thinks I only have 5k. She told me to cash out when BTC was at 13k. Women tend to not know fuck all about money.
Shit musician here. I take unpaid gigs and people think I'm making bank off 'em. Top lel.
If you want to attract bitches with money, buy nice clothes, drive a nice car, present yourself as someone with money. But don’t talk about your wealth. You just come off as a desperate cuck
You don’t lol
>retiring at 28
Jesus its like you people believe retirement is the ultimate goal. You are not made to retire. People are not made to been on holiday permanently. You are made to work, to exercise, to socialise. Have a purpose and a function, contribute.
I'd probably kill myself if had to retire before 50 even.
LMFAO I laughed out loud at this
He's right tho
Niggaz on Jow Forums got street wisdom
Retirement doesn't mean uselessness. It means focusing on what's important. For me, thats pursuing immortality so the people I care about, and myself, don't suffer horrible painful deaths.
Waste your time worrying about quarterly revenue while your body slowly rots.
Take her on a vacation and take a plane elsewhere unannounced before the last day.
Shit's hilarious.
this just in: neet gets lucky with shitcoins and then finds the solution to immortality
Thats the dream though man, just making art for the heck of it in your own studio
I'm only speaking to the software engineers. The rest of you have no chance unless we first remove scarcity.
Current AI is now an engineering problem. The tools and methods are publicly available and the required knowledge is available online.
If you are wasting your time building CRUD apps, stop. This is happening. I feel like I'm yelling about darkcoin's potential in 2015.
rub it in their dumb faces
fuck them if you'll get an opportunity
dump them
give her 100k and KYS
just B urself and dont B an soֽyboy
I'm nearly certain you are not in the gerontology field, nor do you have any knowledge of this field nor do you have any idea about the research going on in this field hahaha
What’s the vid?
No I think the solution to death (which is a series of hurdles) will be to arrive at one through AI.
Kind of like how the imagenet competition beat the entire field of computer vision with their custom tailored algorithms by learning from scratch.
"ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" was the solution I'm referring to.
AI will find solutions to all problems eventually.
>talks about AI
>immediately alludes to machine learning in the next line like the two things are interchangeable
Well I hope you're doing real research instead of just "looking stuff up" online. If you really want to work towards your goal you won't make it happen, or discover the answer you are looking for using the latter method.
Not without working together towards it. Unless you think a large organization will share their results before it's too late.
Where is the alphago source code Google? Do no evil involves letting people not die, Google.
tell her begone thot
I am, it's what I'm doing full time. What I'm working on specifically is stabilizing unsupervised learning to use as building blocks, in the hopes that the techniques and compute power will get better over time. Also figuring out wtf any of this is, intuition fails and it requires time and attention.
Meta learning and reinforcement learning are also very promising.
“How to learn HTML in 15 minutes”
Are you in webdev?
Please tell me people on biz don’t actually buy this meme? At some point you will die, even if you find a way to extend your life to thousands or tens of thousands of years (KEK) there are limits hard coded to the laws of physics. You can’t escape heat death, resource depletion, (theoretical) insanity from pushing the brain to its absolute limits of data processing (imagine having 4 million years of memories).
>b-but well just entire a virtual reality
Ignoring the single biggest implication of a virtual reality: its made by humans or AI designed by humans meaning it’s essentially having an insane god rule over you, what if some rich person buys into your server with god like powers just to torture and murder people for fun/eternity, but above all else YOU will die and a clone of you will live in the server. You can’t transfer the stream of consciousness without interrupting it.
>w-what if I transfer one braincell at a time as I destroy it
Retarded proposition that reveals complete ignorance of what little we do understand about the brain/mind. Destroying something as you copy it does not inherently transfer some tangible property. If duplicating your brain cells without destroying them transferred consciousness then you’re theoretically accepting the proposition that you could clone your brain and experience two realities at once if you didn’t destroy your original brain. This is a laughable idea, this is all a fallacy tide to the heap paradox. If you remove a grain of sand one at time from a heap when does it cease to be a heap, in the same way you think that because by destroying one brain cell at a time you don’t die immediately it “seems” like transference of consciousness but it’s still just death.
Anyways you’re better off coming to terms with death and maximising your enjoyment of life than you are pursuing a pipe dream. Plus longer you live the more you postpone tdeath the more terrifying it’ll become.
>those replies
Are women always this snarky?
Before I retired, yes
Lol jk ya
What do you do specifically if you don't mind me asking?
your mom
Tell them to buy some fucking bitcoin and for once in their life do something worthwhile.
>did you win the modesty olympics
hahaha I do the same but with writing...
yee, mixing "modesty" and "humblebragging". roastie is dumb as fuck
dude, just... anonymous forum or not, don't you have any pride? you got irremediably btfo by user, this was the time to move on instead of droning on with your delusions
now you look so pathetic it's more sad than funny, which is why you're getting no answers. god help you if your autistic ass thinks this means you won the argument
Aiming for this route desu
Daily reminder to never tell anyone about the amount or source of your gains. Be smart and enjoy having the financial independence/freedom that most will never achieve.