$1 EOY

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$1 EOY

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It’s gonna fucking happen

it's happening. I'm going to be so rich bros

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Bought 100K today user. Imma colxmarine now :)

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>the "I don't even know what a market cap is!" starter pack

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someone plz explain the dapps. what can i do/will i be able to do

You'll be able to sell Colx for $1 per coin.

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Someone debunk this market cap FUD for me

Retards think the current crypto market cap will stay the same forever

This: , and also EOS was a thing that actually happened in this current reality.

>implying $10 Billion dollars are going to flow into Colx to make it $1

>implying $10 billion needs to flow into colx to make it $1

the absolute state of brainlets

This, but unironically.

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It's between this and holo for me

every thread

Will someone for the love of fuck use number 5 staking pool and fill it up. We only need another 3 million. I'm 900k and ready to harvest

Can one of you colx Bros help me out on master node 5 on staking lab. We only need another 3 million to hit 10 and get rolling


explain for a brainlet then

Technically if one peraon bought at 1 dollar the price would be.... 1 dollar

I'm here a lot but I'm sure I've missed some of his threads. I've been pretty good lately though.

Ok So basically here it is for you stupid brainlets. $1 Colx could happen. in order for colx to be 50 cents, the marketcap would have to be half of the total coin supply. so, ~$10 Billion would have to be colx mkcat. Now you say its not realistic, but understand that the crypto market is still small compared to global markets, and there could be a huge surge of money entering the entire space. Bitcoin could go to $100k, LTC to $2,000, etc. Meanwhile colx rises through the ranks and hits around top 50. Totally possible.

Of course the funny thing is that by the time that happens, every person with half a brain will realize the old fiat system is dying and its better to hold onto your crypto anyway.

That and their grid computer marketplace will only accept colx. The needs for supercomputers is going to grow, and this will be a far easier and accessible way for companies to "rent"one

All of that hinges on getting grid computing to work on the kind of things that companies are interested in paying money for though. I'm bullish on COLX but the promised technology needs to actually work for it to be economically viable. Stuff like BOINC/SETI or even CPU/GPU crypto miners have been around for a while now but some skepticism is still warranted until we have more of an idea about what the market might be like for grid computing. Grid storage seems like it would be a much easier tech to develop.

This is why colx will moon to at least 50 cents. Maybe 1 dollar.

Taken from dev:

A year from now focus will be on the Colossus Grid. It's great that there are many privacy coins out there, but many of these privacy coins are all doing the same thing. They are competing with each other.

ColossusXT has a clear path to grid computing, and the energy consumption alone from a Supercomputer is about $6M in energy costs a year, not to mention $150-250m for assembly and design. The Colossus Grid makes supercomputing available for any consumer or data center, whilst saving energy, upfront costs, and entirely removing the maintenance involved with large data centers.

Networking a grid of previously unused resources is paramount to the evolution of ColossusXT and our partnerships and exchanges will continue to expand over the year, "regular people" like to make money. They like to be rewarded. Contributing to the Colossus Grid can reward "regular people" with COLX. Everyone loves making money, especially when all they need to do is connect to the network and sell their unused resources on the Colossus Grid!

The great thing about ColossusXT vision is that the world is beginning to see how grid computing can create a more efficient world around us. IBM's David Turek *(Vice President of Emerging Tech - Quote below)* shares a similar vision as ColossusXT and as people begin to understand what we're building and all the different area's the Colossus Grid can contribute to, this vision can be shared globally.

```In our vision of the future, if you’re a customer who occasionally needs 10 teraflops, for example, don’t buy a machine that’s underutilized most of the time; buy it from the grid. So grid computing will play into our vision of computing as a utility.```

I think they total market capitalization doesn't even have to increase for Colx to get somewhere between price levels of .25 to .50 cents. By developing their Grid project, they are the only privacy currency with some inherent value due to it being used for real world services. This one offers something that differentiates it from all others.

I wanted pick up one privacy coin in my portfolio, and after doing some research Colx came out on top... this being one of the reasons. My most conservative estimate is about .20 cents. If the market goes totally bullish again, $1 could be doable.

my concern is the viability of the grid when other coins like sonm, rlc, gnt, and eng are all doing some version of fog/grid computing and working on it now not in a year

I don't necessarily see them as competitors tho, because all of them seem to be approaching it from slightly different perspectives. I do think Colx made a smart move by presenting itself as a micro-transactional coin with a max supply of just 8mm coins (20% locked in MN's). Would you rather spend 10 bucks on 50 Colx, or 50 bucks on 1 RLC?

While we're still at sub-100 Sat price levels, it's certainly a thing to consider.

I think all of them will perform nice tho; inherent value will be key in surviving the comming shedding of the "funny money" image.

also, the cloud computing market as a whole isn't static either and will grow as we'll move into the future with more and more use cases piling up. There's plenty of room for newcomers at this early stage imho.

needs x500 for 1$

which makes this a potential golden ticket user. Put in a hundred bucks or so. I don't think you're gonna regret it.

wont happen,look at verge during the ultra bull run

20 cents max

Verge is a useless shitcoin with 2013 tier technology.

If we subtract the colx coins locked by masternodes, then verge has nearly twice the circulating supply. Verge also pales in comparison with colx quality-wise bro.

Maybe i have too much faith in colx, i dont know... but it checked out on all fronts when researching it. I guess only time will tell.

How many times has Verge been hacked now? And there is a good chance some of those hacks were by the developer too, who is a known criminal and a flake when it comes to getting results.
Colossus will shit on the Xvg bull run when the time is right.

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Quality post, user. Thanks for stopping by.

Jow Forums really has gone down the shitter... it's not just a meme.

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thats a fair point, i suppose i wasnt looking as far ahead as you