try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that. I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to get rich is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.
Try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool...
Look up Delta P before you go ripping your dick off people
>I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house
Just stick your dick in a jacuzzi jet. I've done it many times in mine and it good.
Nothing beats pussy m8, and pussy definitely beats having your penis ripped off like this asshole is trying to get someone to do.
This. OP is a sick fuck.
I want to believe you are talking in some sort of secret code but cool story bro
pussy isnt even that good. people talk about tight pussies, but pussies are too soft to be tight. tight compared to other pussies maybe. but not actualy tight. its like sticking your dick in a sandwhich bag full of warm lube, which is what i suggest virgins try if they want to know what it feels like. feels like basically nothing. and no, i dont have a small dick, its actually quite large.
i wonder who is writing all these posts about vaginas being awesome. is it women? or just men who have only ever used their hand and have never tried a decent onahole. i dunno
full sex is better then jerking off but only because of everything in combination, not because of the vagina itself, which is nice but vastly overrated.
i think talking about how awesome and tight vaginas are is like some kind of virtue signalling. signalling how cool you are or something. look at me, i'm so awesome because i like vaginas so much, im so chad, look at me. pathetic
i dunno, when you first thrust into it, it can be kinda tight on the first thrust. but then once youve opened it up with the first thrust its wide open for a while.
or maybe women actually have to be attracted to you before the vagina tightens maybe thats whats up i dunno
you should always test any device like that with your fingers or something. you can't fuck around with this type of stuff, you gotta be safe, because you only get one dick. for instance, I didn't just dive into the nearest pool and start fucking the pool cleaner of a complete stranger. these people were one of my wife's best massage therapy clients, and they had a really nice house with a huge pool and hot tub. we were invited over for a bbq one day, and that's when I first noticed the pool cleaner vacuum. I've had my fair share of vacuums in the past, but never a pool cleaner. it was right then I realized that I would do anything to fuck that pool cleaner vacuum. every time I came over I made an effort to take a dip in their pool, which would increase my chances of being left alone for just long enough to have my way with the pool cleaner vacuum. the problem is, the pool cleaner vacuum wasn't always in the pool, which made things even more complicated. to make a long story short, eventually I did find my opportunity. me, my wife, and the couple were hanging out in the hot tub and eventually all 3 of them decided they wanted to go inside and get ready for dinner. of course I told them I wanted to stay a little longer, and maybe take a dip in the pool: which of course had the pool cleaner vacuum going. as soon as everyone was inside, I jumped into the pool, which was only slightly colder than the hot tub thanks to the pool heater. I immediately swam over and stuck a finger inside to see if it was safe. sure enough, I felt the gentle fan blades tickling my finger with such an amazing suction feeling. without hesitation, I pulled my swim trunks down and stuck my penis inside. it was heavenly bliss. within no more than 30 seconds I had one of the most powerful orgasms of my entire life, I was literally stunned from the feeling. the best part is I didn't even get caught until my third encounter with the pool cleaner vacuum... those were the good days.
>its like sticking your dick in a sandwhich bag full of warm lube
Nah, you don't have a large dick, you're lying.
6 inches around. maybe im too big. i think everyones just bullshitting about vaginas being tight to sound cool
Well, your mom obviously isn't going to be tight after she gave birth to a fat autistic fuck like you.
people get so mad when i talk about vaginas being overrated. you must be a woman with nothing to offer but a hole. to realize that your hole isnt even all that fantastic and that you have nothing else worthwhile to offer must be painful.
makes me wonder if women arent online pretending to be men and shilling vaginas to raise the market value
What’s preferable to pussy? A toothy mouth? Anus, which is like a hard ring? You own hand? A machine? It’s not “tightness” that makes a sex in a pussy enjoyable otherwise I’d just put my cock in a vice grip and slam it.
in all seriousness you got niggers talking about pool cleaning vacuums. We are at the bottom. Low volume + stable price of 7.5k bitcoin = buy the fuck outta it.
i know dude, im not saying its unpleasant. im saying its the comination of everything together that makes sex nice. just that the vaginally specifically isnt that tight or amazing and is overrated. and yet all these people bragging about fucking tight vaginas, bragging ab out vaginas as if they were amazing, when really the vagina alone is pretty underwhelming
ever tried a virgin before? also how long is your dick? i can only dream of having a 6 inch girth dick, do chicks find it amazing? im 5.5-6" long and about 5.25" around, i wish i had a 7.5x6" so bad and just jack hammer the living piss out of grilles. fuck i wish i could be good with grilles, or atleast even have money, or a bigger dick... or looks... its probably better that i dont procreate, but fuck it hurts.
What does this have to do with crypto? Does this mean I'm gonna make it? Is this finally the bullrun of bullruns?
Virgins have trouble with anything but a 5 inch pencil unless they've toyed a lot. No matter what though, he's kinda right. Women aren't super warm or super tight. Most onas feel better when heated than a real vagina. The real reason for a woman is holding her and being close to someone physically and emotionally. No toy can do that.
t. saint gut-free
Bro I think you're just sexually attracted to vacuums.
Dude what the actual fuck. I’ve never experienced this in my life. Every pussy I’ve had sex with was so tight and it would just press the sides of my dick and then slowly give way but just the perfect amount. It is hands down the best thing, I love blowjobs as well they’re amazing but a pussy is just insane. In fact I’ve also fucked virgins and they are so tight it actually hurts for the first ten mins (but then it’s dope), I’m not some roastie shilling this either I actually don’t like women and basically never date them anymore. But to question the 100 million years of evolution that lead to the pussy, or if you’re religious that god would create anything less than perfect for dick, you’re insane m8. Or maybe you’re just banging loose niggers kek.
I think this is the issue, it’s sex toys. Maybe this is what’s gonna fuck up men and women. Because I bought a flashlight once and tried it and I swear it was extremely painful, as in I couldn’t maintain an erection because my head was so sensitive the minute I slid in. Whereas a pussy is just “fits” so perfectly. I also do minfap (so instead of nofap I just limit fapping to once a weak), so that probably plays a big role. But fuck I am the opposite to you guys, I love pussy but I hate everything that comes with it, the spooning and shit, like I just want to get in, get out, then spread eagle on my own bed with a cigarette while I browse biz. Maybe it’s all you Redditor fags with your porn addictions and prostate vibrators coming here badmouthing pussy. Easily gods greatest gift to man (hence why everything attached to the pussy is a nightmare).
thats kinda good desu, because i would hate to cum in 7 seconds, like my flesh lite would make me do in a minute. it kills not having a booby to fondle and a wymin to smooch and hug. one day tho i hope.. such a qt pie at my work that every other guy is all going crazy about, shes all quiet and shit, only smirks and smiles.
try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that. I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to get rich is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.
What altcoin is this?
this whole thread is actually just a clever shilling for chainlink. wait for the punchline. something about solving the oracle problem to register vaginal tightness on the blockchain