Try to disprove this pic

Try to disprove this pic

pro tip you cant

Attached: woman.jpg (511x542, 72K)

Drone yourself Ahmed.

Hey lets have a multicultural discussion about women and societal norms! Totally business related!

>allowing brappers the use of their head braps

Attached: takbir.jpg (600x516, 62K)

Wow great business-related thread you've got going on here!

Do fucking mods even exist in this board anymore? What in the actual fuck. This place has gone to absolute shit. My god.

Nice just bought 100k

no feet, triggered

As far as I see here in Sweden it is more like mid picture for the Allah goys.

Kek...thanks for buying my bags loser

>disprove a pic

t. retard boomer

a bitch in a burqa recently broke an old womans kneecaps around here for walking her golden retriever
another bitch in a burqa told a local woman around here to get herself gassed "like a jew", as "it should've been", seemingly for simply existing and taking a walk at the same time like her...
i know who you are, that's posting this. and i amuses me, endlessly, that you little, traitourous piece of shit hate yourself to point where you will neither breed, nor be able to take on life until later than 30... you will kill yourself, before that. and the world will be better off, commie scum.
big, fat, dumpy sage and reported...

go back to Jow Forums, lefty/pol/
nobody likes you... IRL or on the internet

wow so much hate

chill dude, the world is not trying to fight you, nor anyone else

What's going on in the picture I don't udnerstand

Me neither

>get herself gassed "like a jew", as "it should've been"

Fucking BASED!

In the US the bitch is praised for her figure, namely tits, ass and how well she paints her face on. In communist Russia, the woman must work with her hands and arms, that's her valuable asset, work to eat. The mudslimes supposedly praise their cunts for their minds and hearts.


Not impressed bro. Need more emotional content

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Oh, I thought it had something to do with where are the best parts to shoot a woman.

what? i thought sandniggers keep them as sex slaves?


Attached: uitfgiylihjn.jpg (511x542, 103K)

how does this make me money?

The reality is on the left we gave them the opportunity to be the girl on the right, but its turns out most of them would choose to be the girl on the left.