
Why do Europeans treat Slavs so badly?

In the United States, Slavs and white people are treated exactly the same.

Slavs in my experience are kind, smart, and honorable peoples.

Attached: slav czech.jpg (676x507, 351K)

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slavs boipussy?

I hope so

it's just a meme, bro

Slavs are treated well in France. Some popular youtubers are Slavic, I have a Russian best bro and I used to date a Franco-Ukrainian girl.

Could you stop using word "slavs" and "slavic", please? Nobody in Poland considers himself "slavic", and we don't feel that we have a lot in common with other "slavic" nations such as Czechs f.e., and we have even less in common with Russians or Ukrainians. We are POLISH, how fucking hard it is for retards from imageboards to understand that? The only two categories of people who refered to us as to "slavs" were nazis and soviets. Polish culture was based for whole centuries on the denial of slavic heritage and extreme disrespect for it:


Joseph Conrad in Notes on Life and Letters.:

"... between Polonism and Slavonism there is not so much hatred as a complete and ineradicable incompatibility." ... Conrad argues that "nothing is more foreign than what in the literary world is called Slavonism to his individual sensibility and the whole Polish mentality"[15]

>t. Parisian Arab

Attached: 1440881261294.jpg (470x535, 65K)

I live in Paris, but I was born in the deep countryside and I'm not an Arab.

because Slavs = Russians and no one likes Russians

if Germans hadn't genocided most of western Slavs like Polabians, Drewlans, Wends, Sorbs. Obodrites, Pomeranians, Silesians etc. now we'd have so many nice, developed Slavic states and people wouldn't associate Slavs with slaves anymore.

kys my slavic brother :)


Poland is a made up country.
Slavs there pretend not to be Slavs because they want to justify the existence of their fake nation.
It should be partitioned between Germany, Austria, and Russia.

Attached: índice.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Wrong, idiot. Poland for centuries and also today has ambitions of maintaining an inclusive character: we want to include people to our nation who could be contributing, that's our national character. So Poles don't need to be and are not "slavic", their ethnical roots can be whatever, and nobody gives a fuck about it, because our nationalism is not based on racial criteria and never been. Moreover, our geopolitics determines that we can't identify ourselves with "slavs" because we must defend ourselves from them and keep them under boot if we want to survive on this planet.

Hence Poles can't consider themselves as "slavs", although they could be ones, biologically.

This Slavling has drank the kool-aid of nationalist ideology.
Non-Slavs are routinely assaulted by Polish nationalists because they want their shithole to be Slavic only.
It doesn't matter if people want to integrate into Polish society as immigrants. Poles want to remain 100% Slavic.

Attached: slavic pole2a.jpg (2560x1920, 847K)


Slavic humans and northwestoid dogs are not the same you fat mutt

And what a skinhead subculture has anything in common with the Polish nation, idiot? It is like saying that Poles are hipsters, because some Poles are hipsters.

>Why do Europeans treat Slavs so badly?

Because of the Poles. Look at this thread. Polish constantly crying autists have turned it into crap.

Polish pride is Slavic pride:

Anyone with a couple of brain cells can see that Polish nationalism is based on their Slavic heritage.
Put a bunch of Arabs or Chinese people there, and Slavs lose their shit.

Attached: slavic pole3.png (592x672, 807K)

What youtubers are you talking about?

Because Poles make us all look bad, all of them are stupid and ruin any kind of community slavs can have

This, and that's a good thing.

>Anyone with a couple of brain cells can see that Polish nationalism is based on their Slavic heritage.
>Put a bunch of Arabs or Chinese people there, and Slavs lose their shit.

Skinheads are like 0,01% of the Polish society, and they don't even have any representatives in parliament, so i really can't understand your way of thinking, dude. Independence march was banned, and later on: moderated, mainly because it was used as a platform for neonazis from all over the world who were coming to Warsaw this day and shouting slogans like "death to jews" during the march, which attracted attention of global leftist media and showed Poland in a bad light.

what think germans about eastern boipussy?

>we don't belong to russia!
t. stupid slavs

Attached: you-6.jpg (750x750, 61K)

Russia is killing all nations it takes under itselves and turns them into dying out conglomerate of beggars, whores, child prostitutes, criminals, and drug addicts. It also turns the land it takes under itself into total de-economized and impoverished waste. If Russia manages to conquer Central-Eastern Europe and genocide all its nations, this empty space of trash and poverty will be taken over by Chinks in a natural way, due to geopolitical gravity, and i doubt you guys would like to have a border with them.

germans did us all a favour

we need less retarded moon languages in europe, not more

This. If I could completely exterminate one Slavic nation, it would be poles. Without them world is a better place.
Whoreland as a country has no use except to be a hole for american cock. It would be better if that territory belonged to Germany or Russia.

Poland is irrelevant. The world would be a better place without Russia, because there would be one entity less to spread wars, chaos and destabilisation globally.

It's not 1940 old timer

I do not understand, that gay is famous or something? a meme? all in this web are gay?

Death to Poland

That guy is Ukrainian actually

I like Russians.

stop replying to an underage troll, retard.


I really can't understand how death of Poland could help France in anything.

what has russia done to butthurtland that's so bad?

>look at all those Russian oppressors leaving education, culture and civilization in Poland

Polish attentinon whoring again turning whole thread to discussion about Poland


>what has russia done to butthurtland that's so bad?
we saved them from total genocide
and now they can suffer and cry on the 4channel boards

This could have been a nice thread about Slavdom, but pooland had to ruin it as usual.

Attached: polish feel.png (533x627, 497K)

backstabbing invasion from east in 39', katyn massacre, 40 years of communist regime, tortures and murders of polish insurgents that survived from warsaw uprising are few of those that makes my butt hurt ^^

just boring old military history and rivalries, typical yuro bullshit

What a fucking schizo. I didn't even read anything after the first sentence. Kill yourself fellow Pole.

Poland is a hyena of Europe and Polish people are its cancer. Forgive us, brother slavs for making such unpleasant image of you.

this is why nobody likes Polacks including other Slavs they just ruin everything

It is Western Europe and Russia that are ruined due to their failed policies though. We are just victims of your bad choices. If Poland had a chance to decide for itself, it would be a global empire, already.

lmao. Yeah sure.
It's nobody's fault that you're weak and incompetent.

It is a fault of countries that conquered and dominated us because they imposed their failed policies upon us. If Poland was independent since 1945, than you could blame it.

because slavs are slaveshits
poles have nothing to do with sarmatians

>If Poland was independent
If Poland cant protect itself then how can you expect it to become an empire ?

>discussions on 4channel

Why would want want to limit ourselves to some inferior ethnical group called "slavs"? Most Poles who contributed smth precious to humanity and who became globally recognized are not of slavic ethnicity, after all. Even our two most prominent national poets: Mickiewicz and Słowacki are Lithuanian. The most prominent poem that every Polish child can recite even during sleep begins from phrase: "Lithuania! My fatherland!"