Things you can say about your portfolio, but not to your girlfriend

Things you can say about your portfolio, but not to your girlfriend

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it has depreciated over time and i regret keeping it

My portfolio exists.

Whale alert

Looks better upside down

It needs to gain some weight.

I wish I dumped you in December

How do I short this?

My portfolio doesn't look like a redhead with a giant set of tits on a thin frame.

My portfolio has only gotten bigger over the years.


It a useless piece of shit

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It’s gonna get fucked by the SEC.

I love you

You got mood swings.

I wish I could sell you for lots of money.

post pics

It goes down on me every day.

TRUE STORY TIME: I slept with a prostitute a few months ago and post sex i noticed on her fridge she put a sign up saying bitcoin? how to buy. so i got talking to her about it and i said a had a few.

Now the bitch won't leave me alone and im getting free sex because she thinks we are going to end in a relationship. I fucking love bitcoin

My portfolio sucks.

your value increases as time goes by


Wear a rubber


you are depressing

id miss her more
i think

hot damn user

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I've seen a lot of gains...

I've gained so much. It has never disappointed me.

I hold multiple long positions

Why do you exist?



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Let's me get in when there is a bloodbath


at least i know you'll fuck me tonight

full of green dildos

Its unstable

Just fucked my portfolio

I'm not looking at you for a week

i have one

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i want out of this abusive relationship

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I love holding your bags

At least you will be worth it 2 years from now.....

Top kek

That huge green dildo was thrilling

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I hope my wife doesn't find out.



i have a portfolio.

I wish I'd tethered up last night

hehe good one

You're on my watch list

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hello nice to meet you



So much red, are you on the rag?

I wish I had sold you.

At least the red isn't smeared over my face during monthly down periods

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Can't believe I bought in at ath before it crashed