Do you like Japanese food?

Do you like Japanese food?
What kind of Japanese food do you like?

Attached: sushi.jpg (1080x1080, 174K)

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I'd like to think that novelty chess board was the only size The Rock could buy appropriate for a fucking unit like himself.
Also, I swear he has only a single facial reaction. Even Arnie had more range.

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Wow, he got old fast.

I made a ramen bowl couple days ago, and all I can say is fuck making ramen. Takes way too long for what it is.

he could still beat your bitch ass
don't talk shit

What sort of ramen did you make?

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I dont

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I don't fucking know, the one with bone stock, pork, some chinese fungus (couldn't find shitake) and whatever the fuck else. Posted a picture in another thread. Didn't burn my garlic enough, the oil turned out too light somehow.

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Looks like you at least made a pretty decent effort, props for that.

>that pic
>Japanese food
So avocados do belong to sushi now?

I like eating Japanese pussy if that counts.


I've made faux sushi as well. Trust me, it looked worse.

I made chinese dumplings for the first time from scratch yesterday. Same thing, took me FOREVER to essentially make appetizers.

I made tempura the day before, that was pretty easy. I used a little seltzer water in my batter to carbonate it and make it lighter/crunchier. They say not to use a cooking adhesive like egg but that's bullshit, without it the crust is so thin you can barely taste it.

How is ramen that difficult though? if you make one bowl, sure that's fucking annoying but it kind looks like you have to make a large batch of each separate ingredient. Like, a large log of pork loin, make a bunch of boiled eggs, fry up a little bit of bean sprouts, boil shiitake and toss them i the fridge. Then when you want to make a bowl, you just grab it already prepared from the fridge and all that's left is to boil your noddles.

But I totally agree that's a bitch to make it all for just one bowl.

bone stock is good, but if you're going to make tonkatsu ramen i suggest taking the longer route making a proper chashu, letting it marinade for a day or better yet, two, and using the remaining liquid along with the bone stock as a base. if you're using dried shitake, you can also use this very same liquid to rehydrate them, or alternatively use the water you'd normally use as part of the base. also you can use the grease from your chashu to fry some veggies/mushrooms prior to combining with the base. it's well worth the effort and time. especially during cold winter

The fuck is chatsu?

is google unavailable in the states?

It is you little bitch who bothered to type that out and do the captcha instead of actually answering me, I was just tying to start a conversation like a normal person.

Japanese food

>normal person
>passive aggressive
pick one

you seem angry and stupid

tere. kas sa oskad midagi ütelda selle kohta? :D

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The initial prep just takes too long IMO. Maybe if I had to feed an entire family and used like a 20l pot it would make sense.

I basically didn't even follow a recipe, just looked at some pictures and skimmed a five minute youtube video. I'll give it a proper go some time, but not too soon. That's probably going to be even more work.

Yeah it's annoying no doubt about it. on netflix there's a show called Chef's Table I'd recommend. There's a episode about an American guy who moved to Japan, was a total NEET, fuckup, weeb loser in his 30s who planned on being a house husband. His wife pressured him to open a tiny restaurant because he was kinda good at cooking.

So he did and his Ramen shop became one of the most famous in all of Japan. He was on TV a bunch and even got a deal to make his noodles into an instant ramen cup. He made his noodles from scratch though, I've done it once and by god is it a pain in the cock to make noodles without a machine. His "secret" was adding a little bit of rye flour to his dough. And damn good fatty chicken stock.

Sushi, Basashi, Okonomiyaki and Ramen

now gib mi romandy gf in return for more horses

Attached: Ds0sfewU0AANsUy.jpg (1199x676, 79K)

Addictive as fuck


patrician option coming through

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sorry poor people eat this

status of food never stays constant

No, I'm a human being.

tb h beef sushi was my favorite. Wish someone start selling that here.

Jap food is really just fish and rice. Nothing wrong with that, but its hardly God-tier cuisine.

Also, does eating so much fish make Jap pussies smell worse than those of other women?

looks nice, how much does it cost there?

I guess export of wagyu (japanese beef) is very limited but it tastes good if you don't mind rare steak

but you chinks eat human baby soup

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craving some 五平餅 right now ladm8

also i want きつねうどん
and ざるそば