

Attached: nordic_resistance_movement.jpg (711x512, 135K)

incel rage


don't care
but they are right kicking off unwanted refugees or immigrants


>tfw blue eyes and dirty blond hair

Come and kidnap me to Norway pls

based but useless struggle wh*toids are going to be extinct within two generations

The founder of the Finnish Resistance Movement married a chink

Was he Swedish?

Some say he's playing the long con and has his sights set on the position of Prime Minister

nazis love azn girls because they're closer to their pure submissive waifu fantasy than white women are

fuck nords, celts are the future

Attached: 9e7.jpg (249x249, 41K)

How many swedes look like this and are named " Esa Holappa"?

Attached: 1BE23F4C4EC41CC1BACA9840BD8BB250.jpg (749x499, 60K)

What are you talking about? This guy looks svenska

Du förstår nog vad jag menar om du tänker lite efter.

Attached: 1542949371356.jpg (774x850, 197K)

Unironically cringe. More cringe than the 12-year-old playing Fortnite with the gamertag "XXXCommandoAssassin666".

Absolutely not

I say he looks svenska and on top of that even ursvenska
if you disagree it's your word against mine

a bunch of Jow Forumstards

we don't take kindly to them here on 4channel



This. 4channel is against racism, niggers are equal to humans.

unironically this

celts are MED

what is their platform

fuck nordfront, im a part of celtfront

They are neo nazis

Harsh Swedish tyranny over Norway, Denmark and Finland



Attached: everybody-deserves-to-be-treated-equally-it-doesnt-matter-if-21929325.png (500x378, 101K)

so arab cocks for all of Scandinavian? :DDDDDDDD

Cringe movement for mentally weak people.

where is varg?