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I unironically just bought some for the first time in months.


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Stop laughing at me


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You seriously need some pussy in your life my nigga

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Found the linklet.

Found the virgin

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A chainlink although it may seem to be a relatively simple token, it is not - on the contrary of being simple: A chainlink is more than a link with a chain connecting it, it is a massively complex token containing more than a thousand separate loc per link, usually with nine links per chain that makes over nine thousand separate components, but the token will work limitedly with just one link.

Chainlinking is also known as chaining and linking and is a massive fad among neets aged 22-28, the token in a simpler form were first invented by Sir Gay Trolington over 3 years ago in Australia.

A chainlink basically simulates a feeling, originally this was accomplished with mechanical tokens in the link with some extremely cruel pranksters putting item such as glass and nails in witch would often decapitate the chain, this led to a act of parliament in 2017 by the UK banning the tokens, which was quickly followed by the rest of the world.

Although still banned the “underground market” of chainlinks saw a boom in sales during the 2016s’s and was redeveloped into its current electrical module in the mid 2017s by an unnamed MacDonalds worker.

The token works on the same principals as electrical prosthetic phalli, an electrical impulse is shot up the nervous system that will make the arse think that it is feeling something; anything can be simulated such as checking a price or exiting a scam.

The chainlink costs around 15c per link and are usually sold out within months; they have reportedly have gone for over 17c per chainlink on ebay.

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Look at this cope level

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$1000 eoy ... EOY ... EEEEOOOOOYYYYYY

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Biggest JUST of the JUSTED

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the amount of niggers speaking people in link threads is increasing.
Potent FUD

why is it dumping so hard rn?

is a whale dumping his bags?

>my nigga
I need a shower now, thanks tyrone.

Sir-Gay is finally cashing out. He's made his money start a new scam token.

$1/1000 eoy

Coordonate FUDD. Those who fudd will not make it.

seriously, what the fucking fuck is going on anyway?

This give me so much satisfaction
>Tonight! It's happening

Attached: IMG_20180605_194601.jpg (602x800, 97K)


Something big is around the corner.

Just on reddit to see how they are coping with facts (trying to hide it with downvotes) and I saw these rules
>Please refrain from speculating on partnerships
>No links to Jow Forums
What other crypto has that?

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>Something big is around the corner.
A big DUMP by Sergey who found his inner pajeet

This is the perfect time to buy. I'm actually buying more now, thanks for selling me your linkies you weak handed faithless babies.

I’m just beyond happy knowing that every one of you neet memelords lost your mom’s money

ive got 100k link kek. few years from now ill look like a fucking idiot but at least i lived life going balls to the wall like a madman and gave myself a shot at the very least. worst case i end up like every 67 yr old and who doesnt have a pot to piss in and relies on the gubberment to take care of them. In all honestly you should be taking on major risk for 1 decade start at twenty five years old and by thirty five if you still havent made it you got 30 YEARS to save money like every other average pleb on the planet. if you can not manage to save money over thirty years and live conservatively then i guess you were destined to be broke but id rather be broke with balls than broke and also a pussy. i might be broke or rich but ill never be a bitch 1k eoy