
*sips latte*
excuse me!!
*gentrifies/destroys neighborhood*
why doesn't
*sipping intensifies*
europe take
*wears weird hat*
all the refugees in?

are they like this in all countries everywhere

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>implying gentrification is a bad thing


Yes, liberals are people with empathy and enough brain cells to not fall for retarded far-right propaganda everywhere.

Yes, the bourgeoisie will always be enemies of the laborers and the working class proletariat.

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>brain cells


^ Choose one user. Intellect or emotionalism.

Cute girl.
What's wrong?


That's a weird thing to say. There are mirror neurons in your brain, and that's why you have empathy.

Smarter people usually have a better insight into how the world works and do not concern themselves with trivial concepts of "feelings", "love" and "empathy". They view things on an objective basis and seek to form the world according to their vision.

Love, empathy and other kinds of feelings are not about the " insight into how the world works".They are parts of complicated social instrument hardwired in the human brain. It's there because it proved itself to be effective on the course of the evolutionary history.

It looks like you chose autism over intellectualism or emotionalism

then Jow Forumstards are the smartest people on earth

Gentrification also means even middle class people start paying 50% of their income on rent. Only jews benefit

There are IQs and EQs, user. People possess both. Look it up

My fedora is tipping on its own

No those dumbasses are about as emotionally charged as bleeding heart liberals. Two sides same coin.

Agree to disagree then.

I've always found it hard to "feel". IDK why, maybe I should go on the adv board? Throughout my relatively short life I have a hard time grasping why I should bother giving a fuck about the situations of others, esp. people halfway across the world from me. Even as a child I could never truly step into someone else's shoes, see things from their perspective. Why should I, when I could use all that time improving myself and taking advantage of my privileged upbringing and good university education? Like why should I give a fuck about starving kids in Africa, when I've got my whole life set out ahead of me? Might as well live it, and try to amass as much power and wealth as I can during my life. Only one life anyway, might as well live for yourself and only for yourself.

There is nothing to disagree about. Our social nature is one of the main reasons why we are so successful as a species.
>I have a hard time grasping why I should bother giving a fuck
You either an edgy teen or a sociopath then.
>Even as a child I could never truly step into someone else's shoes, see things from their perspective
Yeap, you probably have some kind of the dysfunction in your brain.

Which Girls Out West scene is that?

this, what a braindead word
oh no please don't make my bleak shithole livable

You literally have a malfunctioning brain, don’t be proud of that, you’re defective

Having low EQ usually relates to not having empathy. Guess now we know what you are but its ok, user. We luv u

*folk music intensifies*
what about
*sips craft beer*

i love these women but they're usually so arrogant. uugggh

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Been like this as long I can remember user, not really something I'm proud of... but I am not regretful of it either.

Isn't social nature simply learning how to speak and react according to accepted social customs? Like knowing how to "fit in" outside so you don't look like a total loser, or stand out in a negative fashion? If that's the case I suppose I do fairly okay.

I would desu.

I wish Bernie was our president desu

>Isn't social nature simply learning how to speak and react according to accepted social customs?
There couldn't be any social customs without humans being social in the first place. Empathy is a much older mechanism than any society.

do not objectify my hipster waifu


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imagine if shed crush my testes for being racist


Too late, I'd fuck her bum while she calls me a racist.
She probably won't see you as a racist and gives herself to you.

>brain cells
Not here at least.

not if I go after your bum preemptively

I will speak to her in my Semitic language, and try to fool her; make her think I'm some refugee. I'd be balls deep in her cute butt in no time.

sorry francesco, I am already a mutt hybrid. 56% emanates from my body. you can try your cringe wordplay, but I will simply tape my 23andMe results to my chest and walk up to her and tell her my masculine pronouns (him/his). this is no contest

Being a souless cunt doesn't magically make you smarter.

And what did I do to you? Someone's triggered.

I will impress her with the browness of my skin. I will make her cry with bullshit stories from Syria and life on a boat crossing the Mediterranean.
She would want to adopt me as her little refugee baby in an instant.



Imagine how tightly she'd hug me when I tell her that I almost drowned in the Mediterranean. That's when the groping starts.

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