What is the point of this country? why does it even exist?

what is the point of this country? why does it even exist?

Attached: bosnia.png (580x290, 5K)

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easy there argentina


Attached: D6A6E034-6E81-4C57-AF59-4F4DCE23EEFF.jpg (640x360, 45K)


lmao shut up turkey, at least we identify as uruguayans
>According to the latest official population census made in Bosnia and Herzegovina, most of the population identified with Bosniak, Croat or Serb nationality. Some people identified with "Bosnian" nationality, however these are listed under the category "Others" (along with all the other options such as Jews, Romas etc.). According to the latest population census (2013), there were around 2.7% "Others".
just leave the fucking thing to the bosniaks and annex republika srpska ffs

>literally just serbo-croats who converted to Islam
Just burn it all the ground

I'm monitoring this thread

that's tunisia

So that's why all of them look same

...it was a joke

Attached: be nice.jpg (300x96, 11K)

It's more of a protectorate than an actual country, that's also the main purpose of its existence

to keep the holy Serb nation down

Attached: IMG_20181124_154906.jpg (360x239, 25K)


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efendi do you have some spanky bosnian müjahideen stuff songs etc. ?

>the Malaysian poster that has a crush on me
I might unironically end up offering you a female family member as a sign of gratitude

Just the most obvious ones that you'll also find on Kocayine's channel desu

nahh i already know him.


chech this spooky çetnik stuff bosniak-kun

I lowkey jam to this stuff as Serbs do to Thompson and Croats to Baja Mali Knindza

I've always wondered.. how are your relations with Analbanians?

We have some negative connotations with them and often tend to look negative on their tribal mentality but overall like each other and befriend easily

Bosniaks in Germany love them but home they despise them

Interesting. How about Croatians?

Friendly relations, Croats often welcome us better than actual Herzegovinians kek