My name is John. I love you and Jesus loves yo-

>My name is John. I love you and Jesus loves yo-

*twip... twip*

Attached: senti.png (372x307, 247K)

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This is what the Tainos should've done to Colombus

amerimutts iffy uh niggas got the stiffy uh

How BLACK can a man be?

They'd all get exterminated even quicker because they weren't dealing with impotent americucks

Attached: 1543077362898.png (2602x1354, 322K)

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Why aren't leftists trying to open their borders ?

I'd love to see how the world would look like if Euros at best would just do some local trade with Africa, middle east.
Maybe we wouldn't have that many cucks worshiping blacks today.

can somebody get me full story?
What happened? I've seen memes but still don't get it.
Some burger tried preaching to one of those isolated tribes that shoot arrows at passing by planes?