Imagine how the world was back in times when Italians and Greeks used to rule it
Hell, it probably was like the most horrifying and awful shithole I can probably think off
This wogs can't even manage small states, I'm glad my Germanic BVLL ancestors made an end to their faggy rule full of kleptocracy, pedophilia and homosexuality
Also this disgusting smell of olives and garlic
>Ayyy goombah, we-a gonna go todah senateee today eh, le cesari is-a abouda to speak
Imagine how the world was back in times when Italians and Greeks used to rule it
Ancient Greeks and Romans were white, fair-haired and pale. They had far more in common with the average Englishman, German, and Scandinavian, than they do with the modern-day, lazy wogs who currently inhabit those once proud civilisations. MY ancestors built the Colosseum in Rome and the Parthenon in Athens. Not the Arab shitalians and Turkish gayreeks currently squatting in those places.
Imagine all the sunburns
unnironically latins came from central europe
Trips of truth
Thank allah i'm a green-eyed 187cm tall bvll
but it is true doe.
Yea but i really am a lanket too
Uneducated scum that's where all indoeuropeans came from
Taking pride in other's people achievements, how pathetic of you. There's little to no genetic difference between ancient Romans and nowadays Italians
butthurt shitalian. Romans were nordic, hail odin