CNBC: Is it possible that hosting an ICO before makes something a security and it becomes no longer one because of...

>CNBC: Is it possible that hosting an ICO before makes something a security and it becomes no longer one because of being decentralized?
>SEC: We've been doing this a long time, there is no need to change our fundamental approach

Lmao you have to be a brainlet not to understand what he means is that they dont give a fuck how decentralized you are. Hosted an ICO = a security. You better not be holding anything other than BTC when the news hits because ETH will tank.

Attached: sec.png (1080x1920, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

The part i mentioned is at 3:04

it's true, they are warning everyone in ETH and related shitcoins

i control my wallet, not a bank. don't give a single fuck.

>i control my wallet, not a bank. don't give a single fuck.
Oh please, if you had insider info that ETH will be publicly declared a security tomorrow will you sell now? Of course you will because its price both USD and satoshis will tank.

sell your coins goy, they are securities and they are illegal
you can buy them again from mr. Noseberg at 300% markup cause only mr. Noseberg is an accredited shitcoins broker

>sec fuds all altcoins so we all panic sell and institutional investors can buy them up cheap

he is saying that Bitcoin is fine and ETH is fucked. that's on top of the fact that ETH is useless anyway

still wouldn't sell. Stocks are securities too, they don't tank when they get listed on an exchange.
If anything it might go up because "adoption" and there was lots of uncertainty of how it'd be regulated.
now we know it's not banned or penalized

>hurr durr hold your coins good goy
>keep holding despite the fact that everyone will sell

ETH will eventually recover but you have to be deluded not to think it will tank hard once it is publicly declared a security. I'm talking a 30% to 50% haircut in satoshi price.

Why do you think coinbase announced they are trying to become a regulated securities exchange? Because BTC, LTC, BCH obviously arent securities as stated in the video. What are they covering their asses for? ETH

Not to mention ICOs bagholding ETH wont have hands as strong as yours. They would want to lock in profits by rushing for the exits.

my dick literally hardens and starts to foam when i hear crypto fud. I don't know what it is...i just want to keep shorting and then buy my dream dip at prices i want. Whilst people panic sell i'll be closing my shorts and buying on spot....anyone else feel this way?

>still wouldn't sell despite having insider info that ETH is a security
lmao deluded. its easy to say that right now, but harder to do when you see the price drop 10% in satoshis 1 minute after the news comes out. then when its -30 to -50% you'll be like the current bagholders saying you wish you sold earlier.

never get too attached to a coin retard. BTC is the best hold right now

>SEC: We've been doing this a long time, there is no need to change our fundamental approach
aka we do what we're told by ((()))


You cant buy lower without additional fiat if you dont sell first. Like i said, i dont know how holders spin this as a positive for ETH in the short term. Proof of stake isnt near enough to save their asses.

Retards are throwing huge amoutns of ETH at ICOs, existing ICOs have a lot of ETH like EOS team. These guys wont fucking hold. They will liquidate their ETH to lock in the millions they have.

Also why do you faggots think there are a ton of ETH shorts right now? It was short squeezed a bit but it still is high as fuck. Its almost as if someone has insider info.

from a holder perspective, what does this mean? essentially nothing.
Pumping and dumping ETH now will be illegal as it is regulated.
It also means insider trading is now illegal.

there's lots of little annoying rules but securitization changes almost nothing for the average person.


>Pumping and dumping ETH now will be illegal as it is regulated.
>It also means insider trading is now illegal.

Hahahahahaha what leads you to that conclusion. How do you even argue which is a pump and dump and which is an organic FOMO and panic sell? You cant. Thats the same reason the SEC will just use hosting an ICO as the metric for being a security. Because using decentralization as a metric is too vague.

Good luck stopping insider trading when it wont even stop in stocks.

Dont worry the ICOs that own a portion of you altcoin like Sergey holding LINK and ETH will be the one selling for you. Thanks for not selling before them and keeping the price up anons. You're a good guy. Sergey and other ICOs will be thanking you guys inn their lambos

right... it sounds like you're agreeing with me, that being a security is meaningless

>hurr durr doesnt matter when you hold
Just like selling in January didnt matter

market is flat today, you can still buy back in before it goes to 800

Holding BTC so it doesnt matter really. Dont know why you faggots hate it so much but reee when its killing everything.

That way i get the upside but not the large downside.

BTC is the grandpa returns of crypto. also it doesn't even do what it's supposed to do, $100k is a meme, it will never happen.
No reason why ETH or even Ripple won't replace it

>BTC is the grandpa returns of crypto.
Seems you are a new fag. Your ETH baby has been losing sats since July 2017. You havent held altcoins prior to January havent you? If you held alts in November you would have been suicidal.

If the Bitcoin ETF or ETH as a security comes out you better not be holding alts. Plus you only think BTC provides granpa returns when you are POOR as fuck lmao. Of course when you only have lunch money, the only option is to trade alts.

No wonder most of biz holds shitcoins only available in IDEX or something.

ripple went from 15 cents to $3 that's 20x
BTC went from $2.7k to $19k, that's 7.7x

sorry you're bad at math

LMAO and if you bought the top? $3 to what? hahahahaha we are not in a bull market retard. Anyway theres no point debating this when you clearly have no intention of moving to BTC.

i didn't buy at the top moron... i was explaining why BTC is grandpa returns.

Also why choose ripple? Why not pick an altcoin at random? Majority would have made you loses. Thinking you can pick the right one is just being deluded. Out of the hundreds of altcoin if you use a random number generator to buy it for you, it is extremely likely you will lose.

See the following

Yeah sure, you bought ripple at $0.15 with 100% of your folio. Anyway have fun with the XRP lawsuit. Also pray that i make gains with BTC.

Because if i lose 20% in BTC you will lose 50% or more with your alts.

>Coffey claims that he lost $551.89 trading Ripple’s XRP tokens, alleging that the digital currency should have been registered as a security with the SEC. He alleges that Ripple profited from increases in the cryptocurrency’s price at the expense of investors as Ripple maintains a “centralized XRP” ledger.
You're a moron, the SEC said coins were unregulated, and hadn't made any decisions yet. Any coins traded before that time are not subject to regulations.
and you don't get a sue someone because you lost money on a stock lmao. i wouldn't even need to go to lawschool to win that suit.

don't know why you're so defensive about this, i made more money flipping shitcoins than someone who just held bitcoin for the same time period

I bought EOS too and to your surprise, held ETH too. Wish i went all in EOS but the fact of the matter is, read the thread.

I'm not suggesting holding 100% BTC all the time. I'm saying 100% BTC currently is a good idea. Also while we are debating over here, look at how everything is slowly bleeding satoshis.

Its almost as if people are starting to sell slowly to BTC.

So? Are they going to crack down on Dexes and SCs? Doubt it. All my shit is on ethereum. Nothing they can do about it.

time to do that was a month or two ago dude. buy low sell high

>buy low sell high
Hahahaha you're deluded if you think selling alts now is selling low. Look at the charts. Selling at half the current satoshi price is selling low.

oh look a wizard, can you tell me the exact lows?

I like the part where his eyes gloss over about specific altcoins and he basically says "This is how we've always done it and we're not gonna change".


>oh look a wizard, can you tell me the exact lows?
Look at the chart retard. Low for ETH is 0.5ish sats around a month or so ago.

Btw i started selling my alts yesterday so i just saved my ass before the current tiny alt selloff

I made this topic too. Should have listened brainlet.

>ETH tanks
>Rich people deliberately making laws that cause a lot of rich people to lose money
Things like that don't happen

How will they stop ICOS when ICOs can just point out that "hey we are decentralized like ETH too".

The SEC will have to go through hundreds of debates from ICOs and their bagholders on whether something is decentralized enough. The easiest way is to just make "hosting an ICO" a metric for being a security. They can keep ETH trading too by making coinbase a regulated exchange.

Sucks though that ETH will tank inn the short term.

They won't stop
They'll do what they've been doing for a while
Just ban Americans from participating

Or you can just declare hosting an ICO means being a security. Occams razor.

> Hosted an ICO = a security.
Two Coins
Ethereum Classic
Are they both securities?
Why or why not?

lol, other anons remember the oldfag who predicted among other things the incoming etc shilling?

seems like he was no larp

The news makes me bullish on privacy coin, ICOs that discluded americans, and systems that utilize privacy coins. ;)

Let's say I forked Ethereum and called Ethereum Pink
Would it be considered a security?
Ethereum is just open source code anyone can fork it, can open source code be considered a security?

If that happens then every ICO can just "fork" their coins to bypass regulations. Not going to happen. Hosted an ICO at one point = a security regardless of how you play it.

The SEC doesnt care how much you want to fork coins. You can fork all you want but if you fork a security then enjoy it yourself because trading it would be illegal outside of regulated exchanges.

how the fuck should i know this?
i just read some larp thread of an oldfag two months ago who predicted (as usual) some things and among other things he said to watch for increasing etc shilling beginning june

So essentially forking Ethereum will be rendered illegal?
Rather than apply 1930's regulations to 21st century tech, why don't we stop being retarded and apply modern regulations to modern technology?

>So essentially forking Ethereum will be rendered illegal?
Not illegal to fork software. But to trade it is a different case. But you're not in it for the tech right? You dont care about forking something for the sake of building software. You want to fork it to sell coins and the SEC can read through that.

Make ETH pink, ETH yellow etc but they are all securities and cant be traded outside of regulated exchanges in the US

just shut your dickhole
larping as a commercial lawyer
you just pull things out of your not-so-virgin asshole

>you can fork it, you just can't trade it
That's fundamentally retarded because the technology at hand is essentially digital commodities.
What the fuck is the point of forking a crypto if you can't trade it with other people.
Jesus Christ you're a fucking retard.

Then hold until the altcoin chipmunnk threads showup and people mocking you for not holding BTC.

>What the fuck is the point of forking a crypto if you can't trade it with other people.
Explain this to the SEC then. Did you even watch the video before sperging out? They have no intention to listening to your bullshit excuses on how somethign is not a security because of its tech or whatever level of decentralization.

So what, rich as fuck lawyers will make the SEC regret such an idiotic ruling.

i hold mainly btc but you are literally making up stuff
not impressed by your small brain dear sir

>So what, rich as fuck lawyers will make the SEC regret such an idiotic ruling.
Hahahahahahaha deluded. Then hold on to your bags and hope some "rich lawyer" will defend it. Clayton's point was that what matters is the ICO itself.

Held an ICO? Then its a fucking security. What really matters to the SEC and CFTC is having some measure of control, and being able to prosecute bad actors effectively. Without clear definitions, that ability dissipates. Everyone can just point to how Ethereum was given a free pass.

Stocks are sec compliant. Your heavily manipulated internet meme money shitcoins are not.

The idea if you fork open source software you create a security is completely ludicrous.
The fact that you refuse to consider that shows you don't know shit about anything.

>holding mainly BTC and not alts
>says my advice of selling ETH for BTC is stupid
Yeah put your money where your mouth is. If you believe ETH will be publicly declared to be NOT a security then it should moon. Why not go majority ETH instead of BTC?

Its almost as if you dont believe your own bullshit. Dont believe someone who says somethign but does a different thing with his money.

cryptos will be too

>thinking the burger's with ETH could have any realistic effect on the overall market

Attached: 1528228381097.jpg (696x413, 27K)

if you think not you is a complete deluded faggot

Nexus is the only alt left with real potential and is 100% not a security due to no premine and no ico. Skycoin is cool but not for Americans.

>The idea if you fork open source software you create a security is completely ludicrous.

Then nothing will be a security. The SEC clearly states that majority of ICOs are securities. Lets say I have an ICO decalred by the SEC to be a security. Since I'm the dev for the ICO and dont want to get JUST'd I'll just fork it and give everyone the same balance in their wallets. Legally i should be good to go if we are to follow what the fuck you believe will happen.

No one will get prosecuted and that is unlikely based on the SEC's tone.

Almost none of the current cryptos are actually SEC compliant. What do you think is more likely?

>SEC bends over backwards to accommodate your Chinese shitcoins

>your Chinese shitcoins got to zero while maybe 5 cryptos in total survive the impending bubble explosion and the gains are nowhere near as fast as it used to be

>Almost none of the current cryptos are actually SEC compliant. What do you think is more likely?
Watch the video. He says cryptos that didnt have an ICO during their inception are NOT securities.

He made it 100% clear that BTC, LTC, and BCH are not securities because no way was their genesis block associated with any ICO. They are alternative currencies - straight from the horses mouth.


Lets just say the by the small chance that ETH doesnt get declared as a security. The SEC has been clear that majority of ICOs are securities right? These ICO fuckers will liquidate their holdings. BUt what other coin aside from their native or ERC20 coin do they hold?

Thats right, these ICOs hold a lot of ETH. Regardless of what happens its fucking bad for ETH.

>They are alternative currencies - straight from the horses mouth.
btc is a commodity brainlet

In fact if you browse r/ethtrader majority of them are REEEEEing about EOS dumping a small portion of their stack. Imagine a lot of ICOs start liquidating ETH together becuase of some FUD? It would be a nightmare for ETH holders.

REEEEing about EOS selling ETH but claiming to have the ballsack to hold through ETH being declared a security lmao what a joke.

The last FUD before the bull run. Market is manipulated to the max.

>btc is a commodity brainle
Alternative currencies and digital gold. Commodity like currency. The government has been clear about this. But its 100% not a security if you just take your ADHD meds and watch the goddamn video.

>The last FUD before the bull run. Market is manipulated to the max.

As expected of someone who believes the Bogdanovs / Sminem owns the market. You guys are literally retarded.

is oil a security you fuckhead?

I'm still not fucking selling. I'm broke and all I hold are alts.

ETH being declared a security won't kill it enitrely. I don't really see how you think enforecment is gonna come down-- are they gonna fine Americans for holding it? Throw Vitalik in jail? Even if the worst comes to pass, the fundamentals of the entire ethereum ecosystem will be unchanged.

I'd love a juicy dip like that.

>why don't we stop being retarded and apply modern regulations to modern technology?
Going to have to wait for the boomers who occupy the regulatory commissions and divisions to die.

guys this is fucking fud if ive ever seen it. Why make a press release about this? nothing has been written in stone. They are getting people to sell to get your coins cheap. This shit happens all the fucking time. You ever wonder how wall street takes control over a market?

Only btc will make it but that’s how it should be hopefully all these scam ico clowns go to ass pounding federal prison

Nothing is going to happen as long as republicans control the house.

lol yea youre right, da gubmit said our magic internet money token coin iz uh secooritee oh darn jeanine wut do we do bout this i guez we gon cash out fer more burgs!

thanks just bought 100k

The FUD bait is so low quality. Are you norms even trying?

Buy NEXUS the untouchable project that is distributed exactly identical to bitcoin but is so much more. Nexus Internet is the future.

>is oil a security you fuckhead?
Was oil invented by a company you fuckhead? Its a natural resource. Meanwhile ETH was created by the Ethereum foundation and held an ICO.

>The FUD bait is so low quality. Are you norms even trying?
Just like how selling in January was fud

Will spam this fucking thread once ETH is declared a security and altcoiners are on suicide watch.

i'm talking about btc you moron
are you mentally handicapped or what's the problem with you?

is stainless steel a security?

>i'm talking about btc you moron
>are you mentally handicapped or what's the problem with you?
>1 post by this ID
Gtfo you schizophrenic piece of shit.

>is stainless steel a security?
hahahahahahahahaahahah are you a retard? comparing stainless steel with ETH lmao if this is you defense against SEC declaring that ETH is a security then RIP

what actually happens if it was declared a security? unregulated burger exchanges aren't allowed to list it?

>what actually happens if it was declared a security?
Back to 0.02 satoshis

are you ok?

i'm the user from earlier
idk why different id

still talking about btc you fucking autismo

Why warn like this. he is pretty much announcing the news. They need to shake out weak hands before they declare a new asset class. Expect a supreme court case soon.

not interested in your price predictions user, i want to know what actually changes

>unregulated burger exchanges aren't allowed to list it?
Nobody corrected you, so you're likely correct.

I hold lots of ETH too, but I'm not really buying this, they might excuse Ethereum as it's a non profit foundation.


If y’all can’t tell this is Astro, you’re retarded. No one else on this board is this desperate for attention.

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