
french people have balls, in Spain nobody fights against the fucking government and their shittty politcies, imagine our unemployment in a country like France, it would exploide

My country has never changed ,it still is the same shit, nobody fights against corruption, public debt,illegal inmigration from south american and Africa, huge unemployment and inequality

I congratulate the french anons

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Roo raa fight the powah

Thank you, bro. You can take example on us.

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French protests are often very impotent. They break stuff and demand things but overal nothing changes.

at least they fight for changing their situation

thoughts on this?

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they will also fight against the new situation if it ever happens.

They work sometimes
Based bonnets rouges movement managed to force Hollande to abandon his new taxes by breaking and burning stuff

too many kanjis

It's not really a demonstration with the gilets jaunes, it's a literal jacquerie like in 1789.

What was that guy's problem anyway?'

is yellow vests a boommer uprising?

i thought zoomers loved earth and hated pollution, so everything that puts a spoke in car-owners wheel is a win for them

t. proud zoomer

You can't just tax people more and more every day and keep pretending you give a fuck about the environment. Most zoomers prefer public transit, bikes and electric vehicles but that doesn't mean they support doubling the prices of gasoline.

>but overal nothing changes

which is actually the point of those protests: to make the government coming back on their decisions

it's less and less effective though, if anything it became inneffective since Sarko decided to send big fuckyous to protesters

being environmentally conscious government means making public transport more viable when compared to cars
and do that by rising prices connected to carownership i.e. price of gasoline
i do believe that measures that drastic are doomed to fail
but carchads must suffer

I don't understand moonrunes. I guess it's something along the lines of "France wants to take control of our Great Japanese Companies ! Gaijin back off"?

>He believes the tax on gasoline for cars are for the environment.
>He doesn't realize that Macron takes the plane to cross 200km instead of taking the train.
>He doesn't realize kerosene isn't taxed.
>He doesn't realize that one super cargo pollutes as much as one million cars (40 super cargos = the French car fleet) and are not taxed.
>He doesn't realize that France is only responsible of 0.9% of CO2 emissions in the world.

Going after cars is fucking laughable but the income of ownership taxes of cars alone is already bigger than what our government spends on the ministry of infrastructure every year, and that is without the taxes on fuel which are many times bigger.
Meanwhile going after cargo ships is like going after your own economy.

Hence we sometimes call cars our governments' holy cow, since they can milk them.

time for a sixth republic lads

A retard trying to go full American style capitalist progressive liberalism™ : gay mariage and pro business reform for all + loads of other blunders and shit, he managed to get hated by the right, the left and everyone even mostly neutral people, Macron is way worse than Hollande tho

>He doesn't realize that France is only responsible of 0.9% of CO2 emissions in the world.
So? I mean what if the USA argues they're only worth 10% of the worlds' CO2? By this logic nobody should ever give a fuck.

Fucking this,were is the CAUDILLO when you need him fuck

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>He doesn't realize that people don't use their car for the pleasure, but because they are forced to do it to go to work.
>He doesn't realize that cars don't pollute a lot compared to planes which the kerosene isn't taxed and super cargos which come from the other side of the planet to allow you to eat bananas in winter.

ah, yes, the famous Bonnet Rouges

>riot against taxes aimed at truck drivers to force them to contribute to the maintenance of the road infrastructure and decrease the benefits of using cheap eastern Europe workforce
>government delete the tax
>several month later, slaughterhouses in Bretagne has to close because all the farmers are sending the cattle to eastern Germany slaughterhouses filled with Poles and Slovaks working for 400€/month
>Bonnet Rouges then complain about muh jobs

>force Hollande to abandon his new taxes

are you even aware that it was Sarkozy's tax?

>he keeps making ad hominem
I realize all of that and I drive a car myself. But argueing you shouldn't change something because "We are only zhe zero.neuf% polluter en monde!" is a very dangerous and wrong statement.

We should tax planes and cargos which pollute a lot first.

We should finally make a proper European railway system that isn't just some loosely connected bunch of national railroads that cockblock everything.

>>several month later, slaughterhouses in Bretagne has to close because all the farmers are sending the cattle to eastern Germany slaughterhouses filled with Poles and Slovaks working for 400€/month
Germans are subhumans. I unironically think they should have been genocided.

Germany itself sees all these processes happening in Poland and Czechia though.
I worked for RWE and they moved most of their supporting processes to Poland and Hungary.

Doesn't matter, Hollande took the blame for it

Unless they change a way, they can't change it.

what does it mean?

Only cucks get mad at protests
>noooo stop breaking things
Gilets jaunes are based

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In the valle de los caídos, but not for long.

Ils seraient encore plus basés s'ils s'attaquaient davantage aux radars et aux institutions au lieu de manifester parfois dans des rond points juste pour embêter les français. Le fait de bloquer l'accès au grandes surfaces c'est bien par contre.

Je supporte cependant bien évidemment les gilets jaunes.

>implying i give a shit about fuel
don't even have a car lmao
i'm just butthurt at the government and shitskins
it was fun to destroy the champs elysées too, since i am also butthurt at rich people

see you next saturday lads


Our workers are already in Western Europe. We employ Balkanites and Hohols. Maybe it's not the taxes, but the EU which is broken.

CO2 emissions are at an alltime low.
Its all a scam so you can get taxed further and further.

>nobody fights against the fucking government and their shittty politcies
the fuck are you talking about, we had docens against the education, healhtcare, the pensions etc... I live in Madrid and there's at least 3 every week, without chimping ofc .

you fight more for irrelevant rights while you did jack shit under dictators lmao

>Je supporte cependant bien évidemment les gilets jaunes.
Pas moi. Macron a raison et les Français sont un peuple de chieurs ingrats et incultes en matières de politique qui ne savent pas ce qu'ils veulent sinon protester contre le pouvoir du moment.
Ce Néerlandois a raison
Les gilets jaunes, c'est comme Nuit Debout, ils vont juste attendre gentiment que le mouvement s'essoufle et qu'ils dégagent d'eux mêmes, tous ces mouvements sans chefs qu'on voit germer ces dernières années traduisent le rejet viscérald es Français envers toute autorité, et signe par là même leur échec pré-écrit. La seule chose qui va inquiéter Macron - et la seule conséquence concrète - ce sera les raclées aux européennes et aux prochaines présidentielles.
Voire même, si il a de la chance que ces guignolos "anti-systèmes" continuent, l'opinion publique se retournera contre eux.

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>you did jack shit
lol, we had toons of protest in late 60s and early 70s angainst Franco some of them even ended with deaths, Muhammad if you don't know shit you are better quiet

Macron est un freluquet qui a remporté la présidence sur un coup de chance, un petit chef qui surestime son importance et son intelligence

>being upset
>calls his interlocutor by a muslim name
no need to chimp out, and i was reffering to the several centuries under moor domination, which could explain your behaviour, its in the genes.

>Macron est un freluquet qui a remporté la présidence sur un coup de chance
Absolument d'accord, il a gagné par appel d'air politique, sans véritable adversaire devant lui.
> un petit chef qui surestime son importance et son intelligence
Je ne suis pas d'accord, il est clairement intelligent et il a conscience, non pas de son importance propre, mais de celle du rôle de Président de la République.
Et puis, tu n'as aucun argument, c'est juste de l'ad hominem, en gros peu importe ce qu'il fera, comme tu ne l'aimes pas, tu râleras quoiqu'il arrive.
Et quand bien même il serait ce que tu décris, alors il serait véritablement le Président que ce peuple d'arrogants péteux mérite.
Les Français, ils sont de toutes les révolutions creuses et des grands changements, du moment que les frais c'est le voisin qui les essuient. La seule chose qui unit ce pot-pourri de casse-couilles, c'est le bon vieux poncif "peuple gentil, pouvoir méchant" digne d'un bon gros Terminale L avec son keffieh de rebelle.

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En opposition au "tout le monde est un beauf et la source des problèmes du pays sauf moi et mon président qui fais de son mieux le pauvre"

> under dictators
>i was reffering to the several centuries under moor domination
Sure, because the moors put dictators? do you even hisdtory? we had the moors here in late VIII they took almost all this, the faggots that were in charge here, the Umayyads, went to shit in Damascus just after taking this, they hold the power arround 150 years and went to shit after that too. After that we had to reunify all this before finish and that took longer

if you dont consider moors like dictators youre surely one of them ahmad

A aucun moment je ne shille tout ce qu'il fait et je ne taxe pas la majorité des gens de beaufs, mais bien d'incultes politiques.
Il y a clairement des trucs avec lesquels je pense qu'il fait de la grosse merde (suppression de l'ISF, les bus Macron, sabordage du secondaire, courtiser Trump, entériner le CICE, etc), mais c'est précis et c'est 20% d'un tout.
Rien que le fait que je sois capable de nuancer ce que j'aime ou n'aime pas dans son action est une subtilité que je ne vois quasi aucun Français, sur le net ou IRL, faire, toi ne faisant pas exception. Le degré du discours c'est "Macron dictateur hurr durr démission système abolition on nous vole". C'est creux, con et hautement discutable, c'est une logique de gonzesse : émotive, les émotions prenant le pas sur les faits. Les Anglos ont raison de penser de nous qu'on est un peuple d'émasculés quand je vois notre incapacité à toute rigueur.
C'est un tocard qui a gagné sur un coup de poker sa place à la Présidence, mais de là à chier sur chaque chose qu'il fait (comme les Français ont fait avec Hollande et Sarkozy avant lui) est ridicule et ne mène à rien. Les Français devraient simplement admettre qu'ils veulent que leur pays en reviennent au niveau d'un bled Africain et qu'on les laissent vivre entre bouseux sur leurs collines.
J'te jure, les Français n'aiment pas Paris, les grandes villes, la campagne paumée, le Bac, les grandes écoles, l'Europe, la croissance, la pollution, l'écotaxe, la voiture, les péages, Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron, les films français, les musulmans, les laïcards, les ZADistes, les CRS & les flics, les profs, les chômeurs, les élites ...
Un peuple de péteuses qui sont incapables d'assumer aucune initiative constructive, juste de l'opposition stérile. Il n'y à aucun Président que les Français aimeraient avoir, aucun, il est impossible de prétendre gouverner avec l'assentiment d'un peuple si obtus.

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>courtiser Trump
Il passe son temps à tenter de le rabaisser sur twitter pour faire mouiller ses groupies dégénérées et passer pour le mâle-alpha-qu'à-pas-peur-de-la-1ere-puissance-mondiale

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>Un peuple de péteuses qui sont incapables d'assumer aucune initiative constructive, juste de l'opposition stérile. Il n'y à aucun Président que les Français aimeraient avoir, aucun, il est impossible de prétendre gouverner avec l'assentiment d'un peuple si obtus.
C'est parce que le rêve universaliste est terminé. La France doit se re-séparer en différentes provinces indépendantes les unes des autres. Tout le monde râle parce qu'au fond personne ne se sent représenté par les costard-cravates qui passent leur temps entre paris et bruxelle.

>if you dont consider moors like dictators
Ofc I don't, Sadam or Gadafi were muslims dictators, the moors put in Spain a caliphate and after that taifas.

you should read what they did to spanniards then you seel well uninformed

Ah oui, c'est pour ça que jusqu'au week-end du 11 Novembre, pour la presse nationale comme étrangère on parlait de bromance entre eux puisque Trump ne reconnaît que les codes de la force macho-virile ( "mâle-alpha-qu'à-pas-peur-de-la-1ere-puissance-mondiale") et que Manu était de loin le seul dirigeant européen pour lequel Trump avait un semblant de respect (aujourd'hui révolu).

C'est bien ce que je dis :
> Les Français devraient simplement admettre qu'ils veulent que leur pays en reviennent au niveau d'un bled Africain et qu'on les laissent vivre entre bouseux sur leurs collines.
On veut vivre sur une ZAD nationale où l'autorité n'est détenu que par le Conseil de Sage du Village du coin ? Go se balkaniser les gars, faudra juste assumer la perte de puissance totale que ça amènera, la moquerie supérieure à celle du Brexit qu'on s'attirera aux yeux du monde et le fait que malgré ça on continueras à cultiver notre insatisfaction maladive. Balkanisons nous, après tout pour ce que ça peut me foutre, mais on se tirera juste une balle dans le pied d'un point de vue macro, c'est tout.
Les Ricains ont un problème de culture du flingue et leur en parler est fascinant et compliqué parce que tu te rends compte qu'ils ne le réalisent pas, ou mal.
Eh bien similairement, les Français ont une culture de l'insatisfaction perpétuelle évidente pour un étranger, mais invisible pour nous même si on n'y prends pas garde.

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que veut dire cest moi?


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Frail person

people who do not protest against their government in the streets are bootlicking servile cucks. based french.

merci ma copine francais ma dit que cette comme "guignol" ou "gugusse"

it's ogre

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All the republicans and progresist people where chased out of Spain, ofc 2-3 generation later there's only retarded people in this country

Excuse the answer in English
Apparently it doesn't exactly mean a frail person and used to mean a young and pretentious guy, but I've always seen it used as some kind of manlet insult so I guess it's not that wrong

No worries. I just like to practice my French writing when I can. I can speak/understand fluent by writing is poor. Anyway she explained it for like five minutes. Apparently it is a word that is hard to explain literally due to complexity. She finished by saying the opposite of you (me) :^)

Basé Chad

Thats not how you figt to change the country catalano, that only brings inestability to the country and ends up in civil wars and china invading your country faggot jordi

>Im like soo progressive and like sooo smart you guys!!!!

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Does it mean that Macron is taxing gas to make people buy smaller japanese cars?

he is taxing gas to solve the huge debt his predecessor made

Mais les gilets jaunes ont en effet une réelle influence de calendrier sur les européennes...est-ce qu'ils s'en rendent compte d'ailleurs? je sais pas.
Et si le but est de se rétamer aux yeux de l'Europe, et que l'Allemagne nous dise "non mais ça ira, en fait on va gérer tout ça avec quelqu'un d'autre", bah ça ne va pas forcément nous amener à une meilleure gestion du pays...

french people want low taxes and lots of free stuff from government, they are deluded af

>Il ne veut pas le beurre, l'argent du beurre, et la laitière

Va mettre la table Timéo

only kids react like you just did tho

Oui, on est des clichés de raleurs, c'est vrai. "Le pouvoir est corrompu", "tous des fachos", "ils nous controlent, ces messieurs les ronds de cuir"...
Quand tu vois les gilets jaunes interviewés et qu'on leur demande ce qu'ils revendiquent, ils bafouillent, sortent des grosses banalités de comptoirs et veulent qu'on leur donne des solutions concrètes dès demain et pour longtemps.
Bon, tout ça présage d'un bon vote à l'extrême pour les prochaines élections....on verra bien

Il y a école demain hophophop

finis ta soupe, jeune couillon

you really showed who is kidding around here

he's coming to save you

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Combien de pastis déjà Roger?

surement plus que toi avec ton yop

We rioted and actually got control over our country the last time.
you goys didnt like that

the french refuse to accept that their country is dead. these are the gasps and screams and bellowing of a drowning man its over. you lost. you made a gambit to defeat the germans and your victory was brutal but short lived. now the double-edge cuts deep and you are dying. its unfortunate. but it is. i wish you could just accept it with dignity but you can't and won't. you will protest and riot for any thinly veiled excuse of a reason. but you know in your heart its not about gas taxes, or the cost of living, or drop in such or other welfare pay outs. the truth is you know you're dead but can't accept it.

what france needs isn't a good politician but a good exorcist. you're a ghost france. just go in peace.

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>i u

You're watching too much anime garbage

funny that you post with such flag what i could have posted about yours

yes flag, it's like a beggar yelling at people they are about to die lmao

truly, pitiable

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>post anime pic

go back to Jow Forums if you don't like anime. anime is an integral part of the 4channel culture.

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you imply i hate anime, i just find it pitiable to use it as an "argue"

France sold their soul in the world wars, and now the devil comes to claim his reward.
Fitting since its been a 100 years.

anime was never used as part of my argument. truly, the dead walk among us here. mindless.

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>France sold their soul in the world wars
Germany lost their balls

if it wasn't part of your argument, are you implying you look like that red hair anime girl, are you living in a fantasy world ?

Indeed. They sold their literal demographic soul to scrape out a meager victory. And now, two and one half generations alter. The prophecy of our most beloved European leader has come to pass. France is kill.

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The truth is you write like a dead person.