Whats the next idex shitcoin moon mission?

whats the next idex shitcoin moon mission?

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Morpheus is ripe for a moon mission in the next week

This, still has a lot to go, only just listed on cmc a few days ago...

Me lords, zDex is coming.

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face, wys, 0xbtc, ceek, rlx

take your pick

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Pls who

bumperino BOYS

pcl, bst, wys

UBT. Oversold atm. Going straight to .50 in 2 weeks (5x)

Please buy 0xBitcoin i bought at the top and now i'm on more than 40% loss.

please pump this please please please

>itt people who bought high saying their coin/token will moon

Why? Nobody cares about you retard. In fact retards like you are needed to steal money from. Kill yourself.

faggot. you don't sell your 0x
you store it for 2 years and release it when it's over 1k a piece

her chest looks like a butt

SNTR 1 week

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knockers evolved because we were already programmed to like butts so two butts is all the more enticing

Poop comes out of butts, Fren.

100% agree. I bought yesterday.

why? It has no good reason to pump, so this just sounds like bagholder dreaming. Unless you know something we don't

when everyone is hunting on idex, you know that's not where to be looking anymore
buy strong large-mid caps, bull market is starting again and that's where the money will go first...

i sayd yesterday Invacio
some user fuded at me now its 70 % up

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Poop specifically comes out of anuses. Being attracted to a whole butt is a little different than specifically speaking about the anus... and nothing on a pair of breasts resembles an anus, either.

Coming back to this thread after an hour or so. Do we have a source for those tits yet?

A lot of people selling off will buy back into UBT. There has been major fud in the telegram over the last week about UBT not being able to actively approach exchanges, however exchanges can contact them. Once contact from the exchange has been made, UBT is free to do as they wish. They confirmed today they have been contacted by numerous exchanges, 2 of which are top 10 by volume.

DataDash is also an advisor. Guaranteed he is helping reach out to exchanges for them. He's probably waiting for the perfect storm to do a YouTube video on UBT to his 300k subscribers as well. Once this happens, they're will be massive fomo.

Top ten exchange + DataDash video = 10x from here.

We are currently about 60% of ico price, there's honestly no better time to buy then now.


OK, thanks for the response. I'll keep an eye on it. Sntr was dead for days before rocketing 5x, so maybe ubt can do the same.

My man.Sitting on over 100M ;)

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PCL gonna go 2-3x very soon

Ignore every single shitposter in this thread.

Check out the fomo3d testnet.

Only project you will need in your life.
Will outperform every single coin those brainlets give you by at least 10x

Attached: monkaDrain.png (1500x675, 323K)


This is only the beginning.

hello sir pls buy fomo3d sir we get very rich very


Bump for only useful post in the thread

mfw - yesterday grabbed a buy order for 0xbtc at .00045 which I thought went through, refreshed the page a min later and then the 0xbtc disappeared and Quarkchain showed up in my wallet instead. Anyone else very get this shit happen? When I checked the TX for the buy in orders it then said it failed.