Are there any countries besides your own that you would be willing to fight for?

are there any countries besides your own that you would be willing to fight for?

Attached: nuclear holocaust.jpg (600x739, 193K)

i wouldn’t even fight for my own but I will die for Ukraine

Of course not. I would gladly die than live anywhere else on this gay earth.

i wouldn’t even fight for my own but I will die for Ukraine

Anglo countries and my own maybe depending on the situation, but probably none unless there was some sort of attack and I lost family or something in it.

Austria, they are our brothers and if it wasn't for the allies they would still be part of our cunt

>i wouldn’t even fight for my own


Cucks like these are why the Germans lost both World Wars.

I apologize on behalf on the United States for people like this.


Attached: FinnicBrothers.jpg (875x552, 401K)