Empathy reducing drug

According to seemly everyone and their mother, CEOs tend to be psychopaths since they have the right traits for the job.

So is there some kind of drugs I can take to join the lizard men ranks?

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Adderall or cocaine

anything addictive every night

adderall made me very alpha when i was taking it daily

You’re too stupid

No, there's not. There's no drug you can take to shut yourself off and be a selfish asshole while keeping a smile on your face

you are a fucking moron. The world is not as simple as you think it is.

I think acetaminophen does, but good luck with the liver damage. If you think by becoming an edgelord it will give you a shot at being a ceo just lol at you. You'll die a wage cuck.

Don't mind me guise, just riding this suhweeeeeping generalization to the bottom.

fucking dumbcunt

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Test. Don't even need to inject much. Just 150mg enanthate twice weekly and it'll change your life you'll literally be more alpha than almost any alpha not on test.

Try aderall. Modafinil. Shrooms. Anti depressants. Reduces the hyperactivity in your brain. Makes you become a robot. But hey im just a random dude from the internet.

cocaine might help

>he fell for the psychopath meme

What you're basically asking for is a Autismo drug - that won't help you.

> CEOs tend to be psychopaths since they have the right traits for the job.
Gross oversimplification, what defines psychopaths is high tolerance for risk. That's why most violent criminals are psychopaths, they don't think about the consequences of their impulsive actions. CEOs however have high intelligence, they are "High Functioning Psychopaths" who, while not emotionally affected by risk, are at least smart enough to think about and envision the consequences of their actions in a (cold) way.

Also they are good at emulating empathy, I can't stress this enough. They are good mimics and can still identify the signals and signs of other people's emotional states, I would assume a drug that shuts down your empathy would deprive you of your own innate ability to read people and basically turn you into a autismo.

CEOS being psychopaths is literally a reddit tier meme.

Psychopaths are predominantly lower IQ than normal, and empathy relates to higher IQ. What you plebs don't understand is that executives can justify their actions very well.


>implying the people that run the world don't use the psychos as a smokescreen

I'm a natural sociopath that feels almost no emotion and I use cocaine pretty frequently. Not sure if those are correlated but cocaine is probably a good start. Or you could just stop being such an emo faggot cuck.

Go to a shit tier world and start bullying the locals. Yell at them like they’re stupid because they don’t understand English. Flash your money around and repeatedly remind they’re poor. Treat their women like whores, and call the men ladyboys. You’ll be ceo material in just a few months, the time it takes to rewire your brain to new habits. When you come back to western nation, just imagine everyone is shit skin dirt bag.

Well... Shit. This sounds a whole lot like me. I don't have the drive nor desire to work around other people though.

Some good shit my dude

>just imagine

Implying you have to use your imagination in vast majority of the west

There's actual research that shows chronic pot smokers have reduced empathy when they're not high. Seriously. Also, any kind of speed/amphetamine (adderall, for example) or cocaine will help you become self absorbed and focused at times. Testosterone therapy or steroid use will beef up confidence, assertiveness, and risk tolerance without cognitive impairments, though not necessarily lower empathy.

People who rise to the top of any organization are generally people who are good at manipulating others for their own advantage. For true sociopaths, it isn't something they've learned from a book or from a drug, it's just the way they are. They've been manipulating people since childhood, sometimes out of necessity.

No drug is going to make you manipulative. Adderall will make you focus more and that's about it.

That's interesting. I find that I have less empathy than ai used to with pot (or maybe getting older), but I also
better recognize when employimg empathy leads to a good outcome.

Although OP is clearly an idiot looking for a panacea, I'll throw a bone to anyone who might be lurking, there is a book called 'The Bite in the Apple' by Steve Job's first girlfriend, and it shows you how this shy, quiet, but arrogant would-be-poet turned into a mercurial and Machiavellian super-villain entrepreneur. This is a very biased first person narrative of someone who saw someone they love change in a few short years and 'lost their humanity'.
The way he did that was firstly latching onto 'charismatic figures' and actually mimicking the way they acted like Robert Freidland and Sensei Koban, another thing he did was tell outlandish lies and make intentionally provocative statements and gestures for no other reason than to test how far he could push people - learning to do this, incrementally testing boundaries is a tendency of many HF psycopaths but also a very good way to learn how different character types respond to different types of conflict. You will fuck up the first few times and go too far, but that's all part of the learning process. And that's why I mention this book - there was a clear and deliberate learning process for Steve Jobs which is why he went from a longhaired teenage nerd so shy the girl had to make the first move on him, to the unholy lovechild of P.T. Barnum and Machiavelli (I'm aware that Machiavelli wasn't actually 'Machiavellian' - but it works as shorthand)

dont fall for the adderall shills, thats doesnt make you lack empathy, it just makes you an annoying narcisist

To destroy your empathy you need a combo of Zoloft + Xanax

>I'm a natural sociopath that feels almost no emotion

Running from something?

Tylenol. Not even joking. Recent studies have shown Tylenol suppresses emotional response in the brain.

Adderall is great though

this post just screams beta

Literally advil/ ibuprofen. Also painkillers in general but don't go down that path.

If you're into Research Chemicals try PRL-853 its like the limitless pill in real life its fucking retarded. For me I found that it causes fear-extinction, perfect memory, and significantly reduces my intrusive emotions while keeping me focused and happy on the task at hand. It can be used daily and is not a stimulant. Its likely an HDAC inhibitor, but the MOA is unknown for sure. I used to take it a lot but the unresearched thing scared me and I was partying a lot at the time so I stopped (no WDs)

ding ding ding, other NSAIDs like ibuprofen work too

Intense meditation under cold shower, 2 hours a day for 6 months. This will physically shrink the amygdala (the part of the brain that processes all emotions including empathy). Basically turning yourself into a psychopath. I dont recommend it though since you will see how the world truly works.

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to get to their level you probably need to have a very solid understanding of emotions and, ironically, high levels of empathy.

Only an emphathetic individual can understand how others feel and subsequently gain leverage over them.

Taking emphathy reducing drugs will only make you a turbo autist that everybody hates

>they are "High Functioning Psychopaths" who, while not emotionally affected by risk, are at least smart enough to think about and envision the consequences of their actions in a (cold) way.
Can we agree that being a psychopath is not required in the slightest in order to gain this ability?

just watch gore videos for 2 hours straight every day

that will toughen you up

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>to get to their level you probably need to have a very solid understanding of emotions and, ironically, high levels of empathy.
this is the foundation of sales and marketing

of coursh, yes we can. But then we're heading for a nuanced discussion that will quickly be shouted down by the loudest idiots with oversimplified models of the world.

i unironically did this. not a cold shower meditation but a process which would shrink my emotional center of the brain. it doesnt make you smarter, rip.

good morals lead to good business

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Okay let's see how long this takes for you to get 5 (yous).

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Nobody ever said bad businesses aren't successful

Yes, this is true. It can also treat social anxiety and ptsd since psychogical pain is the same as physical in the brain, this is why we cringe at painful memories.

the only answers worth anything in this thread

>Just 150mg enanthate twice

Enanthate is known for making you bloated

That explains a lot.
