Why is vice media so valuable?, its one of the lowest rated networks and is declining in terms of popularity and quality

why is vice media so valuable?, its one of the lowest rated networks and is declining in terms of popularity and quality

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The narratives it sells are more valuable than the property itself. So (((they))) pay to prop it up.

This goes for any failing legacy media outlet.

>white people bad!
>patriarchy bad!

Everyone of their articles now is based on one of those three talking points. Shit gets old.

Vicw used to be about journalism before the boys sold it. War updates with on the ground foreign correspondents to interesting stories on ayuahscau to drug cartel influence throughout americas. Now its "Chicago taco fest turns out to be huge scam, when will we learn"
Thats what big institutional money does to the integrity of an idea.

besides some spots its the only channel i watch on TV
If everybody watched VICE (besides the homo shit) the world would be a much better place

they didnt sell idiot. They have regular Vice and then Vice news. You're talking about Vice news which you can still get

it is one of the only places in ireland to watch anime, i dont know if this is a good thing or not

I like Vice because it pisses people off. It's almost like their entire reason to exist is to trigger Jow Forumstards into an inconsolable rage.

They allowed advertisers to reach a demographic that was hard to market to- hipsters. You used to be able to pick up their nice, thick, glossy magazine in cool places for free because it was all subsidized by the ads.

you must not have grown significant scrotum hair boy
vice was unironically one of the best printmagazines and a fairly good web/video-zine
long gone
so sad

Meh, not really dude. They really started as a dumb magazie for hipsters. The attempts at serious journalism came later.

It's just more faggot liberal garbage. Into the trash it goes alongside buzzfeed, vox, Huffington post, etc

Vice is the most degenerate outlet there is. every article is about "the new wave of hip transexual cat fetishists" or "the underground realm of gay nigger asian asshole poop drinkers" or "the rise of female skateboarders so edgy and challenging to the status quo!" just look at their snapchat

That doesn’t address the question. You can think something is trash but still wonder why it’s valuable. Vice also made Gavin McGinnis rich and, while he’s no longer part of vice, he’s definitely not a liberal.

this is the fault of your current generation of faggots
early vice was'nt for "hipsters" as you would recognize them today

Vice didn't make Gavin rich, Gavin made Vice worth something which then made him rich. It's been on the decline ever since he left.

Meh, that’s kind of a chicken or the egg argument to me but ok. I don’t consume any vice media so I can’t comment on the quality (I’m certainly not following them on fucking snapchat). I was just trying to answer OPs question.

They went from being kind of punk, edgy, and cool like playing the Sex Pistols in North Korea or interviewing General Butt Naked.

Then they became some boring ass social justice website full of content creators that just whine about hippy bullshit.

yes they did you fag, (((Conde Nast))) owns them. Shane and pajeet still run it though.

Boomers think millenials like it and will always like it because it was cool 5 years ago.

nigger, this was cool 15 years ago
and supercool 20 years ago
i just realized what a bunch of ruggrat faggots you people are
god help me


Been around a while. Probably still have money from the days when they only had a printed magazine

It's one of the few news sources that attracts millenials.


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yeah i sorry i was a cool kid
when the current state of vice reflects your faggot peergroup/agebracket then i feel deeply sorry for you

Because they sold out, obviously. Watch "This is what winning looks like" and the motherboard piece on mesh networks. Good shit from when they weren't complete sellouts yet.

Real shame that they sold out, used to watch some of their journalistic documentaries. Now it's all sjw crap

it went to shit since the artist behind it, the prophet whose name is gavin mcinnes, got bought out. he is a conservative. he is fascinating, and the whole "the world is dark and edgy but we would never dare to point out why" vice shit just sucks. i like their cooking shows, but anything they try that has a political undertone is just sad to watch, and almost sarcastic. itsa libtard television for the cool kids who take shrooms and discuss capitalism while snorting coke.

Condé Nast sucks. They also own reddit fwiw.

he is the creative behind it, the rest were sales people.

He really was the spirit of it. He kinda was/is the spirit of everything even slightly redeemable and fun about hipsterism. He keeps himself interested in the world.

>and guy friends